Library Coqtail.mytheories.myReals.MyRfunctions

Require Import Reals.
Require Import Fourier.
Require Export Rfunctions.

Open Scope R_scope.


Lemma Rpow_mult_distr : x y n, (x × y) ^ n = x ^ n × y ^ n.
intros x y n; induction n; simpl.
 repeat (rewrite Rmult_assoc); apply Rmult_eq_compat_l.
 rewrite IHn; field.


Lemma R_dist_ge_l : x y z, R_dist x y zRabs x Rabs y + z.
unfold R_dist; unfold Rabs.
intros x y z H.
repeat destruct Rcase_abs; fourier.

Lemma R_dist_gt_l : x y z, R_dist x y < zRabs x < Rabs y + z.
unfold R_dist; unfold Rabs.
intros x y z H.
repeat destruct Rcase_abs; fourier.

Lemma R_dist_ge_r : x y z, R_dist x y zRabs y - z Rabs x.
unfold R_dist; unfold Rabs.
intros x y z H.
repeat destruct Rcase_abs; fourier.

Lemma R_dist_gt_r : x y z, R_dist x y < zRabs y - z < Rabs x.
unfold R_dist; unfold Rabs.
intros x y z H.
repeat destruct Rcase_abs; fourier.

Lemma continuity_pt_constant : c x, continuity_pt (fct_cte c) x.
intros c x ; apply continuity_const.
intros u y; reflexivity.

Lemma continuity_constant : c, continuity (fct_cte c).
intro c; apply continuity_const.
intros x y; reflexivity.

C1 continuation of a C1 function on a segment

Section Rint_C1.

Definition C1_continuation f a b d:=
fun x : R
 if Rlt_dec x a then d a × (x - a) + f a
 else if Rle_dec x b then f x else d b × (x - b) + f b .

Definition C1_continuation_derive d a b : RR :=
fun x : R
  if Rlt_dec x a then d a
  else if Rle_dec x b then d x else d b.

Lemma C1_continuation_eq : f a b d x,
  a x bC1_continuation f a b d x = f x.
intros f a b d x Hx.
unfold C1_continuation.
destruct (Rlt_dec x a).
  apply False_ind; apply (Rlt_not_le _ _ r), (proj1 Hx).

  destruct (Rle_dec x b).

    apply False_ind, n0, (proj2 Hx).

Lemma C1_continuation_derive_eq : a b d x,
  a x bC1_continuation_derive d a b x = d x.
intros a b d x Hx.
unfold C1_continuation_derive.
destruct (Rlt_dec x a).
  apply False_ind; apply (Rlt_not_le _ _ r), (proj1 Hx).

  destruct (Rle_dec x b).

    apply False_ind, n0, (proj2 Hx).

Lemma prolongement_C1_derivable : (f d : RR) (a b : R),
  a b
  ( c, a c bderivable_pt_abs f c (d c)) →
  { derg | x, derive (C1_continuation f a b d) derg x =
               C1_continuation_derive d a b x}.
intros f d a b Hab Hder.
assert (Hrew : c u v, v 0 → (c × (u + v - u) + f u - f u) / v - d u = c - d u)
  by ( intros; field; assumption).

assert (Hrew2 : u x h z, h 0 → ((u × (x + h - z) + f z -(u × (x - z) + f z)) / h - u) = 0) by
    (intros; field; assumption).
assert( x, derivable_pt_abs (C1_continuation f a b d) x (C1_continuation_derive d a b x)).
  intro x.
  unfold C1_continuation, C1_continuation_derive, derivable_pt_abs, derivable_pt_lim.
  destruct (Rlt_dec x a) as [Hxa | Hax].
    destruct (Rle_dec x b) as [Hxb | Hxb].
    intros eps Heps.
     (mkposreal (a-x) (Rgt_minus _ _ Hxa)).
    intros h hneq Hcond.
    destruct(Rlt_dec (x+h) a) as [Hxha | Hxha].
    rewrite Hrew2, Rabs_R0; assumption; apply Heps.

    apply False_ind, Hxha.
    apply Rle_lt_trans with (x+ Rabs h).
      apply Rplus_le_compat_l.
      apply RRle_abs.
    replace a with (x + a + -x) by ring.
    rewrite Rplus_assoc; apply Rplus_lt_compat_l.
    apply Hcond.

    apply False_ind, Hxb.
    apply Rle_trans with a; intuition.
    destruct (Rle_dec x b) as [Hxb | Hxb].
      intros eps Heps.
      apply Rnot_lt_le in Hax.
      assert (Hx : a x b) by (split;assumption).
      destruct (Hder x Hx eps Heps) as [delta Hdelta].
      destruct Hxb as [Hxb | Hxb].
        destruct Hax as [Hax |Hax].         assert (0 < Rmin delta (Rmin (b-x) (x - a))) as Hposreal.
          apply Rmin_pos.
            apply cond_pos.
            apply Rmin_pos; fourier.
         (mkposreal _ Hposreal).
        intros h hneq Hcond.
      destruct(Rlt_dec (x+h) a) as [Hxha | Hxha].
      apply False_ind; apply (Rlt_not_le _ _ Hxha).
      assert(- h < x - a) as Hf.
        apply Rle_lt_trans with (Rabs h).
          rewrite <- Rabs_Ropp; apply RRle_abs.

          apply Rlt_le_trans with (Rmin (b - x) (x - a)).
            apply (proj2 ((Rmin_Rgt_l delta (Rmin (b - x) (x - a)) (Rabs h) Hcond))).
            apply Rmin_r.
      destruct (Rle_dec (x+h) b) as [Hxhb | Hxhb].
        apply (Hdelta _ hneq).
        apply (proj1 (Rmin_Rgt_l delta _ _ Hcond)).

        apply False_ind, Hxhb.
        replace b with (x + (b - x)) by ring.
        apply Rplus_le_compat_l.
        apply Rle_trans with (Rabs h).
          apply RRle_abs.
          apply Rle_trans with (Rmin (b - x) (x - a)).
            left; apply (proj2 ((Rmin_Rgt_l delta _ (Rabs h) Hcond))).
            apply Rmin_l.

        subst x.         assert( Hposreal : 0 < Rmin delta (b-a)).
            apply Rmin_pos.
            apply cond_pos.
         (mkposreal _ Hposreal).
        intros h hneq Hcond.
        destruct (Rlt_dec (a + h) a) as [Hah | Hah].
        rewrite Hrew.
        ring_simplify (d a - d a).
        rewrite Rabs_R0; apply Heps.
        apply hneq.
          destruct(Rle_dec (a+h) b) as [Hh | Hh].
            apply (Hdelta h hneq).
              apply Rlt_le_trans with (Rmin delta (b-a)).
                apply Hcond.
                apply Rmin_l.
            apply False_ind, Hh.
            replace b with (a + (b-a)) by ring.
            apply Rplus_le_compat_l.
            apply Rle_trans with (Rabs h).
              apply RRle_abs.
              apply Rle_trans with (Rmin delta (b-a)).
                left; apply Hcond.
                apply Rmin_r.

        subst x.         destruct Hax as [Hax | Hax].
        assert( Hposreal : 0 < Rmin delta (b-a)).
            apply Rmin_pos.
            apply cond_pos.
         (mkposreal _ Hposreal).
        intros h hneq Hcond.
        destruct (Rlt_dec (b + h) a) as [Hbh | Hbh].
        apply False_ind, (Rlt_not_le _ _ Hbh).
        assert(- h b - a) as Hf.
          apply Rle_trans with (Rabs h).
            rewrite <- Rabs_Ropp; apply RRle_abs.
            apply Rle_trans with (Rmin delta (b - a)).
              apply Rmin_r.

        destruct(Rle_dec (b+h) b) as [Hh | Hh].
          apply (Hdelta h hneq).
          apply Rlt_le_trans with (Rmin delta (b - a)).
          apply Hcond.
          apply Rmin_l.
          rewrite Hrew.
          ring_simplify ( d b - d b).
          rewrite Rabs_R0; apply Heps.
          apply hneq.

            subst b.              delta.
            intros h hneq Hcond.
            destruct(Rlt_dec (a+h) a).

            rewrite Hrew.
          ring_simplify ( d a - d a).
          rewrite Rabs_R0; apply Heps.
          apply hneq.

          destruct (Rle_dec (a+h) a) as [Hh | Hh].
            rewrite Hrew.
          ring_simplify ( d a - d a).
          rewrite Rabs_R0; apply Heps.
          apply hneq.

    destruct (Rle_dec x b).
    intros eps Heps.
    apply Rnot_le_lt in Hxb.
     (mkposreal (x - b) (Rgt_minus _ _ Hxb)).
    intros h hneq Hcond.
    destruct(Rlt_dec (x+h) a) as [Hxha | Hxha].
      apply False_ind, (RIneq.Rle_not_lt _ _ Hab).
      apply Rlt_le_trans with (x+h).
        assert(- h x - b) as Hf.
          apply Rle_trans with (Rabs h).
            rewrite <- Rabs_Ropp; apply RRle_abs.

    destruct (Rle_dec (x + h) b) as [Hh | Hh].
      apply False_ind, (RIneq.Rle_not_lt _ _ Hh).
        assert(- h x - b) as Hf.
          apply Rle_trans with (Rabs h).
            rewrite <- Rabs_Ropp; apply RRle_abs.

        rewrite Hrew2, Rabs_R0; assumption; apply Heps.
  intros eps Heps.

  apply Rnot_le_lt in Hxb.
   (mkposreal (x - b) (Rgt_minus _ _ Hxb)).
  intros h hneq Hcond.
  destruct(Rlt_dec (x+h) a) as [Hxha | Hxha].
    apply False_ind, (RIneq.Rle_not_lt _ _ Hab).
    apply Rlt_le_trans with (x+h).
      assert(- h x - b) as Hf.
        apply Rle_trans with (Rabs h).
          rewrite <- Rabs_Ropp; apply RRle_abs.

    destruct (Rle_dec (x + h) b) as [Hh | Hh].
      apply False_ind, (RIneq.Rle_not_lt _ _ Hh).
        assert(- h < x - b) as Hf.
          apply Rle_lt_trans with (Rabs h).
            rewrite <- Rabs_Ropp; apply RRle_abs.

  rewrite Hrew2, Rabs_R0; assumption.
assert(derivable (C1_continuation f a b d)) as der_c by
(intro x; (C1_continuation_derive d a b x); apply H).
intro x.
unfold derive.
apply uniqueness_limite with (C1_continuation f a b d) x.
  eapply derive_pt_eq_1.

  apply H.

Lemma C0_sticking_one_pt : f gl gr a,
  continuity glcontinuity gr
  ( x, x af x = gl x) →
  ( x, a xf x = gr x) →
  continuity f.
intros f gl gr a Hl Hr Hfl Hfr x.
destruct (Rtotal_order x a).

intros eps Heps.
destruct (Hl x eps); try assumption.
destruct H0.
destruct (Rlt_dec x0 (a - x)).
x0; split; try assumption.
destruct (Rlt_dec a x1).
assert False; try contradiction.
apply (Rgt_asym a x1); try assumption.
destruct H2; simpl in H3; unfold R_dist in H3.
assert ((x1 - x) Rabs (x1 - x)) by apply RRle_abs.
repeat rewrite Hfl.
apply (H1 x1). fourier.
apply Rnot_lt_le; assumption.

apply Rnot_lt_le in n.
(a - x); split; try fourier.
destruct (Rlt_dec a x1).
assert False; try contradiction.
apply (Rgt_asym a x1); try assumption.
destruct H2; simpl in H3; unfold R_dist in H3.
assert ((x1 - x) Rabs (x1 - x)) by apply RRle_abs.
assert (D_x no_cond x x1 dist R_met x1 x < x0
    dist R_met (gl x1) (gl x) < eps) by (exact (H1 x1)).
apply Rnot_lt_le in n0.
repeat rewrite Hfl; try fourier.
intros; destruct H3.
apply H2.
split; try assumption.

destruct H.
intros eps Heps.
rewrite H in |-*; clear x H.
destruct (Hl a eps); try assumption.
destruct (Hr a eps); try assumption.
destruct H; destruct H0.
(Rmin x x0); split.
apply Rmin_pos; assumption.
intro x1; destruct (Rlt_dec x1 a).
repeat rewrite Hfl; try fourier.
assert (D_x no_cond a x1 dist R_met x1 a < x
    dist R_met (gl x1) (gl a) < eps) by (exact (H1 x1)).
intros; destruct H4.
apply H3.
split; try assumption.
assert (Rmin x x0 x) by exact (Rmin_l x x0).
apply Rnot_lt_le in n.
repeat rewrite Hfr; try fourier.
assert (D_x no_cond a x1 dist R_met x1 a < x0
    dist R_met (gr x1) (gr a) < eps) by (exact (H2 x1)).
intros; destruct H4.
apply H3.
split; try assumption.
assert (Rmin x x0 x0) by exact (Rmin_r x x0).

intros eps Heps.
destruct (Hr x eps); try assumption.
destruct H0.
destruct (Rlt_dec x0 (x - a)).
x0; split; try assumption.
destruct (Rlt_dec x1 a).
assert False; try contradiction.
apply (Rgt_asym a x1); try assumption.
destruct H2; simpl in H3; unfold R_dist in H3.
assert (x - x1 Rabs (x1 - x)).
rewrite Rabs_minus_sym; apply RRle_abs.
repeat rewrite Hfr.
apply (H1 x1). fourier.
apply Rnot_lt_le; assumption.

(x - a); split; try fourier.
destruct (Rlt_dec x1 a).
assert False; try contradiction.
apply (Rgt_asym a x1); try assumption.
destruct H2; simpl in H3; unfold R_dist in H3.
assert (x - x1 Rabs (x1 - x)).
rewrite Rabs_minus_sym; apply RRle_abs.
apply Rnot_lt_le in n0.
repeat rewrite Hfr; try fourier.
apply Rnot_lt_le in n.
assert (D_x no_cond x x1 dist R_met x1 x < x0
    dist R_met (gr x1) (gr x) < eps) by (exact (H1 x1)).
intros; destruct H3.
apply H2.
split; try assumption.

Lemma C0_sticking_one_pt_strong : f gl gr a,
  ( x, x acontinuity_pt gl x) →
  ( x, a xcontinuity_pt gr x) →
  ( x, x af x = gl x) →
  ( x, a xf x = gr x) →
  continuity f.
intros f gl gr a Hl Hr Hfl Hfr x.
destruct (Rtotal_order x a) as [|[]].
 intros eps Heps.
 destruct (Hl x (Rlt_le _ _ H) eps); try assumption.
 destruct H0.
 destruct (Rlt_dec x0 (a - x)).
   x0; split; try assumption.
  destruct (Rlt_dec a x1).
  assert False; try contradiction.
  apply (Rgt_asym a x1); try assumption.
  destruct H2; simpl in H3; unfold R_dist in H3.
  assert ((x1 - x) Rabs (x1 - x)) by apply RRle_abs.
  repeat rewrite Hfl.
  apply (H1 x1). fourier.
  apply Rnot_lt_le; assumption.

  apply Rnot_lt_le in n.
   (a - x); split; try fourier.
  destruct (Rlt_dec a x1).
  assert False; try contradiction.
  apply (Rgt_asym a x1); try assumption.
  destruct H2; simpl in H3; unfold R_dist in H3.
  assert ((x1 - x) Rabs (x1 - x)) by apply RRle_abs.
  assert (D_x no_cond x x1 dist R_met x1 x < x0
    dist R_met (gl x1) (gl x) < eps) by (exact (H1 x1)).
  apply Rnot_lt_le in n0.
  repeat rewrite Hfl; try fourier.
  intros; destruct H3.
  apply H2.
  split; try assumption.

 intros eps Heps.
 rewrite H in |-*; clear H x.
 destruct (Hl a (Rle_refl a) eps); try assumption.
 destruct (Hr a (Rle_refl a) eps); try assumption.
 destruct H; destruct H0.
  (Rmin x x0); split.
 apply Rmin_pos; assumption.
 intro x1; destruct (Rlt_dec x1 a).
 repeat rewrite Hfl; try fourier.
 assert (D_x no_cond a x1 dist R_met x1 a < x
   dist R_met (gl x1) (gl a) < eps) by (exact (H1 x1)).
 intros; destruct H4.
 apply H3.
 split; try assumption.
 assert (Rmin x x0 x) by exact (Rmin_l x x0).
 apply Rnot_lt_le in n.
 repeat rewrite Hfr; try fourier.
 assert (D_x no_cond a x1 dist R_met x1 a < x0
   dist R_met (gr x1) (gr a) < eps) by (exact (H2 x1)).
 intros; destruct H4.
 apply H3.
 split; try assumption.
 assert (Rmin x x0 x0) by exact (Rmin_r x x0).

 intros eps Heps.
 destruct (Hr x (Rlt_le _ _ H) eps); try assumption.
 destruct H0.
 destruct (Rlt_dec x0 (x - a)).
   x0; split; try assumption.
  destruct (Rlt_dec x1 a).
  assert False; try contradiction.
  apply (Rgt_asym a x1); try assumption.
  destruct H2; simpl in H3; unfold R_dist in H3.
  assert (x - x1 Rabs (x1 - x)).
  rewrite Rabs_minus_sym; apply RRle_abs.
  repeat rewrite Hfr.
  apply (H1 x1). fourier.
  apply Rnot_lt_le; assumption.

   (x - a); split; try fourier.
  destruct (Rlt_dec x1 a).
  assert False; try contradiction.
  apply (Rgt_asym a x1); try assumption.
  destruct H2; simpl in H3; unfold R_dist in H3.
  assert (x - x1 Rabs (x1 - x)).
  rewrite Rabs_minus_sym; apply RRle_abs.
  apply Rnot_lt_le in n0.
  repeat rewrite Hfr; try fourier.
  apply Rnot_lt_le in n.
  assert (D_x no_cond x x1 dist R_met x1 x < x0
    dist R_met (gr x1) (gr x) < eps) by (exact (H1 x1)).
  intros; destruct H3.
  apply H2.
  split; auto.

Lemma C0_sticking_two_pt : f gl gc gr a b,
  a b
  continuity gl
  ( x, a x bcontinuity_pt gc x) →
  continuity gr
  ( x, x af x = gl x) →
  ( x, a x bf x = gc x) →
  ( x, b xf x = gr x) →
  continuity f.
intros f gl gc gr a b Hab Hl Hc Hr Hfl Hfc Hfr x.
destruct ((Rle_lt_or_eq_dec a b) Hab).
destruct (Rtotal_order x a).

intros eps Heps.
destruct (Hl x eps); try assumption.
destruct H0.
(Rmin x0 (a-x)); split.
repeat (apply Rmin_pos); fourier.
destruct (Rlt_dec a x1).
assert False; try contradiction.
apply (Rgt_asym a x1); try assumption.
destruct H2; simpl in H3; unfold R_dist in H3.
assert ((x1 - x) Rabs (x1 - x)) by apply RRle_abs.
assert (Rmin x0 (a - x) a - x) by exact (Rmin_r x0 (a - x)).
apply Rnot_lt_le in n.
repeat rewrite Hfl; try fourier.
assert (D_x no_cond x x1 dist R_met x1 x < x0
    dist R_met (gl x1) (gl x) < eps) by (exact (H1 x1)).
intros; destruct H3.
apply H2.
split; try assumption.
assert (Rmin x0 (a - x) x0) by exact (Rmin_l x0 (a - x)).

destruct H.
rewrite H in |-*; clear x H.
intros eps Heps.
destruct (Hl a eps); try assumption.
destruct (Hc a (conj (Rle_refl a) (Rlt_le _ _ r)) eps); try assumption.
destruct H; destruct H0.
(Rmin x (Rmin x0 (b-a))); split.
repeat (apply Rmin_pos); fourier.
intro x1; destruct (Rlt_dec x1 a).
repeat rewrite Hfl; try fourier.
assert (D_x no_cond a x1 dist R_met x1 a < x
    dist R_met (gl x1) (gl a) < eps) by (exact (H1 x1)).
intros; destruct H4.
apply H3.
split; try assumption.
assert (Rmin x (Rmin x0 (b-a)) x) by exact (Rmin_l x (Rmin x0 (b-a))).

apply Rnot_lt_le in n.
destruct (Rlt_dec b x1).
assert False; try contradiction.
apply (Rgt_asym b x1); try assumption.
destruct H3; simpl in H4; unfold R_dist in H4.
assert ((x1 - a) Rabs (x1 - a)) by apply RRle_abs.
assert (Rmin x (Rmin x0 (b-a)) (b-a)).
assert (Rmin x (Rmin x0 (b-a)) (Rmin x0 (b-a)))
     by exact (Rmin_r x (Rmin x0 (b-a))).
assert ((Rmin x0 (b-a)) (b-a)) by exact (Rmin_r x0 (b-a)).
apply Rnot_lt_le in n0.
repeat rewrite Hfc; try split; try fourier.
assert (D_x no_cond a x1 dist R_met x1 a < x0
    dist R_met (gc x1) (gc a) < eps) by (exact (H2 x1)).
intros; destruct H4.
apply H3.
split; try assumption.
assert (Rmin x (Rmin x0 (b-a)) x0).
assert (Rmin x (Rmin x0 (b-a)) (Rmin x0 (b-a)))
     by exact (Rmin_r x (Rmin x0 (b-a))).
assert ((Rmin x0 (b-a)) x0) by exact (Rmin_l x0 (b-a)).

destruct (Rtotal_order x b).
intros eps Heps.
destruct (Hc x (conj (Rlt_le _ _ H) (Rlt_le _ _ H0)) eps); try assumption.
destruct H1.
(Rmin (Rmin (x-a) (b-x)) x0); split.
repeat (apply Rmin_pos); fourier.
intro x1.
destruct (Rlt_dec x1 a).
assert False; try contradiction.
apply (Rgt_asym a x1); try assumption.
destruct H3; simpl in H4; unfold R_dist in H4.
assert (x - x1 Rabs (x1 - x)).
rewrite Rabs_minus_sym; apply RRle_abs.
assert ((Rmin (Rmin (x-a) (b-x)) x0) (x-a)).
assert ((Rmin (Rmin (x-a) (b-x)) x0) (Rmin (x-a) (b-x)))
     by exact (Rmin_l (Rmin (x-a) (b-x)) x0).
assert ((Rmin (x-a) (b-x)) x-a) by exact (Rmin_l (x-a) (b-x)).
destruct (Rlt_dec b x1).
assert False; try contradiction.
apply (Rgt_asym x1 b); try assumption.
destruct H3; simpl in H4; unfold R_dist in H4.
assert (x1 - x Rabs (x1 - x)) by apply RRle_abs.
assert ((Rmin (Rmin (x-a) (b-x)) x0) (b-x)).
assert ((Rmin (Rmin (x-a) (b-x)) x0) (Rmin (x-a) (b-x)))
     by exact (Rmin_l (Rmin (x-a) (b-x)) x0).
assert ((Rmin (x-a) (b-x)) b-x) by exact (Rmin_r (x-a) (b-x)).
apply Rnot_lt_le in n.
apply Rnot_lt_le in n0.
assert (D_x no_cond x x1 dist R_met x1 x < x0
    dist R_met (gc x1) (gc x) < eps) by (exact (H2 x1)).
repeat rewrite Hfc; try split; try fourier.
intros; destruct H4.
apply H3.
split; try assumption.
assert ((Rmin (Rmin (x-a) (b-x)) x0) x0)
     by exact (Rmin_r (Rmin (x-a) (b-x)) x0).

destruct H0.
rewrite H0 in |-*; clear H x H0.
intros eps Heps.
destruct (Hc b (conj (Rlt_le _ _ r) (Rle_refl b)) eps); try assumption.
destruct (Hr b eps); try assumption.
destruct H; destruct H0.
(Rmin x (Rmin x0 (b-a))); split.
repeat (apply Rmin_pos); fourier.
intro x1; destruct (Rlt_dec b x1).
repeat rewrite Hfr; try fourier.
assert (D_x no_cond b x1 dist R_met x1 b < x0
    dist R_met (gr x1) (gr b) < eps) by (exact (H2 x1)).
intros; destruct H4.
apply H3.
split; try assumption.
assert (Rmin x (Rmin x0 (b-a)) x0).
assert (Rmin x (Rmin x0 (b-a)) (Rmin x0 (b-a)))
     by exact (Rmin_r x (Rmin x0 (b-a))).
assert ((Rmin x0 (b-a)) x0) by exact (Rmin_l x0 (b-a)).

destruct (Rlt_dec x1 a).
assert False; try contradiction.
apply (Rgt_asym x1 a); try assumption.
destruct H3; simpl in H4; unfold R_dist in H4.
assert ((b - x1) Rabs (x1 - b)).
rewrite Rabs_minus_sym; apply RRle_abs.
assert (Rmin x (Rmin x0 (b-a)) (b-a)).
assert (Rmin x (Rmin x0 (b-a)) (Rmin x0 (b-a)))
     by exact (Rmin_r x (Rmin x0 (b-a))).
assert ((Rmin x0 (b-a)) (b-a)) by exact (Rmin_r x0 (b-a)).
apply Rnot_lt_le in n.
apply Rnot_lt_le in n0.
repeat rewrite Hfc; try split; try fourier.
assert (D_x no_cond b x1 dist R_met x1 b < x
    dist R_met (gc x1) (gc b) < eps) by (exact (H1 x1)).
intros; destruct H4.
apply H3.
split; try assumption.
assert (Rmin x (Rmin x0 (b-a)) x) by exact (Rmin_l x (Rmin x0 (b-a))).

intros eps Heps.
destruct (Hr x eps); try assumption.
destruct H1.
(Rmin x0 (x - b)); split.
repeat (apply Rmin_pos); fourier.
destruct (Rlt_dec x1 b).
assert False; try contradiction.
apply (Rgt_asym b x1); try assumption.
destruct H3; simpl in H4; unfold R_dist in H4.
assert ((x - x1) Rabs (x1 - x)).
rewrite Rabs_minus_sym; apply RRle_abs.
assert (Rmin x0 (x - b) x - b) by exact (Rmin_r x0 (x - b)).
apply Rnot_lt_le in n.
repeat rewrite Hfr; try fourier.
assert (D_x no_cond x x1 dist R_met x1 x < x0
    dist R_met (gr x1) (gr x) < eps) by (exact (H2 x1)).
intros; destruct H4.
apply H3.
split; try assumption.
assert (Rmin x0 (x - b) x0) by exact (Rmin_l x0 (x - b)).

rewrite e in *|-.
apply (C0_sticking_one_pt f gl gr b); assumption.

Lemma C1_continuation_derive_continuous : d a b, a b
( c, a c bcontinuity_pt d c) →
  continuity (C1_continuation_derive d a b).
intros d a b Hab Cd.
apply (C0_sticking_two_pt _ (fct_cte (d a)) d (fct_cte (d b)) a b Hab);
  try (apply continuity_constant); auto; intros;
  unfold C1_continuation_derive;
  destruct (Rlt_dec x a);
  destruct (Rle_dec x b); auto.

 assert (x = a) by (apply Rle_antisym; auto; apply Rnot_lt_le; auto).
 subst; trivial.

 pose proof Rle_antisym a x (Rnot_lt_le _ _ n) H; subst.
 apply (False_ind _ (n0 Hab)).

 apply (False_ind _ (RIneq.Rle_not_lt _ _ (proj1 H) r)).

 apply (False_ind _ (RIneq.Rle_not_lt _ _ (proj1 H) r)).

 apply (False_ind _ (n0 (proj2 H))).

 assert (x = b) by (apply Rle_antisym; auto; apply Rnot_lt_le; auto); subst.
 apply (False_ind _ (RIneq.Rle_not_lt _ _ Hab r)).

 apply False_ind; apply (RIneq.Rle_not_lt _ _ H).
 apply Rlt_le_trans with a; auto.

 assert (x = b) by (apply Rle_antisym; auto; apply Rnot_lt_le; auto); subst.

Lemma prolongement_C1_C1 : (f d : RR) (a b : R),
  a b
  ( c, a c bderivable_pt_abs f c (d c)) →
  ( c, a c bcontinuity_pt d c) →
  {g : C1_fun |
  ( c : R, a c bf c = g c)
  ( c : R, a c bd c = derive g (diff0 g) c)}.
intros f d a b Hab Hder Hcont.
pose proof (prolongement_C1_derivable f d a b Hab Hder) as [diff0 Heq].
pose proof (C1_continuation_derive_continuous d a b Hab Hcont) as cont.
assert(c1 : continuity (derive (C1_continuation f a b d) diff0)).
  intros x eps Heps.
  destruct (cont x eps Heps) as [alpha [Halpha1 Halpha2]].
  do 2 rewrite Heq; intuition.
(mkC1 c1).
  intros x Hx.
  rewrite <- (C1_continuation_eq f a b d x Hx);

  intros x Hx.
  rewrite <- (C1_continuation_derive_eq a b d x Hx), Heq;

End Rint_C1.

Create HintDb Rcont.

Hint Resolve continuity_pt_plus : Rcont.
Hint Resolve continuity_pt_mult : Rcont.
Hint Resolve continuity_pt_minus : Rcont.
Hint Resolve continuity_pt_opp : Rcont.
Hint Resolve continuity_pt_const : Rcont.
Hint Resolve continuity_pt_inv : Rcont.
Hint Resolve continuity_pt_div : Rcont.
Hint Resolve continuity_pt_comp : Rcont.
Hint Resolve continuity_pt_sqrt : Rcont.
Hint Resolve continuity_pt_constant : Rcont.
Hint Resolve derivable_continuous_pt : Rcont.

Hint Resolve continuity_plus : Rcont.
Hint Resolve continuity_mult : Rcont.
Hint Resolve continuity_minus : Rcont.
Hint Resolve continuity_opp : Rcont.
Hint Resolve continuity_const : Rcont.
Hint Resolve continuity_inv : Rcont.
Hint Resolve continuity_div : Rcont.
Hint Resolve continuity_constant : Rcont.
Hint Resolve continuity_comp : Rcont.
Hint Resolve derivable_continuous : Rcont.

Hint Resolve derivable_pt_plus : Rcont.
Hint Resolve derivable_pt_mult : Rcont.
Hint Resolve derivable_pt_minus: Rcont.
Hint Resolve derivable_pt_opp : Rcont.
Hint Resolve derivable_pt_const : Rcont.
Hint Resolve derivable_pt_inv : Rcont.
Hint Resolve derivable_pt_div : Rcont.
Hint Resolve derivable_pt_comp : Rcont.
Hint Resolve derivable_pt_sqrt : Rcont.
Hint Resolve derivable_pt_exp : Rcont.
Hint Resolve derivable_pt_id : Rcont.
Hint Resolve derivable_pt_pow : Rcont.
Hint Resolve derivable_pt_cosh : Rcont.

Hint Resolve derivable_plus : Rcont.
Hint Resolve derivable_mult : Rcont.
Hint Resolve derivable_minus : Rcont.
Hint Resolve derivable_opp : Rcont.
Hint Resolve derivable_const : Rcont.
Hint Resolve derivable_inv : Rcont.
Hint Resolve derivable_div : Rcont.
Hint Resolve derivable_comp : Rcont.
Hint Resolve derivable_continuous : Rcont.
Hint Resolve derivable_cos : Rcont.
Hint Resolve derivable_sin : Rcont.
Hint Resolve derivable_exp : Rcont.
Hint Resolve derivable_id : Rcont.
Hint Resolve derivable_id : Rcont.
Hint Resolve derivable_pow : Rcont.
Hint Resolve derivable_cosh : Rcont.

Hint Resolve derivable_pt_lim_sin : Rcont.
Hint Resolve derivable_pt_lim_cos : Rcont.
Hint Resolve derivable_pt_lim_sqrt : Rcont.
Hint Resolve derivable_pt_lim_ln : Rcont.
Hint Resolve derivable_pt_lim_exp : Rcont.
Hint Resolve derivable_pt_lim_plus: Rcont.
Hint Resolve derivable_pt_lim_mult: Rcont.
Hint Resolve derivable_pt_lim_minus : Rcont.
Hint Resolve derivable_pt_lim_opp : Rcont.
Hint Resolve derivable_pt_lim_const : Rcont.
Hint Resolve derivable_pt_lim_id : Rcont.
Hint Resolve derivable_pt_lim_div : Rcont.
Hint Resolve derivable_pt_lim_comp : Rcont.
Hint Resolve derivable_pt_lim_pow : Rcont.
Hint Resolve derivable_pt_lim_power : Rcont.
Hint Resolve derivable_pt_lim_id : Rcont.
Hint Resolve derivable_pt_lim_cosh : Rcont.