Library Coqtail.Fresh.Inhabited.InhabitedTactics
Require Import Monad.
Ltac unroll_hypotheses := match goal with
| H : inhabited _ |- _ ⇒ destruct H as (H); unroll_hypotheses
| _ ⇒ idtac
Ltac fail_if_not_prop :=
let Hprop := fresh in
pose proof inhabits I as Hprop;
destruct Hprop as [Hprop];
clear Hprop.
Ltac unlift := fail_if_not_prop; unroll_hypotheses; try apply inhabits.
Ltac unroll_hypotheses := match goal with
| H : inhabited _ |- _ ⇒ destruct H as (H); unroll_hypotheses
| _ ⇒ idtac
Ltac fail_if_not_prop :=
let Hprop := fresh in
pose proof inhabits I as Hprop;
destruct Hprop as [Hprop];
clear Hprop.
Ltac unlift := fail_if_not_prop; unroll_hypotheses; try apply inhabits.