Library Coqtail.Fresh.Inhabited.Functions

Require Import Monad.
Require Import Examples.

Definition EM := (P : Prop), P ¬ P.

One representation of -1,1

Inductive SB : Type := NO | Z | PO.
Definition RR := natSB.

Section partial_function.
  Parameter A B : Type.
  Parameter x : A.
  Parameter y : B.
  Parameter AC : choice.

  Lemma toto : [ {f : AB | z, z xf z = y} ].
   destruct (AC A (fun z{r | r = y})) as [f].
    intro; constructor; eauto.

    pose (g := fun zproj1_sig (f z)).
     g; intros z _.
    unfold g; destruct (f z); auto.

  Lemma toto' : [ {f : AB | z, z xf z = y} ].
   destruct (AC A (fun z{r | r = y})) as [f].

    pose (g := fun zproj1_sig (f z)).
    intros z Hz.
    unfold g.
    destruct (f z).
End partial_function.

Speaking of a function which decide whether f n = P0 for all n or not
Definition eq_one_dec : choiceEM
  [ { DEC : RRbool |
         (( n : nat, f n = PO) → DEC f = true)
         (( n : nat, f n PO) → DEC f = false) } ].
intros Ch Em.
destruct (AC RR
  (fun f{b |
    (( n : nat, f n = PO) → b = true)
    (( n : nat, f n PO) → b = false)})) as [D].
 intros u.
 destruct (Em ( n : nat, u n PO)) as [Ex | Not].
   false; split; [ | reflexivity]; intros Hf.
  destruct Ex as (n, Hn).
  apply False_ind; intuition.

   true; intuition.

 pose (DD := (fun xproj1_sig (D x))).
 unfold DD.
 intros f.
 destruct (D f) as [b [Hb1 Hb2]].
 split; intros Hf; simpl; intuition.