Library Coqtail.Hierarchy.Commutative_ring_binomial

Require Import Type_class_definition.
Require Import Type_class_instance.
Require Import Coq.Relations.Relation_Definitions.
Require Import Arith.
Require Import Nbinomial.

Definition iter_l (A : Type) (op : operation A) (neutral : A) (x : A) :=
fix s n := match n with
  | Oneutral
  | S n'op x (s n')

Definition iter_r (A : Type) (op : operation A) (neutral : A) (x : A) :=
fix s n := match n with
  | Oneutral
  | S n'op (s n') x

Definition iter1 (A : Type) (op : operation A) (f : natA) :=
fix s n := match n with
  | Of O
  | S n'op (f n) (s n')

Section Commutative_Ring.
  Variable X : Type.
  Variable eqr : relation X.
  Variable add mul : operation X.
  Variable zero one : X.
  Variable CR : Ring_Commutative X eqr add mul zero one.

  Definition CRpow : XnatX := iter_r X mul one.
  Definition CRsum : (natX) → natX := iter1 X add.
  Definition CRnatmul : natXX := fun n xiter_l X add zero x n.

  Notation " a ^ b " := (CRpow a b).
  Notation " a * b " := (mul a b).
  Notation " a == b " := (eqr a b) (at level 90, no associativity).
  Notation " a + b " := (add a b).
  Notation " a ** b " := (CRnatmul a b) (at level 60).

  Definition newton_sum n a b : X :=
    CRsum (fun k(Nbinomial n k) ** (a ^ k) × (b ^ (n - k))) n.

  Definition opp : XX.
    intros x.
    destruct (group_reverse x) as [y ?].
    exact y.

  Definition sub : XXX := fun a badd a (opp b).

  Require Import Setoid.

  Add Setoid X eqr monoid_setoid as setoid_X.

  Add Morphism add with signature eqr ==> eqr ==> eqr as add_wd.
  transitivity (x + y0).
   apply monoid_eq_compat_l; assumption.
   apply monoid_eq_compat_r; assumption.

  Add Morphism mul with signature eqr ==> eqr ==> eqr as mul_wd.
  transitivity (x × y0).
   apply monoid_eq_compat_l; assumption.
   apply monoid_eq_compat_r; assumption.

  Add Morphism opp with signature eqr ==> eqr as opp_wd.
  unfold opp.
  destruct (group_reverse x) as [x' ?].
  destruct (group_reverse y) as [y' ?].
  transitivity (zero + y'); [ | apply monoid_iden_l].
  transitivity (x' + x + y'); [ | apply monoid_eq_compat_r; rewrite op_comm; assumption].
  transitivity (x' + y + y'); [ | apply monoid_eq_compat_r; apply monoid_eq_compat_l; symmetry; assumption].
  transitivity (zero + x').
   symmetry; apply monoid_iden_l.
   transitivity (x' + x + x').
    apply monoid_eq_compat_r; symmetry; transitivity (x + x'); auto; apply op_comm.
    transitivity (x' + (y + y')).
     transitivity (x' + (x + x')).
      symmetry; apply op_assoc.
      apply monoid_eq_compat_l; transitivity zero; auto with relations.
     apply op_assoc.

  Lemma Xring : @ring_theory X zero one add mul sub opp eqr.
    split; intros.
     apply monoid_iden_l.
     apply op_comm.
     apply op_assoc.
     apply monoid_iden_l.
     apply op_comm.
     apply op_assoc.
     apply ring_distributive_l.

     unfold opp.
     destruct (group_reverse x) as [y ?].

  Add Ring X : Xring.

  Lemma CRsum_simpl f n : CRsum f (S n) = f (S n) + CRsum f n.

  Lemma CRsum_simpl_r f n : CRsum f (S n) == CRsum f n + f (S n).
  intros; simpl; ring.

  Lemma CRsum_reindex : n f, f O + CRsum (fun kf (S k)) n == CRsum f (S n).
  intros n f.
  induction n.
   simpl; ring.

   do 2 rewrite CRsum_simpl.
   rewrite <- IHn.

  Lemma CRsum_eq_compat_weak : a b n, ( n, a n == b n) → CRsum a n == CRsum b n.
  intros a b n H.
  induction n.
   simpl; apply H.

   rewrite IHn.
   rewrite H.

  Lemma CRsum_eq_compat : a b n, ( i, i na i == b i) → CRsum a n == CRsum b n.
  intros a b n H.
  induction n.
   simpl; apply H.

   rewrite IHn.
    rewrite H.
    intros; apply H; auto.

  Lemma CRsum_add_compat : a b n, CRsum (fun ia i + b i) n == CRsum a n + CRsum b n.
  intros a b n.
  induction n.
   simpl; reflexivity.

   rewrite IHn.

  Lemma CRsum_scal_compat : x f n, x × CRsum f n == CRsum (fun nx × f n) n.
  intros a b n.
  induction n.
   simpl; reflexivity.

   rewrite IHn.

  Lemma CRpow_simpl : a n, a ^ (S n) = a ^ n × a.

  Lemma CRadd_eq_compat : a b c d, a == cb == da + b == c + d.
  intros ? ? ? ? H H'.
  rewrite H; rewrite H'.

  Lemma CRmul_scal_compat : a b n, n ** a × b == a × (n ** b).
  intros a b n.
  induction n.
   simpl; ring.

   rewrite IHn.

  Lemma CRscal_eq_compat : a b n, a == bn ** a == n ** b.
  intros a b n H.
  induction n.
   simpl; ring.

   rewrite IHn.
   rewrite H.

  Lemma CRscal_mult_scal_one : a n, (n ** one) × a == n ** a.
  intros a n.
  induction n.
   simpl; ring.

   rewrite <- IHn.

  Lemma CRscal_add_eq_compat : a b n, (n ** a) + (n ** b) == n ** (a + b).
  intros a b n.
  induction n.
   simpl; ring.

   rewrite <- IHn.

  Lemma CRadd_scal_eq_compat : a n p, (n ** a) + (p ** a) == (n + p) ** a.
  intros a n p.
  induction n.
   simpl; ring.

   rewrite <- IHn.

  Theorem Newton : n a b, (a + b) ^ n == newton_sum n a b.
  intros n a b.
  induction n; [compute; ring | ].
  destruct n; [compute; ring | ].

  unfold newton_sum.
  rewrite CRsum_simpl.
  rewrite <- CRsum_reindex.

  rewrite <- (CRsum_eq_compat (fun k
    (Nbinomial (S n) k ** a ^ S k × b ^ (S (S n) - S k)) +
    (Nbinomial (S n) (S k) ** a ^ S k × b ^ (S (S n) - S k)))).
   rewrite CRsum_add_compat.
   rewrite CRpow_simpl.
   rewrite IHn.
   rewrite ring_distributive_r.
   unfold newton_sum.
   do 2 (rewrite (op_comm (O:=mul)); rewrite CRsum_scal_compat).
   assert (AP: a b c d e f, a == e + cb == d + fa + b == c + (d + (e + f)))
     by (intros ? ? ? ? ? ? Hi Hj; rewrite Hi; rewrite Hj; ring);
     apply AP; clear AP.
    rewrite CRsum_simpl_r.
    repeat rewrite Nbinomial_diag.
    repeat rewrite minus_diag.
    apply CRadd_eq_compat.
     apply CRsum_eq_compat_weak.
     rewrite <- CRmul_scal_compat.
     apply CRscal_eq_compat.
     rewrite CRpow_simpl.
     simpl; ring.

     simpl; ring.

    rewrite <- CRsum_reindex.
    apply CRadd_eq_compat.
     simpl; repeat rewrite binomial_zero; ring.
     apply CRsum_eq_compat; intros j Hj.
     rewrite <- minus_Sn_m with (S n) _; [|omega].
     rewrite <- CRmul_scal_compat.
     apply CRscal_eq_compat.

   intros j Hj.
   rewrite <- CRscal_mult_scal_one.
   rewrite <- (CRscal_mult_scal_one _ (Nbinomial (S n) (S j))).
   rewrite <- ring_distributive_l.
   rewrite CRadd_scal_eq_compat.
   rewrite Nbinomial_pascal; [ | omega].
   rewrite CRscal_mult_scal_one.

End Commutative_Ring.