Library Coqtail.Complex.Cmet
Require Import Rlimit.
Require Export Cbase.
Require Import Ctacfield.
Require Import Cnorm.
Require Import Cprop_base.
Require Import Rsequence_def.
Require Import Csequence.
Require Import Csequence_facts.
Require Import Cfunctions.
Open Scope C_scope.
Definition of the distance in C
Definition C_dist a b := Cnorm (a - b).
Lemma C_dist_pos : ∀ a b, C_dist a b ≥ 0.
intros ; unfold C_dist ; apply Rle_ge ; apply Cnorm_pos.
Lemma C_dist_sym : ∀ a b, C_dist a b = C_dist b a.
intros ; unfold C_dist ; rewrite Cnorm_minus_sym ; reflexivity.
Lemma C_dist_refl : ∀ a b, C_dist a b = 0%R ↔ a = b.
intros a b ; split ; intro H.
assert (M := Cnorm_0 _ H) ; apply Cminus_diag_uniq ; assumption.
unfold C_dist ; subst ; unfold Cminus ; rewrite Cadd_opp_r ; apply Cnorm_C0.
Lemma C_dist_tri : ∀ a b c, C_dist a b ≤ C_dist a c + C_dist c b.
intros ; unfold C_dist ; replace (a - b) with ((a - c) + (c - b)) by field ;
apply Cnorm_triang.
Lemma C_dist_plus : ∀ a b c d, C_dist (a + c) (b + d) ≤ C_dist a b + C_dist c d.
intros a b c d ; unfold C_dist ; replace (a + c - (b+d)) with ((a-b) + (c-d)) by ring ;
apply Cnorm_triang.
Lemma C_dist_eq : ∀ a b, a = b → C_dist a b = 0%R.
intros ; apply (proj2 (C_dist_refl _ _)) ; assumption.
C metric space
Definition C_met : Metric_Space :=
Build_Metric_Space C C_dist C_dist_pos C_dist_sym C_dist_refl C_dist_tri.
Definition limit1_in (f:C→C) (D:C → Prop) (l z:C) : Prop :=
limit_in C_met C_met f D z l.
Definition Boule (c : C) (r : posreal) (x : C) := dist C_met c x < r.
Definition CVN_r (fn : nat → C → C) (r : posreal) := {An : nat → C &
{l : R |
Rseq_cv (fun n : nat ⇒ sum_f_R0 (fun k : nat ⇒ Cnorm (An k)) n) l ∧
(∀ (n : nat) (y : C), Boule 0 r y → Cnorm (fn n y) ≤ Cnorm (An n))}}.
Definition D_x (D:C → Prop) (y x:C) : Prop := D x ∧ y ≠ x.
Definition Dgf (Df Dg:C → Prop) (f:C→C) (z:C) := Df z ∧ Dg (f z).
Definition adhDa (D:C → Prop) (a:C) : Prop := ∀ alp:R, alp > 0 →
∃ x, D x ∧ C_dist x a < alp.
Compatibility of limit with operators
Lemma single_limit : ∀ f D l l' x,
adhDa D x → limit1_in f D l x → limit1_in f D l' x →
l = l'.
unfold limit1_in, limit_in ; intros f D l l' x HD Hl Hl' ;
cut (∀ eps:R, eps > 0 → dist C_met l l' < eps).
simpl ; unfold C_dist ; intro Hforall.
apply Cseq_cv_unique with (fun _ ⇒ l).
apply Cseq_cst_cv.
intros eps eps_pos ; ∃ 0%nat ; intros n n_lb ; apply Hforall ; assumption.
intros eps eps_pos ; assert (eps_2_pos : eps / 2 > 0) by fourier ;
destruct (Hl (eps / 2)%R eps_2_pos) as (alpha1, [alpha1_pos Halpha1]) ;
destruct (Hl' (eps / 2)%R eps_2_pos) as (alpha2, [alpha2_pos Halpha2]) ;
assert (alpha'_pos : Rmin alpha1 alpha2 > 0) by (apply Rmin_pos ; assumption) ;
destruct (HD (Rmin alpha1 alpha2)%R alpha'_pos) as (x', [Dx' Hx']) ; clear Hl Hl' HD.
apply Rle_lt_trans with (Cnorm (l - (f x')) + Cnorm (f x' - l'))%R.
simpl ; unfold C_dist.
replace (Cnorm (l - l')) with (Cnorm ((l - f x') + (f x' - l')))
by (apply Cnorm_eq_compat ; field) ; apply Cnorm_triang.
apply Rlt_le_trans with (eps / 2 + eps / 2)%R ; [| right ; field] ;
apply Rlt_trans with (Cnorm (l - f x') + eps / 2)%R.
apply Rplus_lt_compat_l ; simpl in Halpha2 ; apply Halpha2 ; split ;
[| apply Rlt_le_trans with (Rmin alpha1 alpha2) ; [| apply Rmin_r]] ; assumption.
apply Rplus_lt_compat_r ; simpl in Halpha1 ; rewrite Cnorm_minus_sym ;
apply Halpha1 ; split ; [| apply Rlt_le_trans with (Rmin alpha1 alpha2) ;
[| apply Rmin_l]] ; assumption.
Lemma limit_plus : ∀ (f g:C → C) (D:C → Prop) (l l' z:C),
limit1_in f D l z →
limit1_in g D l' z → limit1_in (fun x:C ⇒ f x + g x) D (l + l') z.
intros; unfold limit1_in in |- *; unfold limit_in in |- *; simpl in |- *;
intros; elim (H (eps × / 2)%R (eps2_Rgt_R0 eps H1));
elim (H0 (eps × / 2)%R (eps2_Rgt_R0 eps H1)); simpl in |- *;
clear H H0; intros; elim H; elim H0; clear H H0; intros;
split with (Rmin x0 x); split.
apply Rmin_Rgt_r ; split ; assumption.
intros; elim H4; clear H4; intros;
cut (C_dist (f x1) l + C_dist (g x1) l' < eps).
cut (C_dist (f x1 + g x1) (l + l') ≤ C_dist (f x1) l + C_dist (g x1) l').
apply Rle_lt_trans.
apply C_dist_plus.
elim (Rmin_Rgt_l x0 x (C_dist x1 z) H5); clear H5; intros.
generalize (H3 x1 (conj H4 H6)); generalize (H0 x1 (conj H4 H5)); intros;
replace eps with (eps × / 2 + eps × / 2)%R.
apply Rplus_lt_compat ; assumption.
apply eps2.
Lemma limit_opp : ∀ (f:C → C) (D:C → Prop) (l x0:C),
limit1_in f D l x0 → limit1_in (fun x:C ⇒ - f x) D (- l) x0.
unfold limit1_in in |- *; unfold limit_in in |- *; simpl in |- *; intros;
elim (H eps H0); clear H; intros; elim H; clear H;
intros; split with x; split; auto; intros; generalize (H1 x1 H2);
clear H1; intro; unfold C_dist in |- *; unfold Cminus in |- *;
rewrite (Copp_involutive l); rewrite (Cadd_comm (- f x1) l);
fold (l - f x1) in |- *; fold (C_dist l (f x1)) in |- *;
rewrite C_dist_sym; assumption.
Lemma limit_minus : ∀ (f g:C → C) (D:C → Prop) (l l' x0:C),
limit1_in f D l x0 →
limit1_in g D l' x0 → limit1_in (fun x:C ⇒ f x - g x) D (l - l') x0.
intros; unfold Cminus in |- *; generalize (limit_opp g D l' x0 H0); intro;
exact (limit_plus f (fun x:C ⇒ - g x) D l (- l') x0 H H1).
Lemma limit_free : ∀ (f:C → C) (D:C → Prop) (x x0:C),
limit1_in (fun h:C ⇒ f x) D (f x) x0.
unfold limit1_in in |- *; unfold limit_in in |- *; simpl in |- *; intros;
split with eps; split; auto; intros; elim (C_dist_refl (f x) (f x));
intros a b; rewrite (b (refl_equal (f x))); unfold Rgt in H;
Lemma limit_mul : ∀ (f g:C → C) (D:C → Prop) (l l' x0:C),
limit1_in f D l x0 →
limit1_in g D l' x0 → limit1_in (fun x:C ⇒ f x × g x) D (l × l') x0.
intros f g D l l' z Hf Hg eps eps_pos.
elim (Hf (Rmin 1 (eps × mul_factor (Cnorm l) (Cnorm l')))
(mul_factor_gt_f eps (Cnorm l) (Cnorm l') eps_pos)) ;
elim (Hg (eps × mul_factor (Cnorm l) (Cnorm l'))%R
(mul_factor_gt eps (Cnorm l) (Cnorm l') eps_pos)) ;
clear Hf Hg ; simpl ; intros x Hf y Hg ; elim Hf ; elim Hg ;
clear Hf Hg ; intros y_pos Hx x_pos Hy ; split with (Rmin y x) ;
split ; [apply Rmin_Rgt_r ; split ; assumption |].
intros z' [Dz' Hz'] ; unfold C_dist ; replace (f z' × g z' - l × l') with
(f z' × (g z' - l') + l' × (f z' - l)).
cut (Cnorm (f z' × (g z' - l')) + Cnorm (l' × (f z' - l)) < eps).
(Cnorm (f z' × (g z' - l') + l' × (f z' - l)) ≤
Cnorm (f z' × (g z' - l')) + Cnorm (l' × (f z' - l))).
apply Rle_lt_trans.
apply Cnorm_triang.
repeat (rewrite Cnorm_Cmult) ;
cut ((1 + Cnorm l) × (eps × mul_factor (Cnorm l) (Cnorm l'))
+ Cnorm l' × (eps × mul_factor (Cnorm l) (Cnorm l')) ≤ eps).
cut (Cnorm (f z') × Cnorm (g z' - l') + Cnorm l' × Cnorm (f z' - l) <
(1 + Cnorm l) × (eps × mul_factor (Cnorm l) (Cnorm l'))
+ Cnorm l' × (eps × mul_factor (Cnorm l) (Cnorm l'))).
apply Rlt_le_trans.
elim (Rmin_Rgt_l y x (C_dist z' z) Hz'); intros Hx2 Hy2.
apply Rplus_lt_le_compat.
apply Rmult_ge_0_gt_0_lt_compat.
apply Rle_ge ; apply Cnorm_pos.
rewrite Rplus_comm ; unfold Rgt in |- *; apply Rle_lt_0_plus_1;
apply Cnorm_pos.
apply Rplus_lt_reg_r with (- Cnorm l)%R.
rewrite <- Rplus_assoc ; rewrite (Rplus_comm (- Cnorm l) 1).
rewrite (Rplus_assoc 1 (- Cnorm l) (Cnorm l)) ; rewrite Rplus_opp_l ;
rewrite (proj1 (Rplus_ne 1)) ; rewrite (Rplus_comm (- Cnorm l) (Cnorm (f z'))) ;
cut (Cnorm (f z' - l) < 1) ; cut (Cnorm (f z') - Cnorm l ≤ Cnorm (f z' - l)).
apply Rle_lt_trans.
apply Cnorm_triang_rev_l.
intros _ ; apply Rlt_le_trans with (Rmin 1 (eps × mul_factor (Cnorm l) (Cnorm l'))) ;
[apply Hx ; split ; assumption | apply Rmin_l].
apply Cnorm_triang_rev_l.
apply Hy ; split ; assumption.
apply Rmult_le_compat.
apply Cnorm_pos.
apply Cnorm_pos.
right ; trivial.
apply Rlt_le ; apply Rlt_le_trans with (Rmin 1 (eps × mul_factor (Cnorm l) (Cnorm l'))) ;
[apply Hx | apply Rmin_r] ; split ; assumption.
rewrite (Rmult_comm (1 + Cnorm l) (eps × mul_factor (Cnorm l) (Cnorm l')));
rewrite (Rmult_comm (Cnorm l') (eps × mul_factor (Cnorm l) (Cnorm l')));
rewrite <- (Rmult_plus_distr_l (eps × mul_factor (Cnorm l) (Cnorm l'))
(1 + Cnorm l) (Cnorm l')) ;
rewrite (Rmult_assoc eps (mul_factor (Cnorm l) (Cnorm l')) (1 + Cnorm l + Cnorm l'));
rewrite (Rplus_assoc 1 (Cnorm l) (Cnorm l')).
unfold mul_factor ; right.
repeat rewrite Rabs_Cnorm.
rewrite Rinv_l.
apply Rgt_not_eq.
rewrite Rplus_comm ; apply Rle_lt_0_plus_1 ; apply Rplus_le_le_0_compat ;
apply Cnorm_pos.
Lemma limit_inv : ∀ f D l z,
limit1_in f D l z → l ≠ 0 → limit1_in (fun x ⇒ / f x) D (/ l) z.
intros f D l z Hf l_neq ; intros eps eps_pos ; elim (Hf ((Cnorm l) / 2)%R).
intros delta1 [delta1_pos Hdelta1] ; elim (Hf (eps × (Rsqr (Cnorm l) / 2))%R).
intros delta2 [delta2_pos Hdelta2] ; ∃ (Rmin delta1 delta2) ; split.
unfold Rmin ; case (Rle_dec delta1 delta2); intro H ; assumption.
intro x ; generalize (Hdelta2 x); clear Hdelta2 ; intro Hdelta2 ;
generalize (Hdelta1 x); clear Hdelta1 ; intro Hdelta1 ; simpl in x.
intros [Dx xz_bd] ; cut (D x ∧ Cnorm (x - z) < delta1).
cut (D x ∧ Cnorm (x - z) < delta2).
intros H2 H1 ; generalize (Hdelta1 H1) ; clear Hdelta1 ; intro Hdelta1 ;
generalize (Hdelta2 H2) ; clear Hdelta2 ; intro Hdelta2.
simpl in × ; unfold C_dist in × ; generalize (Cnorm_triang_rev_l l (f x)) ; intro H ;
rewrite Cnorm_minus_sym in Hdelta1 ; generalize
(Rle_lt_trans (Cnorm l - Cnorm (f x)) (Cnorm (l - f x)) (Cnorm l / 2) H Hdelta1) ;
intro H'.
generalize (Rplus_lt_compat_l (Cnorm (f x) - Cnorm l / 2) (Cnorm l - Cnorm (f x))
(Cnorm l / 2) H');
replace (Cnorm (f x) - Cnorm l / 2 + (Cnorm l - Cnorm (f x)))%R with
(Cnorm l / 2)%R by field.
unfold Rminus ; rewrite Rplus_assoc ; rewrite Rplus_opp_l ;
rewrite Rplus_0_r ; intro H'' ; cut (f x ≠ 0).
intro fx_neq ; replace (/ f x - / l) with ((l - f x) × / (l × f x)).
rewrite Cnorm_Cmult; rewrite Cnorm_inv.
cut (/ Cnorm (l × f x) < 2 / Rsqr (Cnorm l)).
intro H3; rewrite Cnorm_minus_sym in Hdelta2; cut (0 ≤ / Cnorm (l × f x)).
intro H4 ; generalize
(Rmult_le_0_lt_compat (Cnorm (l - f x)) (eps × (Rsqr (Cnorm l) / 2))
(/ Cnorm (l × f x)) (2 / Rsqr (Cnorm l)) (Cnorm_pos ((l - f x))) H4 Hdelta2 H3);
replace (eps × (Rsqr (Cnorm l) / 2) × (2 / Rsqr (Cnorm l)))%R with eps.
field ; unfold Rsqr.
apply Rmult_integral_contrapositive_currified ; apply Cnorm_no_R0 ; assumption.
left ; apply Rinv_0_lt_compat ; apply Cnorm_pos_lt ;
apply Cmult_integral_contrapositive_currified ; assumption.
rewrite Cmult_comm; rewrite Cnorm_Cmult ; rewrite Rinv_mult_distr.
unfold Rsqr, Rdiv ; rewrite Rinv_mult_distr ; repeat rewrite <- Rmult_assoc.
apply Rmult_lt_compat_r.
apply Rinv_0_lt_compat; apply Cnorm_pos_lt; assumption.
apply Rmult_lt_reg_l with (Cnorm (f x) × Cnorm l × / 2)%R.
repeat apply Rmult_lt_0_compat ; [| | fourier] ; apply Cnorm_pos_lt; assumption.
rewrite Rmult_comm ; repeat rewrite <- Rmult_assoc ; rewrite Rinv_l.
rewrite Rmult_1_l ; repeat rewrite Rmult_assoc ;
replace (Cnorm l × (/ 2 × (2 × / Cnorm l)))%R with 1%R.
rewrite Rmult_1_r ; assumption.
field ; apply Cnorm_no_R0 ; assumption.
apply Cnorm_no_R0 ; assumption.
apply Cnorm_no_R0 ; assumption.
apply Cnorm_no_R0 ; assumption.
apply Cnorm_no_R0 ; assumption.
apply Cnorm_no_R0 ; assumption.
apply Cmult_integral_contrapositive_currified ; assumption.
field ; split ; assumption.
apply Cnorm_gt_not_eq ; apply Rlt_gt ; apply Rle_lt_trans with (Cnorm l / 2)%R ;
[assert (Temp := Cnorm_pos l) ; fourier | assumption].
split ; [| apply Rlt_le_trans with (Rmin delta1 delta2) ; [| apply Rmin_r]] ; assumption.
split ; [| apply Rlt_le_trans with (Rmin delta1 delta2) ; [| apply Rmin_l]] ; assumption.
unfold Rdiv ; repeat apply Rmult_lt_0_compat ; intuition ;
apply Cnorm_pos_lt ; assumption.
unfold Rdiv ; repeat apply Rmult_lt_0_compat ; intuition ;
apply Cnorm_pos_lt ; assumption.
Lemma limit_comp : ∀ f g Df Dg l l' z,
limit1_in f Df l z → limit1_in g Dg l' l → limit1_in (fun z ⇒ g (f z)) (Dgf Df Dg f) l' z.
unfold limit1_in, limit_in, Dgf in |- *; simpl in |- ×.
intros f g Df Dg l l' x0 Hf Hg eps eps_pos.
elim (Hg eps eps_pos).
intros alpg lg.
elim (Hf alpg).
2: tauto.
intros alpf lf.
∃ alpf.
adhDa D x → limit1_in f D l x → limit1_in f D l' x →
l = l'.
unfold limit1_in, limit_in ; intros f D l l' x HD Hl Hl' ;
cut (∀ eps:R, eps > 0 → dist C_met l l' < eps).
simpl ; unfold C_dist ; intro Hforall.
apply Cseq_cv_unique with (fun _ ⇒ l).
apply Cseq_cst_cv.
intros eps eps_pos ; ∃ 0%nat ; intros n n_lb ; apply Hforall ; assumption.
intros eps eps_pos ; assert (eps_2_pos : eps / 2 > 0) by fourier ;
destruct (Hl (eps / 2)%R eps_2_pos) as (alpha1, [alpha1_pos Halpha1]) ;
destruct (Hl' (eps / 2)%R eps_2_pos) as (alpha2, [alpha2_pos Halpha2]) ;
assert (alpha'_pos : Rmin alpha1 alpha2 > 0) by (apply Rmin_pos ; assumption) ;
destruct (HD (Rmin alpha1 alpha2)%R alpha'_pos) as (x', [Dx' Hx']) ; clear Hl Hl' HD.
apply Rle_lt_trans with (Cnorm (l - (f x')) + Cnorm (f x' - l'))%R.
simpl ; unfold C_dist.
replace (Cnorm (l - l')) with (Cnorm ((l - f x') + (f x' - l')))
by (apply Cnorm_eq_compat ; field) ; apply Cnorm_triang.
apply Rlt_le_trans with (eps / 2 + eps / 2)%R ; [| right ; field] ;
apply Rlt_trans with (Cnorm (l - f x') + eps / 2)%R.
apply Rplus_lt_compat_l ; simpl in Halpha2 ; apply Halpha2 ; split ;
[| apply Rlt_le_trans with (Rmin alpha1 alpha2) ; [| apply Rmin_r]] ; assumption.
apply Rplus_lt_compat_r ; simpl in Halpha1 ; rewrite Cnorm_minus_sym ;
apply Halpha1 ; split ; [| apply Rlt_le_trans with (Rmin alpha1 alpha2) ;
[| apply Rmin_l]] ; assumption.
Lemma limit_plus : ∀ (f g:C → C) (D:C → Prop) (l l' z:C),
limit1_in f D l z →
limit1_in g D l' z → limit1_in (fun x:C ⇒ f x + g x) D (l + l') z.
intros; unfold limit1_in in |- *; unfold limit_in in |- *; simpl in |- *;
intros; elim (H (eps × / 2)%R (eps2_Rgt_R0 eps H1));
elim (H0 (eps × / 2)%R (eps2_Rgt_R0 eps H1)); simpl in |- *;
clear H H0; intros; elim H; elim H0; clear H H0; intros;
split with (Rmin x0 x); split.
apply Rmin_Rgt_r ; split ; assumption.
intros; elim H4; clear H4; intros;
cut (C_dist (f x1) l + C_dist (g x1) l' < eps).
cut (C_dist (f x1 + g x1) (l + l') ≤ C_dist (f x1) l + C_dist (g x1) l').
apply Rle_lt_trans.
apply C_dist_plus.
elim (Rmin_Rgt_l x0 x (C_dist x1 z) H5); clear H5; intros.
generalize (H3 x1 (conj H4 H6)); generalize (H0 x1 (conj H4 H5)); intros;
replace eps with (eps × / 2 + eps × / 2)%R.
apply Rplus_lt_compat ; assumption.
apply eps2.
Lemma limit_opp : ∀ (f:C → C) (D:C → Prop) (l x0:C),
limit1_in f D l x0 → limit1_in (fun x:C ⇒ - f x) D (- l) x0.
unfold limit1_in in |- *; unfold limit_in in |- *; simpl in |- *; intros;
elim (H eps H0); clear H; intros; elim H; clear H;
intros; split with x; split; auto; intros; generalize (H1 x1 H2);
clear H1; intro; unfold C_dist in |- *; unfold Cminus in |- *;
rewrite (Copp_involutive l); rewrite (Cadd_comm (- f x1) l);
fold (l - f x1) in |- *; fold (C_dist l (f x1)) in |- *;
rewrite C_dist_sym; assumption.
Lemma limit_minus : ∀ (f g:C → C) (D:C → Prop) (l l' x0:C),
limit1_in f D l x0 →
limit1_in g D l' x0 → limit1_in (fun x:C ⇒ f x - g x) D (l - l') x0.
intros; unfold Cminus in |- *; generalize (limit_opp g D l' x0 H0); intro;
exact (limit_plus f (fun x:C ⇒ - g x) D l (- l') x0 H H1).
Lemma limit_free : ∀ (f:C → C) (D:C → Prop) (x x0:C),
limit1_in (fun h:C ⇒ f x) D (f x) x0.
unfold limit1_in in |- *; unfold limit_in in |- *; simpl in |- *; intros;
split with eps; split; auto; intros; elim (C_dist_refl (f x) (f x));
intros a b; rewrite (b (refl_equal (f x))); unfold Rgt in H;
Lemma limit_mul : ∀ (f g:C → C) (D:C → Prop) (l l' x0:C),
limit1_in f D l x0 →
limit1_in g D l' x0 → limit1_in (fun x:C ⇒ f x × g x) D (l × l') x0.
intros f g D l l' z Hf Hg eps eps_pos.
elim (Hf (Rmin 1 (eps × mul_factor (Cnorm l) (Cnorm l')))
(mul_factor_gt_f eps (Cnorm l) (Cnorm l') eps_pos)) ;
elim (Hg (eps × mul_factor (Cnorm l) (Cnorm l'))%R
(mul_factor_gt eps (Cnorm l) (Cnorm l') eps_pos)) ;
clear Hf Hg ; simpl ; intros x Hf y Hg ; elim Hf ; elim Hg ;
clear Hf Hg ; intros y_pos Hx x_pos Hy ; split with (Rmin y x) ;
split ; [apply Rmin_Rgt_r ; split ; assumption |].
intros z' [Dz' Hz'] ; unfold C_dist ; replace (f z' × g z' - l × l') with
(f z' × (g z' - l') + l' × (f z' - l)).
cut (Cnorm (f z' × (g z' - l')) + Cnorm (l' × (f z' - l)) < eps).
(Cnorm (f z' × (g z' - l') + l' × (f z' - l)) ≤
Cnorm (f z' × (g z' - l')) + Cnorm (l' × (f z' - l))).
apply Rle_lt_trans.
apply Cnorm_triang.
repeat (rewrite Cnorm_Cmult) ;
cut ((1 + Cnorm l) × (eps × mul_factor (Cnorm l) (Cnorm l'))
+ Cnorm l' × (eps × mul_factor (Cnorm l) (Cnorm l')) ≤ eps).
cut (Cnorm (f z') × Cnorm (g z' - l') + Cnorm l' × Cnorm (f z' - l) <
(1 + Cnorm l) × (eps × mul_factor (Cnorm l) (Cnorm l'))
+ Cnorm l' × (eps × mul_factor (Cnorm l) (Cnorm l'))).
apply Rlt_le_trans.
elim (Rmin_Rgt_l y x (C_dist z' z) Hz'); intros Hx2 Hy2.
apply Rplus_lt_le_compat.
apply Rmult_ge_0_gt_0_lt_compat.
apply Rle_ge ; apply Cnorm_pos.
rewrite Rplus_comm ; unfold Rgt in |- *; apply Rle_lt_0_plus_1;
apply Cnorm_pos.
apply Rplus_lt_reg_r with (- Cnorm l)%R.
rewrite <- Rplus_assoc ; rewrite (Rplus_comm (- Cnorm l) 1).
rewrite (Rplus_assoc 1 (- Cnorm l) (Cnorm l)) ; rewrite Rplus_opp_l ;
rewrite (proj1 (Rplus_ne 1)) ; rewrite (Rplus_comm (- Cnorm l) (Cnorm (f z'))) ;
cut (Cnorm (f z' - l) < 1) ; cut (Cnorm (f z') - Cnorm l ≤ Cnorm (f z' - l)).
apply Rle_lt_trans.
apply Cnorm_triang_rev_l.
intros _ ; apply Rlt_le_trans with (Rmin 1 (eps × mul_factor (Cnorm l) (Cnorm l'))) ;
[apply Hx ; split ; assumption | apply Rmin_l].
apply Cnorm_triang_rev_l.
apply Hy ; split ; assumption.
apply Rmult_le_compat.
apply Cnorm_pos.
apply Cnorm_pos.
right ; trivial.
apply Rlt_le ; apply Rlt_le_trans with (Rmin 1 (eps × mul_factor (Cnorm l) (Cnorm l'))) ;
[apply Hx | apply Rmin_r] ; split ; assumption.
rewrite (Rmult_comm (1 + Cnorm l) (eps × mul_factor (Cnorm l) (Cnorm l')));
rewrite (Rmult_comm (Cnorm l') (eps × mul_factor (Cnorm l) (Cnorm l')));
rewrite <- (Rmult_plus_distr_l (eps × mul_factor (Cnorm l) (Cnorm l'))
(1 + Cnorm l) (Cnorm l')) ;
rewrite (Rmult_assoc eps (mul_factor (Cnorm l) (Cnorm l')) (1 + Cnorm l + Cnorm l'));
rewrite (Rplus_assoc 1 (Cnorm l) (Cnorm l')).
unfold mul_factor ; right.
repeat rewrite Rabs_Cnorm.
rewrite Rinv_l.
apply Rgt_not_eq.
rewrite Rplus_comm ; apply Rle_lt_0_plus_1 ; apply Rplus_le_le_0_compat ;
apply Cnorm_pos.
Lemma limit_inv : ∀ f D l z,
limit1_in f D l z → l ≠ 0 → limit1_in (fun x ⇒ / f x) D (/ l) z.
intros f D l z Hf l_neq ; intros eps eps_pos ; elim (Hf ((Cnorm l) / 2)%R).
intros delta1 [delta1_pos Hdelta1] ; elim (Hf (eps × (Rsqr (Cnorm l) / 2))%R).
intros delta2 [delta2_pos Hdelta2] ; ∃ (Rmin delta1 delta2) ; split.
unfold Rmin ; case (Rle_dec delta1 delta2); intro H ; assumption.
intro x ; generalize (Hdelta2 x); clear Hdelta2 ; intro Hdelta2 ;
generalize (Hdelta1 x); clear Hdelta1 ; intro Hdelta1 ; simpl in x.
intros [Dx xz_bd] ; cut (D x ∧ Cnorm (x - z) < delta1).
cut (D x ∧ Cnorm (x - z) < delta2).
intros H2 H1 ; generalize (Hdelta1 H1) ; clear Hdelta1 ; intro Hdelta1 ;
generalize (Hdelta2 H2) ; clear Hdelta2 ; intro Hdelta2.
simpl in × ; unfold C_dist in × ; generalize (Cnorm_triang_rev_l l (f x)) ; intro H ;
rewrite Cnorm_minus_sym in Hdelta1 ; generalize
(Rle_lt_trans (Cnorm l - Cnorm (f x)) (Cnorm (l - f x)) (Cnorm l / 2) H Hdelta1) ;
intro H'.
generalize (Rplus_lt_compat_l (Cnorm (f x) - Cnorm l / 2) (Cnorm l - Cnorm (f x))
(Cnorm l / 2) H');
replace (Cnorm (f x) - Cnorm l / 2 + (Cnorm l - Cnorm (f x)))%R with
(Cnorm l / 2)%R by field.
unfold Rminus ; rewrite Rplus_assoc ; rewrite Rplus_opp_l ;
rewrite Rplus_0_r ; intro H'' ; cut (f x ≠ 0).
intro fx_neq ; replace (/ f x - / l) with ((l - f x) × / (l × f x)).
rewrite Cnorm_Cmult; rewrite Cnorm_inv.
cut (/ Cnorm (l × f x) < 2 / Rsqr (Cnorm l)).
intro H3; rewrite Cnorm_minus_sym in Hdelta2; cut (0 ≤ / Cnorm (l × f x)).
intro H4 ; generalize
(Rmult_le_0_lt_compat (Cnorm (l - f x)) (eps × (Rsqr (Cnorm l) / 2))
(/ Cnorm (l × f x)) (2 / Rsqr (Cnorm l)) (Cnorm_pos ((l - f x))) H4 Hdelta2 H3);
replace (eps × (Rsqr (Cnorm l) / 2) × (2 / Rsqr (Cnorm l)))%R with eps.
field ; unfold Rsqr.
apply Rmult_integral_contrapositive_currified ; apply Cnorm_no_R0 ; assumption.
left ; apply Rinv_0_lt_compat ; apply Cnorm_pos_lt ;
apply Cmult_integral_contrapositive_currified ; assumption.
rewrite Cmult_comm; rewrite Cnorm_Cmult ; rewrite Rinv_mult_distr.
unfold Rsqr, Rdiv ; rewrite Rinv_mult_distr ; repeat rewrite <- Rmult_assoc.
apply Rmult_lt_compat_r.
apply Rinv_0_lt_compat; apply Cnorm_pos_lt; assumption.
apply Rmult_lt_reg_l with (Cnorm (f x) × Cnorm l × / 2)%R.
repeat apply Rmult_lt_0_compat ; [| | fourier] ; apply Cnorm_pos_lt; assumption.
rewrite Rmult_comm ; repeat rewrite <- Rmult_assoc ; rewrite Rinv_l.
rewrite Rmult_1_l ; repeat rewrite Rmult_assoc ;
replace (Cnorm l × (/ 2 × (2 × / Cnorm l)))%R with 1%R.
rewrite Rmult_1_r ; assumption.
field ; apply Cnorm_no_R0 ; assumption.
apply Cnorm_no_R0 ; assumption.
apply Cnorm_no_R0 ; assumption.
apply Cnorm_no_R0 ; assumption.
apply Cnorm_no_R0 ; assumption.
apply Cnorm_no_R0 ; assumption.
apply Cmult_integral_contrapositive_currified ; assumption.
field ; split ; assumption.
apply Cnorm_gt_not_eq ; apply Rlt_gt ; apply Rle_lt_trans with (Cnorm l / 2)%R ;
[assert (Temp := Cnorm_pos l) ; fourier | assumption].
split ; [| apply Rlt_le_trans with (Rmin delta1 delta2) ; [| apply Rmin_r]] ; assumption.
split ; [| apply Rlt_le_trans with (Rmin delta1 delta2) ; [| apply Rmin_l]] ; assumption.
unfold Rdiv ; repeat apply Rmult_lt_0_compat ; intuition ;
apply Cnorm_pos_lt ; assumption.
unfold Rdiv ; repeat apply Rmult_lt_0_compat ; intuition ;
apply Cnorm_pos_lt ; assumption.
Lemma limit_comp : ∀ f g Df Dg l l' z,
limit1_in f Df l z → limit1_in g Dg l' l → limit1_in (fun z ⇒ g (f z)) (Dgf Df Dg f) l' z.
unfold limit1_in, limit_in, Dgf in |- *; simpl in |- ×.
intros f g Df Dg l l' x0 Hf Hg eps eps_pos.
elim (Hg eps eps_pos).
intros alpg lg.
elim (Hf alpg).
2: tauto.
intros alpf lf.
∃ alpf.