Library Coqtail.Reals.Rseries.Rseries_RiemannInt

Properties involving series and integrals
Require Import Reals.
Require Import Rseries_def.
Require Import Rseries_facts.
Require Import RiemannInt.
Require Import Fourier.
Require Import Rsequence_facts.
Require Import Rsequence_subsequence.
Require Import Riemann_integrable.
Require Import Rintegral.

Open Local Scope R_scope.
Section Rseries_RiemannInt.

Local Coercion INR : nat >-> R.

Lemma Telescoping_series : a n, sum_f_R0 (fun ia (S i) - a i) n = a (S n) - a O.
intros a n.
rewrite tech11 with (fun ia (S i) - a i) (fun ia (S i)) a _; [|reflexivity].
destruct n; [reflexivity|].
rewrite tech2 with a O (S n); [|intuition].
rewrite tech5.
simpl (sum_f_R0 a 0).
replace (S n - 1)%nat with n by (simpl; apply minus_n_O).
assert (REW : S S' A B, S = S'S + A - (B + S') = A - B) by (intros; subst; ring).
apply REW.

Lemma Telescoping_series_opp : a n, sum_f_R0 (fun ia i - a (S i)) n = a O - a (S n).
intros a n.
rewrite tech11 with (fun ia i - a (S i)) a (fun ia (S i)) _; [|reflexivity].
destruct n; [reflexivity|].
rewrite tech2 with a O (S n); [|intuition].
rewrite tech5.
simpl (sum_f_R0 a 0).
replace (S n - 1)%nat with n by (simpl; apply minus_n_O).
assert (REW : S S' A B, S = S'A + S - (S' + B) = A - B) by (intros; subst; ring).
apply REW.

Generalized Chasles relation

Lemma Rint_generalized_Chasles : f An,
  ( n : nat, Rint f n (S n) (An n)) →
     n : nat, Rint f 0 (S n) (sum_f_R0 An n).
intros f An H.
induction n.
  apply (H O).
apply Rint_Chasles with (S n).
  apply IHn.
apply H.

Section Rser_RiemannInt_link.

Variable f : RR.
Hypothesis Hcont : x, 0 xcontinuity_pt f x.
Hypothesis Hpos : x, 0 x → 0 f x.
Hypothesis Hdec : x y : R, 0 x yf y f x.

Lemma Riemann_integrable_f_n_Sn : (n : nat), Riemann_integrable f (INR n) (INR (S n)).
intro n.
apply continuity_implies_RiemannInt.
  apply le_INR; do 2 constructor.
intros x [Hnx HxSn]; apply Hcont.
apply (Rle_trans 0 (INR n) x (le_INR _ _ (le_O_n n)) Hnx).

Lemma Rser_RiemannInt_link_general_term_integrable : (n : nat),
  Riemann_integrable (fun xfct_cte (f (INR n)) x - f x) (INR n) (INR (S n)).
intros n.
apply RiemannInt_integrable_minus.
 apply RiemannInt_P6.
  auto with ×.
  intros x Hx.
  apply continuity_const.
  intros y z; reflexivity.

  apply (Riemann_integrable_f_n_Sn n).

Lemma Rser_RiemannInt_link_general_term_bound (n : nat) :
  RiemannInt (Rser_RiemannInt_link_general_term_integrable n) f (INR n) - f (INR (S n)).
rewrite <- Rmult_1_r.
replace 1 with (INR (S n) - (INR n)).
 assert (pr:Riemann_integrable (fct_cte (f (INR n) - f (INR (S n)))) (INR n) (INR (S n))) by apply RiemannInt_P14.
 rewrite <- RiemannInt_P15 with _ _ _ pr.
 apply RiemannInt_P19; [intuition|].
 unfold fct_cte.
 intros x [xn xsn].
 apply Rminus_le_compat_r.
 apply Hdec.
 apply Rle_trans with (INR n).
 auto with ×.
 left; apply xn.
 apply (Rlt_le _ _ xsn).

 rewrite <- minus_INR by intuition.
 replace (S n - n)%nat with 1%nat by intuition.

Link between series and integral

Lemma Rser_RiemannInt_link : { l | Rser_cv (fun nf (INR n) - RiemannInt (Riemann_integrable_f_n_Sn n) ) l}.
apply Rser_pos_bound_cv with (f 0).
 intro n.
 destruct (Rint_constant (f n) n (S n)) as [ pr int].
 replace (f n × (S n -n)) with (f n) in int by (rewrite S_INR; ring).
 rewrite <- int.
 apply Rle_minus'.
 apply RiemannInt_P19; [intuition|].
 intros x [xn snx].
 assert(Hcond : 0 (INR n) x).
     auto with ×.

     left; apply xn.
   apply (Hdec _ _ Hcond).

 intro n.
 apply Rle_trans with (sum_f_R0 (fun nf (INR n) - f (INR (S n))) n).
 apply sum_Rle.
  intros i ni.
  destruct (Rint_constant (f i) i (S i)) as [ pr int].
   replace (f i × (S i -i)) with (f i) in int by (rewrite S_INR; ring).
  rewrite <- int.
  rewrite <- RiemannInt_minus with _ _ _ _ _ _ (Rser_RiemannInt_link_general_term_integrable i); [|intuition].
  rewrite RiemannInt_P15.
  replace (INR (S i) - INR i) with 1.
   rewrite Rmult_1_r.
   apply (Rser_RiemannInt_link_general_term_bound i).

   rewrite <- minus_INR by intuition.
   replace (S i - i)%nat with 1%nat by intuition.

  rewrite Telescoping_series_opp.
  rewrite <- Rminus_0_r.
  apply Rminus_le_compat_r.
  apply Hpos.
auto with ×.

Lemma Rser_RiemannInt_cv_pos_infty :
     pr : (n : nat), Riemann_integrable f 0 (INR n),
    Rseq_cv_pos_infty (fun nRiemannInt (pr (S n))) →
        (sum_f_R0 (fun nf (INR n))) ¬ (fun nRiemannInt (pr (S n))).
assert (pr : n : nat, Riemann_integrable f 0 n).
  intro n.
  apply continuity_implies_RiemannInt.
  intros x [Hx _]; apply (Hcont x Hx).
intro Hdiv.
destruct Rser_RiemannInt_link as [ l Hl].
apply Rseq_equiv_sym.
unfold Rseq_equiv, Rseq_minus.
apply Rseq_cv_little_O_cv_pos_infty with (-l).
  apply Rseq_cv_eq_compat with
      (sum_f_R0 (fun n : nat- (f (INR n) - RiemannInt (Riemann_integrable_f_n_Sn n)))).
    intro n.
    destruct (Rint_generalized_Chasles f
                  (fun nRiemannInt (Riemann_integrable_f_n_Sn n))
                  (fun nRint_RiemannInt_link f n (S n) (Riemann_integrable_f_n_Sn n)) n) as [prn H].
    rewrite RiemannInt_P5 with _ _ _ (pr (S n)) prn.
    rewrite H.
    rewrite <- minus_sum.
    apply sum_eq; intros p Hp.
    unfold Rminus.
  unfold Rser_cv in Hl.
  apply Rser_cv_opp_compat; apply Hl.
apply Hdiv.

End Rser_RiemannInt_link.

Section Applications.

Definition ln1 := comp ln (fun xx+1).

Lemma Rint_inv1 : a b,
  -1 < a bRint (/(id + fct_cte 1))%F a b (ln (b + 1) - ln (a + 1)).
intros a b Hab.
replace (ln (b + 1)) with (comp ln (id + fct_cte 1) b) by reflexivity.
replace (ln (a + 1)) with (comp ln (id + fct_cte 1) a) by reflexivity.
apply Rint_derive.
intros x Hx.
  replace ((/ (id + fct_cte 1))%F x) with ((/ (id + fct_cte 1))%F x × (1+0)) by ring.
  apply derivable_pt_lim_comp.
    apply derivable_pt_lim_plus.
      apply derivable_pt_lim_id.
      apply derivable_pt_lim_const.
      apply derivable_pt_lim_ln.

     unfold plus_fct, fct_cte, id.
     apply Rlt_le_trans with (a + 1); fourier.
  intros x Hx.
  apply continuity_pt_inv.
  apply continuity_pt_plus.
  apply derivable_continuous, derivable_id.
  apply continuity_pt_const.
  unfold fct_cte; intros u v; reflexivity.
  unfold fct_cte, id, plus_fct.
  assert(0 < x + 1).
  apply Rlt_le_trans with (a + 1).
  replace 0 with (- 1 + 1) by ring.
  apply Rplus_lt_compat_r; intuition.
  apply Rplus_le_compat_r; intuition.
auto with ×.

Equivalent of the harmonic series
Lemma harmonic_series_equiv : (sum_f_R0 (fun n/ (S n))) ¬ (fun nln (S (S n))).
destruct (Rser_RiemannInt_cv_pos_infty (/(id + fct_cte 1))%F) as [int_f_0_n Hi];
unfold plus_fct, fct_cte, id, inv_fct.
  intros x Hx.
    apply continuity_pt_inv.
    apply (continuity_pt_plus _ _ _
      (derivable_continuous id derivable_id x)
      (derivable_continuous _ (derivable_const 1) x)).
    auto with ×.

  auto with ×.

  intros x y [Hxpos Hxy].
  apply Rle_Rinv; fourier.
  assert (Heq2 : (fun n : natln (INR (S (S n)))) ==
          (fun n : natRiemannInt (int_f_0_n (S n)))).
    intro n.
    replace (ln (S (S n))) with ((ln (S n + 1)%R - ln (O + 1))).
    destruct (Rint_inv1 0%nat (S n)) as [Hint Heq].
    auto with ×.
    rewrite <- Heq.
    apply RiemannInt_P18.
    auto with ×.
    replace (INR (S n) + 1) with (INR (S (S n))) by trivial.
    replace (INR 0 + 1) with 1 by (simpl; ring).
    rewrite ln_1.
  assert(Rseq_cv_pos_infty (fun n : natRiemannInt (int_f_0_n (S n)))) as Hdiv.
    apply Rseq_cv_pos_infty_eq_compat with (fun n : natln (S (S n))).
    apply Heq2.
    apply Rseq_subseq_cv_pos_infty_compat with (fun nln n).
    assert (Hex : is_extractor (fun n ⇒ (S (S n)))).
     (exist _ _ Hex).
  apply Rseq_ln_cv.
  assert(Heq1 : (sum_f_R0 (fun n : nat ⇒ (/ (id + fct_cte 1))%F (INR n))) ==
                 (sum_f_R0 (fun n : nat/ INR (S n)))).
    intro n; apply sum_eq; intros k Hk.

    unfold inv_fct, id, plus_fct, fct_cte.
    rewrite S_INR.
    apply Rseq_eq_sym in Heq2.
  apply (Rseq_equiv_eq_compat
  _ _ _ _ Heq1 Heq2 (Hi Hdiv)).

End Applications.

End Rseries_RiemannInt.