Library Coqtail.Reals.Finite_Calculus.Definitions
Require Import Rsequence_def Rsequence_sums_facts Rsequence_rewrite_facts.
Require Import MyNat.
Require Import Rfunction_def.
Local Open Scope R_scope.
Definition D (f : R → R) : R → R := fun x ⇒ f (x + 1) - f x.
Definition Int (a b: nat) (f : R → R) : R :=
Rseq_sum (Rseq_shifts (fun n ⇒ f (INR n)) a) (b - a).
Lemma D_opp_compat : ∀ f, D (- f)%F == (- D f)%F.
intros f x ; unfold D, opp_fct ; ring.
Lemma D_plus_compat : ∀ f g, D (f + g)%F == (D f + D g)%F.
intros f g x ; unfold D, plus_fct ; ring.
Lemma D_minus_compat : ∀ f g, D (f - g)%F == (D f - D g)%F.
intros f g x ; unfold D, minus_fct, Rminus ; ring.
Lemma Int_D: ∀ a b f, (a ≤ b)%nat → Int a b (D f) = f (INR b + 1) - f (INR a).
intros a b ; revert a ; induction b ; intros a f altb.
inversion altb ; reflexivity.
unfold Int in × ; destruct a ; simpl minus.
rewrite Rseq_sum_simpl ; rewrite (minus_n_O b), IHb ; [| apply le_0_n].
unfold Rseq_shifts, D ; rewrite <- minus_n_O ; simpl plus ;
rewrite S_INR ; ring.
erewrite Rseq_sum_ext ; [| apply Rseq_shift_shifts] ;
rewrite Rseq_sum_shift_compat.
unfold Rseq_shift ; rewrite Rseq_sum_simpl, IHb ; unfold Rseq_shifts, D.
rewrite minus_Sn_m, le_plus_minus_r, plus_0_r, S_INR, S_INR.
transitivity (S a) ; [apply le_n_Sn | assumption].
apply le_S_n ; assumption.
apply le_S_n ; assumption.
Fixpoint Fp (n : nat) : R → R := fun x ⇒
match n with
| O ⇒ 1
| S m ⇒ (x - INR m) × Fp m x
Lemma D_Fp_S_simpl : ∀ x n, D (Fp (S n)) x = INR (S n) × Fp n x.
intros x n ; induction n.
unfold D, Fp ; simpl ; ring.
replace (INR(S(S n))) with (1+ INR(S n)) by (simpl; auto with *).
rewrite Rmult_plus_distr_r; simpl Fp at 3.
rewrite Rmult_comm with (x - INR n) (Fp n x).
rewrite <- Rmult_assoc.
rewrite <- IHn.
unfold D, Fp.
replace (INR (S n)) with (1 + INR n) by (simpl; case n; auto with *).
Require Import MyNat.
Require Import Rfunction_def.
Local Open Scope R_scope.
Definition D (f : R → R) : R → R := fun x ⇒ f (x + 1) - f x.
Definition Int (a b: nat) (f : R → R) : R :=
Rseq_sum (Rseq_shifts (fun n ⇒ f (INR n)) a) (b - a).
Lemma D_opp_compat : ∀ f, D (- f)%F == (- D f)%F.
intros f x ; unfold D, opp_fct ; ring.
Lemma D_plus_compat : ∀ f g, D (f + g)%F == (D f + D g)%F.
intros f g x ; unfold D, plus_fct ; ring.
Lemma D_minus_compat : ∀ f g, D (f - g)%F == (D f - D g)%F.
intros f g x ; unfold D, minus_fct, Rminus ; ring.
Lemma Int_D: ∀ a b f, (a ≤ b)%nat → Int a b (D f) = f (INR b + 1) - f (INR a).
intros a b ; revert a ; induction b ; intros a f altb.
inversion altb ; reflexivity.
unfold Int in × ; destruct a ; simpl minus.
rewrite Rseq_sum_simpl ; rewrite (minus_n_O b), IHb ; [| apply le_0_n].
unfold Rseq_shifts, D ; rewrite <- minus_n_O ; simpl plus ;
rewrite S_INR ; ring.
erewrite Rseq_sum_ext ; [| apply Rseq_shift_shifts] ;
rewrite Rseq_sum_shift_compat.
unfold Rseq_shift ; rewrite Rseq_sum_simpl, IHb ; unfold Rseq_shifts, D.
rewrite minus_Sn_m, le_plus_minus_r, plus_0_r, S_INR, S_INR.
transitivity (S a) ; [apply le_n_Sn | assumption].
apply le_S_n ; assumption.
apply le_S_n ; assumption.
Fixpoint Fp (n : nat) : R → R := fun x ⇒
match n with
| O ⇒ 1
| S m ⇒ (x - INR m) × Fp m x
Lemma D_Fp_S_simpl : ∀ x n, D (Fp (S n)) x = INR (S n) × Fp n x.
intros x n ; induction n.
unfold D, Fp ; simpl ; ring.
replace (INR(S(S n))) with (1+ INR(S n)) by (simpl; auto with *).
rewrite Rmult_plus_distr_r; simpl Fp at 3.
rewrite Rmult_comm with (x - INR n) (Fp n x).
rewrite <- Rmult_assoc.
rewrite <- IHn.
unfold D, Fp.
replace (INR (S n)) with (1 + INR n) by (simpl; case n; auto with *).