Library Coqtail.Fresh.Reals.Rrealize

Require Raxiom.
Require Import ZArith.

Definition pow2 : natpositive := fix f n := match n with OxH | S n'xO (f n') end.

Definition Zseq_Cauchy (Un : natZ) : Type := neps : nat,
  {N : nat & p q, (N p)%nat → (N q)%nat
      Zneg (pow2 p × pow2 q)
      ((Un p) × Zpos (pow2 q) - (Un q) × Zpos (pow2 p)) × Zpos (pow2 neps)
      Zpos (pow2 p × pow2 q)

Module Rrealize : Raxiom.CReals.

  Record _R : Type := Rdef {
    Rseq : natZ;
    Rcauchy : Zseq_Cauchy Rseq

  Definition R := _R.

  Program Definition Const (c : Z) := Rdef (fun n ⇒ (c × Zpos (pow2 n))%Z) _.
  Next Obligation.
    intros neps.
     O; intros p q _ _.
    repeat rewrite <- Zmult_assoc.
    rewrite (Zmult_comm (Zpos (pow2 p))).
    rewrite Zminus_diag, Zmult_0_l.
     apply Zlt_le_weak, Zlt_neg_0.
     apply Zle_0_pos.

  Definition R0 := Const Z0.
  Definition R1 := Const 1%Z.

  Require Import Max.

  Program Definition Radd a b := Rdef (fun n ⇒ (Rseq a n + Rseq b n)%Z) _.
  Next Obligation.
    destruct a as (u, Hu).
    destruct b as (v, Hv).
    intros neps.
    destruct (Hu (S neps)) as (Nu, HNu).
    destruct (Hv (S neps)) as (Nv, HNv).
     (max Nu Nv).
    intros p q Hp Hq.
    assert (Hpu := max_lub_l _ _ _ Hp);
    assert (Hpv := max_lub_r _ _ _ Hp);
    assert (Hqu := max_lub_l _ _ _ Hq);
    assert (Hqv := max_lub_r _ _ _ Hq); clear Hp Hq.
    assert (U := HNu p q Hpu Hqu).
    assert (V := HNv p q Hpv Hqv).
    assert (HR : a b c d e f g, (((a + b) × c - (d + e) × f) × g = (a × c - d × f) × g + (b × c - e × f) × g)%Z)
      by (intros; ring).
    rewrite HR.
    cut ( e f a b,
      (Zneg e a × 2 × f Zpos e
      Zneg e b × 2 × f Zpos e
      Zneg e a × f + b × f Zpos e)%Z).
     intros HA; apply HA; simpl pow2 in U, V; rewrite Zpos_xO, Zmult_assoc in U, V; assumption.
     intros e f a b Ha Hb.
     rewrite <- (Zopp_involutive (Zneg e)), Zopp_neg in ×.
     repeat rewrite <- (Zmult_comm f), Zmult_assoc in *; rewrite <- (Zmult_comm f).
     assert (He : (0 < Zpos e)%Z) by reflexivity.
     remember (Zpos e) as Pe.
     remember (f × a)%Z as fa.
     remember (f × b)%Z as fb.

  Program Definition Rmul a b := Rdef (fun n ⇒ (Rseq a n × Rseq b n × Zpos (pow2 n))%Z) _.
  Next Obligation.

  Program Definition Ropp a := Rdef (fun n- Rseq a n)%Z _.
  Next Obligation.
    destruct a as (u, Hu).
    intros neps.
    destruct (Hu neps) as (N, HN).
     N; intros p q Hp Hq.
    pose proof HN p q Hp Hq.
    cut ( e a a' b b' f, (Zneg e (a × a' - b × b') × f Zpos e
      Zneg e (- a × a' - - b × b') × f Zpos e)%Z).
     intros HA; apply HA; auto.

     intros e a a' b b' f Hab.
     rewrite Zmult_minus_distr_r in ×.
     repeat rewrite <- Zopp_mult_distr_l in ×.
     rewrite <- (Zopp_involutive (Zneg e)), Zopp_neg in ×.
     assert (He : (0 < Zpos e)%Z) by reflexivity.
     remember (Zpos e) as Pe.
     remember (a × a' × f)%Z as fa.
     remember (b × b' × f)%Z as fb.

  Definition Rsub a b := Radd a (Ropp b).

  Definition Rlt (a b : R) : Type := sigT (fun nepssigT (fun N
     n, le N n
      Rseq a n × Zpos (pow2 neps) + Zpos (pow2 n)
      Rseq b n × Zpos (pow2 neps))%Z).

  Definition Rgt (r1 r2 : R) := Rlt r2 r1.
  Definition Rdiscr (r1 r2 : R) := sum (Rlt r1 r2) (Rlt r2 r1).
  Definition Req (r1 r2 : R) := Rdiscr r1 r2False.
  Definition Rle (r1 r2 : R) := sumor (Rlt r1 r2) (Req r1 r2).
  Definition Rge (r1 r2 : R) := Rle r2 r1.

  Program Definition Rinv (x : R) (_ : Rdiscr x R0) :=
    Rdef (fun nZdiv (Zpos (pow2 n)) (Rseq x n))%Z _.
  Next Obligation.
    Let P2 := fun nZpos (pow2 n).
    destruct x as (u, Cu).
    destruct H as [ xneg | xpos ].

      destruct xpos as (en, (Nen, Hen)).
      simpl Rseq in Hen.
      intros neps.

      Open Scope Z_scope.
      assert (epscut : { N | ( p q, le N ple N q
          ((u q × P2 p - u p × P2 q) × P2 neps
           u p × P2 p × u q × P2 q
           (u q × P2 p - u p × P2 q) × P2 neps))
           n, le N n → 0 < u n}).

      destruct epscut as (N, (HN, upos)).
      intros p q Pp Pq.
      specialize (HN p q Pp Pq); destruct HN as (HNl, HNu).
      apply (Z_div_le _ _ (u p)) in HNl.

        unfold Zdiv.


  Definition Rdiv x y (p : Rdiscr y R0) := Rmul x (Rinv y p).

  Lemma Rlt_trans : x y z, Rlt x yRlt y zRlt x z.
   intros (x, Cx) (y, Cy) (z, Cz) (nxy, (Nxy, Hxy)) (nyz, (Nyz, Hyz)).
    nxy; (max Nxy Nyz).
   intros n Hn.
   eapply Zle_trans.
    apply Hxy; eapply max_lub_l; eauto.
    cut (y n z n)%Z.
     intros H.
     apply Zmult_le_compat_r; auto.
     apply Zlt_le_weak; reflexivity.

     apply (Zmult_lt_0_le_reg_r _ _ (Zpos (pow2 nyz))).
      refine (Zle_trans _ _ _ _ (Hyz n (max_lub_r _ _ _ Hn))).
      rewrite <- Zplus_0_r at 1.
      apply Zplus_le_compat_l; apply Zlt_le_weak; reflexivity.

  Lemma Rlt_asym : x y : R, Rlt x yRlt y xFalse.
   intros (x, Cx) (y, Cy) (nxy, (Nxy, Hxy)) (nyx, (Nyx, Hyx)).
   simpl Rseq in ×.
   pose (N := max Nxy Nyx).
   assert (Zpospos : p, (0 < Zpos p)%Z) by reflexivity.
   remember (Zpos (pow2 nxy)) as n1.
   remember (Zpos (pow2 nyx)) as n2.
   assert (Pn1 : (0 < n1)%Z) by (subst; reflexivity).
   assert (Pn2 : (0 < n2)%Z) by (subst; reflexivity).
   assert (XY := Hxy N (le_max_l _ _)).
   assert (YX := Hyx N (le_max_r _ _)).
   assert (XY2 := Zmult_le_compat_r _ _ n2 XY (Zlt_le_weak _ _ Pn2)).
   assert (YX2 := Zmult_le_compat_r _ _ n1 YX (Zlt_le_weak _ _ Pn1)).
   rewrite Zmult_plus_distr_l in ×.
   repeat rewrite <- Zmult_assoc in ×.
   rewrite <- (Zmult_comm n1) in ×.
   repeat rewrite Zmult_assoc in ×.
   cut ( a b p, (0 < pa + p × n1 bb + p × n2 aFalse)%Z).
    intros HF; eapply (HF _ _ (Zpos (pow2 N)) (eq_refl _)); eauto.
    clear -Pn1 Pn2.
    assert (0 < p × n1)%Z by (apply Zmult_lt_0_compat; auto).
    assert (0 < p × n2)%Z by (apply Zmult_lt_0_compat; auto).
    set (p × n1)%Z in ×.
    set (p × n2)%Z in ×.

  Lemma JOKER {P} : P.

  Lemma Zneg_Zpos : p, Zneg p = Zopp (Zpos p).

  Lemma Req_lt_compat_l : a b c : R, Req a bRlt a cRlt b c.
   intros (a, Ca) (b, Cb) (c, Cc) Heq (nac, (Nac, Hac)).
   assert (Q : {a b}, ((a + b) → False) → (aFalse))
     by intuition; assert (Nltab := Q _ _ Heq); clear Heq.
   set (neps := S (S nac)).
   destruct (Ca neps) as (Na, HNa).
   destruct (Cb neps) as (Nb, HNb).
   destruct (Cc neps) as (Nc, HNc).
   assert (Easy : sigT (fun N ⇒ (le Nac N × le Na N × le Nb N × le Nc N)%type)) by admit.
   destruct Easy as (N, (((NNac, NNa), NNb), NNc)).
    neps; N.
   intros n Hn.
   simpl Rseq.
   assert (HNa' := HNa N n NNa JOKER).
   assert (HNb' := HNb N n NNb JOKER).
   assert (HNc' := HNc N n NNc JOKER).
   assert (Hac' := Hac n JOKER).
   simpl Rseq in ×.
   unfold neps in *; simpl pow2 in *; rewrite Zpos_xO, (Zpos_xO (pow2 nac)) in ×.
   rewrite Zneg_Zpos, Zpos_mult_morphism in ×.
   set (DN := Zpos (pow2 N)) in ×.
   set (Dn := Zpos (pow2 n)) in ×.
   set (DE := Zpos (pow2 nac)) in ×.

   destruct (Z_lt_le_dec (a N × 4 × DE + 2 × DN) (b N × 4 × DE)) as [AB | AB].
    elimtype False.
    apply Nltab.
     nac; N; intros.
    simpl Rseq.
    fold DE.
    assert (HNa'' := proj1 (HNa N n0 NNa JOKER)).
    assert (HNb'' := HNb N n0 NNb JOKER).
    rewrite Zneg_Zpos, Zpos_mult_morphism in ×.
    set (Dn0 := Zpos (pow2 n0)) in *; fold DN in HNa'', HNb''.
    apply Zmult_lt_0_le_reg_r with (4 × DN)%Z; [ reflexivity | ].
    rewrite Zmult_plus_distr_l.
    apply Zle_trans with (4 × a N × DE × Dn0 + 5 × Dn0 × DN)%Z.
     apply Zplus_le_reg_r with (- 4 × a n0 × DE × DN - 5 × DN × Dn0)%Z.
     assert (AP : a a' b b', a = a'b = b'Zle a bZle a' b')
       by (intros; subst; auto).
     refine (AP _ _ _ _ _ _ HNa''); ring.

     apply Zle_trans with (4 × DE × Dn0 × b N - DN × Dn0)%Z.
      replace (5 × Dn0 × DN)%Z with (5 × DN × Dn0)%Z by ring.
      replace (4 × DE × Dn0 × b N)%Z with (4 × DE × b N × Dn0)%Z by ring.
      rewrite <- Zmult_plus_distr_l.
      rewrite <- Zmult_minus_distr_r.
      apply Zmult_gt_0_le_compat_r; [ reflexivity | ].

    clear HNa HNb HNc Hac.
    replace (2 × (2 × DE))%Z with (4 × DE)%Z in × by ring.
    remember (4 × DE)%Z as DE4.
    rewrite Zmult_comm, Zmult_assoc, (Zmult_comm DE), <- HeqDE4.
    rewrite <- Zmult_assoc, <- HeqDE4 in AB.

    assert (I1 : (b n × DN × DE4 + Dn × DN b N × Dn × DE4)%Z).
    assert (I2 : (b N × Dn × DE4 a N × Dn × DE4 + 2 × Dn × DN)%Z).
      replace (b N × Dn × DE4)%Z with (Dn × (b N × DE4))%Z by ring.
      replace (a N × Dn × DE4 + 2 × Dn × DN)%Z with (Dn × (a N × DE4 + 2 × DN))%Z by ring.

  Lemma Req_lt_compat_r : x1 x2 y : R, Req x1 x2Rlt y x1Rlt y x2.
  Lemma Radd_lt_compat_l : x y1 y2 : R, Rlt y1 y2Rlt (Radd x y1) (Radd x y2).
  Lemma Radd_eq_compat_l : x y1 y2, Req y1 y2Req (Radd x y1) (Radd x y2).
  Lemma Rmul_lt_compat_l : x y1 y2 : R, Rlt R0 xRlt y1 y2Rlt (Rmul x y1) (Rmul x y2).
  Lemma Rmul_eq_compat_l : x y1 y2, Req y1 y2Req (Rmul x y1) (Rmul x y2).
  Lemma Rinv_0_lt_compat : (x : R) (pr : Rlt R0 x) (pr' : Rdiscr x R0), Rlt R0 (Rinv x pr').
  Lemma Radd_comm : a b, Req (Radd a b) (Radd b a).
  Lemma Radd_assoc : x y z, Req (Radd (Radd x y) z) (Radd x (Radd y z)).
  Lemma Radd_opp_r : x, Req (Radd x (Ropp x)) R0.
  Lemma Radd_0_l : x, Req (Radd R0 x) x.
    intros x [Lt | Lt]; destruct Lt as (NE, (N, HN));
      assert (HNN := HN N (le_refl _));
      simpl in HNN;
      set (Rseq x N × Zpos (pow2 NE))%Z in *;
      assert (0 < Zpos (pow2 N))%Z by reflexivity;

  Lemma Rmul_add_distr_l a b c : Req (Rmul a (Radd b c)) (Radd (Rmul a b) (Rmul a c)).
  Lemma Rmul_comm : a b, Req (Rmul a b) (Rmul b a).
    intros a b [Lt | Lt]; destruct Lt as (NE, (N, HN));
      assert (HNN := HN N (le_refl _));
      simpl in HNN;
      rewrite (Zmult_comm (Rseq b N)) in HNN;
      set (Rseq a N × Rseq b N × Zpos (pow2 N) × Zpos (pow2 NE))%Z in *;
      assert (0 < Zpos (pow2 N))%Z by reflexivity;

  Lemma Rmul_assoc : x y z, Req (Rmul (Rmul x y) z) (Rmul x (Rmul y z)).
    assert (BAH : a a' c, (a = a' → 0 < ca + c a'False)%Z) by (intros; omega).
    intros a b c [Lt | Lt]; destruct Lt as (NE, (N, HN));
      assert (HNN := HN N (le_refl _));
      simpl in HNN;
      (refine (BAH _ _ _ _ _ HNN); [ ring | reflexivity ]).

  Lemma Rmul_1_l : x, Req (Rmul R1 x) x.
  Lemma Rinv_l : (x : R) (pr : Rdiscr x R0), Req (Rmul (Rinv x pr) x) R1.
  Lemma Rlt_0_1 : Rlt R0 R1.
     O; O; intros n Hn.
    simpl; rewrite Zpos_mult_morphism; omega.

  Fixpoint IPR (p : positive) : R :=
    match p with
      | xI pRadd (Rmul (Radd R1 R1) (IPR p)) R1
      | xO pRmul (Radd R1 R1) (IPR p)
      | xHR1
  Arguments Scope IPR [positive_scope].

  Definition IZR (z : BinInt.Z) : R :=
    match z with
      | Z0R0
      | Zpos pIPR p
      | Zneg pRopp (IPR p)
  Arguments Scope IZR [Z_scope].

  Definition Rdist x y d : Type := prod (Rlt (Rsub x y) d) (Rlt (Ropp d) (Rsub x y)).

  Definition Rup (x : R) : Z := let (N, _) := Rcauchy x 1%nat in (Zdiv (Rseq x N) (Zpos (pow2 N))).

  Lemma Rup_spec : r : R, Rdist r (IZR (Rup r)) R1.
    intros (u, Hu).
    unfold Rup; simpl.
    destruct (Hu 1%nat) as (N, HN).
    split; O; N; intros n Hn.
    destruct (HN N n (le_refl _) Hn) as (NS, NI).
    simpl Hu.
    assert (HNN := Hu 1%nat).
    simpl Rup.


  Definition Rseq_Cauchy (Un : natR) : Type := eps, Rlt R0 eps
    {N : nat & p q, (N p)%nat → (N q)%natRdist (Un p) (Un q) eps}.

  Definition Rseq_cv (Un : natR) (l : R) : Type := eps, Rlt R0 eps
    {N : nat & n, (N n)%natRdist (Un n) l eps}.

  Lemma Rcomplete : Un, Rseq_Cauchy Un{l : R & Rseq_cv Un l}.
End Rrealize.