Library Coqtail.Complex.Croot_n

Require Export Complex.
Require Import Cpow_plus.

Lemma Rdiv_1 : r : R, (r/1)%R = r.
intros. field.

Ltac ring_simpl1 :=
match goal with
 | id : _|- _ ⇒ (ring_simplify in id) ; generalize dependent id
with ring_simpl := unfold Rdiv in × ; unfold Cdiv in × ;
do 10 (try ring_simpl1) ; intros ; try ring_simplify.

Ltac apply_tactic1 := fun tactic
match goal with
 | id : _|- _ ⇒ (apply tactic in id)

Proof of existence of a squareroot

Lemma Croot_pol_2 : z : C, {z1 | z1 ^ 2 = z}.
destruct z as (a, b).
destruct (Rlt_le_dec b 0).
(sqrt ( (sqrt ( a × a + b × b) + a)/2),
- sqrt ( (sqrt ( a × a + b × b) - a)/2))%R.
CusingR_simpl ; ring_simplify.
repeat rewrite sqrt_square2. field. destruct (Croot_sqrt_pos a b). intuition. intuition.
destruct (Croot_sqrt_pos_plus a b). intuition. intuition.
rewrite Rmult_assoc. rewrite <- sqrt_mult.
field_simplify ((sqrt (a × a + b × b) + a) / 2 × ((sqrt (a × a + b × b) - a) / 2))%R.
rewrite sqrt_square2. field_simplify ((a × a + b × b - a ^ 2) / 4)%R.
unfold Rdiv. replace (/4)%R with (/2 × /2)%R by field. rewrite sqrt_mult.
replace (sqrt (/2 × /2))%R with (/2)%R by (rewrite sqrt_square ; try reflexivity ; fourier).
replace (b ^ 2)%R with (-b × -b)%R by ring. rewrite sqrt_square.
field. fourier.
replace (b ^ 2)%R with (Rsqr b) by (simpl ; rewrite Rmult_1_r ; intuition).
intuition. fourier. apply Rle_ge . apply (Cnorm_sqr_pos a b).
apply Croot_sqrt_pos_plus. apply Croot_sqrt_pos.
(sqrt ( (sqrt ( a × a + b × b) + a)/2),
sqrt ( (sqrt ( a × a + b × b) - a)/2))%R.
CusingR_simpl ; ring_simplify.
repeat rewrite sqrt_square2. field.
apply Rle_ge. apply Croot_sqrt_pos.
apply Rle_ge. apply Croot_sqrt_pos_plus.
rewrite Rmult_assoc.
repeat rewrite <- sqrt_mult.
field_simplify ((sqrt (a × a + b × b) + a) / 2 × ((sqrt (a × a + b × b) - a) / 2))%R.
repeat rewrite sqrt_square2.
field_simplify ((a × a + b × b - a ^ 2) / 4)%R.
unfold Rdiv. replace (/4)%R with (/2 × /2)%R by field. rewrite sqrt_mult.
replace (sqrt (/2 × /2))%R with (/2)%R by (rewrite sqrt_square ; try reflexivity ; fourier).
replace (b ^ 2)%R with (b × b)%R by ring. rewrite sqrt_square.
field. fourier.
replace (b ^ 2)%R with (Rsqr b) by (simpl ; rewrite Rmult_1_r ; intuition).
intuition. fourier. apply Rle_ge . apply (Cnorm_sqr_pos a b).
apply Croot_sqrt_pos_plus. apply Croot_sqrt_pos.

Equality to 0 of a polynom of degree one

Lemma Pol_degree_1 : a b, ( x, a × x + b = 0) → (a = 0 b = 0).
assert (H1 : (a × 0 + b = 0)).
apply H.
assert (H2 : (a × 1 + b = 0)).
apply H.
rewrite Cmult_0_r in H1.
rewrite Cmult_1_r in H2.
rewrite Cadd_0_l in H1.
subst. rewrite Cadd_0_r in H2.

Unicicty of roots of a polynom of degree two

Lemma Cpol_2_root_unicity : x1 x2 x3 x4,
( x, (x + x1) × (x + x2) = (x + x3) × (x + x4)) →
(x1 = x3 x2 = x4) (x1 = x4 x2 = x3).
intros x1 x2 x3 x4 H.
assert (H1 : ( x : C, (x + x1) × (x + x2) = (x + x3) × (x + x4)) →
( x, (x1 + x2 - x3 - x4) × x + x1 × x2 - x3 × x4 = 0)).
intros H0 x.
assert (H1 : ((x + x1) × (x + x2) = (x + x3) × (x + x4)
(x1 + x2 - x3 - x4) × x + x1 × x2 - x3 × x4 = 0)).
intros H1.
apply Cminus_diag_eq in H1. ring_simplify in H1.
repeat rewrite <- Cmult_add_distr_l in H1.
repeat rewrite <- Cmult_minus_distr_l in H1.
rewrite Cmult_comm in H1.
apply H1. apply H0.
assert (H2 : (x1 + x2 - x3 - x4 = 0 x1 × x2 - x3 × x4 = 0)).
apply Pol_degree_1.
intros x.
replace ((x1 + x2 - x3 - x4) × x + (x1 × x2 - x3 × x4)) with
((x1 + x2 - x3 - x4) × x + x1 × x2 - x3 × x4) by ring.
apply H1.
intros x0.
apply H.
destruct H2 as [H0 H2].
assert (H3 : ((-x1 + x1) × (-x1 + x2) = (-x1 + x3) × (-x1 + x4))).
apply H.
assert (H4 : ((-x2 + x1) × (-x2 + x2) = (-x2 + x3) × (-x2 + x4))).
apply H. rewrite Cadd_opp_l in ×.
destruct (Ceq_dec x2 x1) ;
rewrite Cmult_0_l in *; rewrite Cmult_0_r in × ;
symmetry in H3 ; symmetry in H4 ;
apply Cmult_integral in H3 ; apply Cmult_integral in H4 ;
destruct H3 as [H3|H3] ; destruct H4 as [H4|H4] ;
rewrite Cadd_comm in × ; apply Cminus_diag_uniq in H3 ;
apply Cminus_diag_uniq in H4 ; subst ; ring_simpl ; intuition.

Solve a polynom of degree two in the Complex field as a function of delta
Lemma Cpol_d_2 : a b c delta, (delta = b^2 - 4×a × c) →
a 0 → Cim a = 0%RCim b = 0%RCim c = 0%R
x1, x2, x,
a × x ^ 2 + b × x + c = a × (x + x1) × (x + x2)
((Cim delta) = 0%R Cre delta > 0%RCim x1 = 0%R Cim x2 = 0%R)
((Cim delta) = 0%R Cre delta < 0%RCim x1 0%R Cim x2 0%R)
((Cim delta) = 0%R Cre delta = 0%Rx1 = x2 Cim x1 = 0%R).
intros a b c delta Hdelta Ha Hima Himb Himc.
destruct (Croot_pol_2 delta) as [delta1 Hsquare].
(( b / (a + a) - delta1 / (a + a))).
(( b / (a + a) + delta1 / (a + a))).
intros x.
repeat split. unfold Cdiv. ring_simplify.
rewrite Hsquare. rewrite Hdelta.
unfold Cminus. repeat rewrite Cadd_assoc.
apply Cadd_eq_compat_l.
ring_simplify. rewrite Rplus_0_l.
assert (H : (2 × 2 = 4)) by (CusingR_simpl ; ring).
rewrite <- H. replace (2, 0%R) with (IRC 2) by (reflexivity).
replace (a + a) with (2 × a) by (CusingR_simpl ; ring).
field. split. assumption. intro H0. rewrite <- Ceq in H0. simpl in H0.
destruct H0. assert (2 0)%R by discrR. intuition.
CusingR2. ring_simpl.
generalize H2. intro H3.
(apply Rmult_integral in H3 ; destruct H3 as [H3|H3]).
(apply Rmult_integral in H3 ; destruct H3 as [H3|H3]).
rewrite H3 in ×. rewrite <- H1 in H0. ring_simpl.
apply Rpow_2_opp_inf_0 in H0. destruct H0.
rewrite H3. ring.
CusingR2. ring_simpl.
(apply Rmult_integral in H2 ; destruct H2 as [H2|H2]).
(apply Rmult_integral in H2 ; destruct H2 as [H2|H2]).
fourier. rewrite H2 in H1. rewrite <- H1 in H0. ring_simpl.
apply Rpow_2_opp_inf_0 in H0. destruct H0.
rewrite H2. ring.
CusingR2. ring_simpl.
apply Rmult_integral in H0 ; destruct H0 as [H0|H0].
apply Rmult_integral in H0 ; destruct H0 as [H0|H0].
apply Rmult_integral in H0 ; destruct H0 as [H0|H0].
apply Rinv_neq_0_compat in H0. destruct H0.
intro H8. ring_simplify in H8. apply Rmult_integral in H8. destruct H8 as [H8|H8].
replace (r9 ^ 2)%R with (Rsqr r9) in H8 by (unfold Rsqr ; simpl ; ring).
assert (H5 : (r9 = 0)%R). apply Rsqr_0_uniq ; assumption.
rewrite H5 in ×. apply Ha. split ; reflexivity.
rewrite H0 in ×. ring_simpl. rewrite <- H2 in H1.
apply Rpow_2_inf_0 in H1. destruct H1. reflexivity.
CusingR2. ring_simpl.
apply Rmult_integral in H0 ; destruct H0 as [H0|H0].
apply Rmult_integral in H0 ; destruct H0 as [H0|H0].
apply Rmult_integral in H0 ; destruct H0 as [H0|H0].
apply Rinv_neq_0_compat in H0. destruct H0.
intro H8. ring_simplify in H8. apply Rmult_integral in H8. destruct H8 as [H8|H8].
replace (r9 ^ 2)%R with (Rsqr r9) in H8 by (unfold Rsqr ; simpl ; ring).
assert (H5 : (r9 = 0)%R). apply Rsqr_0_uniq ; assumption.
rewrite H5 in ×. apply Ha. split ; reflexivity.
rewrite H0 in ×. ring_simpl. rewrite <- H2 in H1.
apply Rpow_2_inf_0 in H1. destruct H1.
reflexivity. unfold Cminus. apply Cadd_eq_compat_l.
assert (H0 : (delta = 0)) by (rewrite <- Ceq ; intuition).
rewrite H0 in ×.
assert (H1 : delta1 = 0). simpl in Hsquare. rewrite Cmult_1_r in Hsquare.
apply Cmult_integral in Hsquare. destruct Hsquare ; assumption.
rewrite H1. unfold Cdiv. ring.
CusingR2. ring_simpl.
apply Rmult_integral in H2 ; destruct H2 as [H2|H2].
apply Rmult_integral in H2 ; destruct H2 as [H2|H2].
rewrite H2 in ×. ring_simplify in H1.
rewrite <- H1 in H0. replace (r2 ^ 2)%R with (Rsqr r2) in H0 by (unfold Rsqr ; simpl ; ring).
assert (H10 : (r2 = 0)%R). apply Rsqr_0_uniq. apply Ropp_eq_0_compat in H0.
ring_simplify in H0. assumption.
rewrite H10 in ×. ring.
rewrite H2 in ×. ring.

Real properties that can be deduced from the resolution of a complex polynom
Lemma Cpol_2_real_delta_pos : a b c delta, ((delta = b^2 - 4×a × c ) →
delta > 0 → a 0 →
x1, x2, x,
a × x ^ 2 + b × x + c = a × (x + x1) × (x + x2))%R.
intros a b c delta deltadef Hdelta Ha.
destruct (Cpol_d_2 (a +i 0%R) (b +i 0%R) (c +i 0%R) (delta +i 0%R)) as [x1 [x2 H1]].
(Cre x1). (Cre x2).
assert (HRtoC : ( x, Cre ((a +i 0%R) × (x +i 0%R) ^ 2 + (b +i 0%R) × (x +i 0%R) + (c +i 0%R)) =
Cre ((a +i 0%R) × ((x +i 0%R) + x1) × ((x +i 0%R) + x2)))).
intros x.
apply Cre_eq_compat. generalize (H1 (x +i 0%R)). intro H0.
destruct H0 as [H2 [H3 [H4 H5]]].
 apply H2.
intros x.
generalize (H1 (x +i 0%R)). intro H0.
destruct H0 as [H2 [H3 [H4 H5]]].
assert (HCroot : (Cim x1 = 0%R Cim x2 = 0%R)). apply H3. simpl. split. reflexivity. assumption.
CusingR2. ring_simpl. assumption.

Lemma Cpol_2_real_delta_eq_0 : a b c delta, ((delta = b^2 - 4×a × c) →
delta = 0 → a 0 →
x1, x2, x,
a × x ^ 2 + b × x + c = a × (x + x1) × (x + x2))%R.
intros a b c delta deltadef Hdelta Ha.
destruct (Cpol_d_2 (a +i 0%R) (b +i 0%R) (c +i 0%R) (delta +i 0%R)) as [x1 [x2 H1]].
(Cre x1). (Cre x2).
assert (HRtoC : ( x, Cre ((a +i 0%R) × (x +i 0%R) ^ 2 + (b +i 0%R) × (x +i 0%R) + (c +i 0%R)) =
Cre ((a +i 0%R) × ((x +i 0%R) + x1) × ((x +i 0%R) + x2)))).
intros x.
apply Cre_eq_compat. generalize (H1 (x +i 0%R)). intro H0.
destruct H0 as [H2 [H3 [H4 H5]]].
 apply H2.
intros x.
generalize (H1 (x +i 0%R)). intro H0.
destruct H0 as [H2 [H3 [H4 H5]]].
assert (HCroot : (x1 = x2 Cim x1 = 0%R)). apply H5. simpl. split. reflexivity. assumption.
CusingR2. subst. ring_simpl. assumption.

Lemma Cpol_2_real_delta_eq_neg : a b c delta, ((delta = b^2 - 4×a × c) →
delta < 0 → a 0 →
¬ ( x1, x2, x,
a × x ^ 2 + b × x + c = a × (x + x1) × (x + x2)))%R.
intros a b c delta deltadef Hdelta Ha.
destruct (Cpol_d_2 (a +i 0%R) (b +i 0%R) (c +i 0%R) (delta +i 0%R)) as [x1 [x2 H1]].
intro H.
destruct H as (x3, H) . destruct H as (x4, H).
assert ( x : C, (a +i 0%R) × x ^ 2 + (b +i 0%R) × x + (c +i 0%R) =
     (a +i 0%R) × (x + x1) × (x + x2)).
intro x.
generalize (H1 x). intros H0.
destruct H0 as [H2 [H3 [H4 H5]]].
apply H2.
assert (H10 : x : C, (a +i 0%R) × x ^ 2 + (b +i 0%R) × x + (c +i 0%R) =
     (a +i 0%R) × (x + (x3 +i 0%R)) × (x + (x4 +i 0%R))).
intros x.
destruct x as (r, r0).
rewrite <- Ceq. split.
simpl. ring_simplify.
generalize (H r). intro H15. ring_simplify in H15.
replace (a × r ^ 2 - a × r0 ^ 2 + r × b + c)%R with ((a × r ^ 2 + r × b + c) - a× r0^2)%R by ring.
rewrite H15. ring.
simpl. ring_simplify.
generalize (H 1%R). intro H15. ring_simplify in H15.
generalize (H 0%R). intro H16. ring_simplify in H16.
rewrite <- H16 in H15. ring_simplify in H15.
rewrite <- Rmult_plus_distr_l in H15.
rewrite Rplus_comm in H15. symmetry in H15. rewrite Rplus_comm in H15.
apply Rplus_eq_reg_l in H15. rewrite Rplus_comm in H15.
apply Rplus_eq_reg_l in H15.
rewrite <- H15. ring.
assert (Htra : (x1 = (x3 +i 0%R) x2 = (x4 +i 0%R) x1 = (x4 +i 0%R) x2 = (x3 +i 0%R))).
assert ( x : C, (x + (x3 +i 0%R)) × (x + (x4 +i 0%R)) = (x + x1) × (x + x2)).
intro x; apply Cmult_eq_reg_l with (a +i 0%R).
red; injection 1; auto.
generalize (H0 x) (H10 x); intros abs1 abs2.
ring_simplify in abs1 ; ring_simplify in abs2 ; ring_simplify.
rewrite <- abs1. rewrite abs2. reflexivity.
apply Cpol_2_root_unicity.
intros x. rewrite H2. reflexivity.
generalize (H1 0). intros Hdeltas.
destruct Hdeltas as [H2 [H3 [H4 H5]]].
clear H3 H5 H2.
assert (Habss : (Cim x1 0%R Cim x2 0%R)).
apply H4. intuition. clear H4.
destruct Habss as (Habss1, Habss2).
destruct Htra as [[Htra1 Htra2]|[Htra1 Htra2]].
rewrite <- Ceq in Htra1.
destruct Htra1 as (Htra1, Htraabs).
simpl in Htraabs.
apply Habss1. assumption.
rewrite <- Ceq in Htra1.
destruct Htra1 as (Htra1, Htraabs).
simpl in Htraabs.
apply Habss1. assumption.

Lemma Cfpol_root : a b c delta, ((delta = b^2 - 4×a × c) →
delta 0 → a 0 → x, a × x ^ 2 + b × x + c = 0)%R.
intros a b c delta Hdelta deltapos Ha.
destruct deltapos.
destruct (Cpol_2_real_delta_pos a b c delta) as [x H0].
assumption. assumption. assumption.
destruct H0 as (x1, H0).
(-x1)%R. rewrite H0. ring.
destruct (Cpol_2_real_delta_eq_0 a b c delta) as [x2 H5].
assumption. assumption. assumption.
destruct H5 as (x1, H0).
(-x1)%R. rewrite H0. ring.

Lemma Cpol_pos : a b c delta, (delta = b^2 - 4×a × c)%R
 a 0%R
( x, 0 a×x×x+b×x+c)%Rdelta < 0%R.
intros a b c delta Hdelta Ha.
intro Hpoly.
destruct (total_order_T delta 0) as [[H|H]|H].
destruct (Cfpol_root a b c delta).
assumption. intuition. assumption.
destruct (Hpoly x). ring_simplify. symmetry.
ring_simplify in H0. assumption.
destruct (Cfpol_root a b c delta).
assumption. intuition. assumption.
destruct (Hpoly x). ring_simplify. symmetry.
ring_simplify in H0. assumption.

Lemma Pos_poly_del : a b c : R,
a 0%Ra > 0%R → ( x, 0 a×x×x+b×x+c) → b^2 - 4×a×c 0.
intros a b c Ha Haa Hpoly.
pose ( b^2 - 4×a×c)%R as delta.
destruct (total_order_T delta 0) as [[H|H]|H].
intuition. intuition.
destruct (Cfpol_root a b c delta).
assert (H1 : ( x1, x2, x,
a × x ^ 2 + b × x + c = a × (x + x1) × (x + x2))%R).
apply Cpol_2_real_delta_pos with delta.
destruct H1 as [x1 [x2 H1]].
assert (H9 : (0 > a × ( -(x1 + x2)/2 + x1) × ( - (x1 + x2)/2 + x2))%R).
replace ((- (x1 + x2) / 2 + x1))%R with ((x1 - x2) /2)%R by field.
replace ((- (x1 + x2) / 2 + x2))%R with (-(x1 - x2) /2)%R by field.
replace (a × ((x1 - x2) / 2) × (- (x1 - x2) / 2))%R with ( ((x1 - x2) / 2)^2 × (-a))%R by field.
replace 0%R with ( ((x1 - x2) / 2) ^ 2 × 0 )%R by ring.
apply Rmult_gt_compat_l.
assert (H10 : (x1 x2)).
intro H11. rewrite H11 in H1.
assert ((a × 0 ^ 2 + b × 0 + c)%R = (a × (0 + x2) × (0 + x2)))%R.
apply H1.
assert ((a × 1 ^ 2 + b × 1 + c)%R = (a × (1 + x2) × (1 + x2)))%R.
apply H1.
rewrite <- H2 in H3. unfold delta in H.
replace (a + b + c)%R with (c + a + b)%R in H3 by ring.
replace (c + 2 × a × x2 +a)%R with (c + a + 2 × a × x2)%R in H3 by ring.
apply Rplus_eq_reg_l in H3. subst.
replace ((2 × a × x2) ^ 2 - 4 × a × (a × x2 ^ 2))%R with (0)%R in H by ring .
replace (((x1 - x2) / 2) ^ 2)%R with (Rsqr (((x1 - x2) / 2))) by (unfold Rsqr ; simpl ; ring).
apply Rlt_0_sqr.
intro H30. replace 0%R with (0/2)%R in H30 by field.
unfold Rdiv in ×. rewrite Rmult_comm in H30.
symmetry in H30. rewrite Rmult_comm in H30.
apply Rmult_eq_reg_l in H30.
apply H10. symmetry in H30. auto with ×.
apply Rinv_neq_0_compat.
assert ( 0 a × (- (x1 + x2) / 2 + x1) × (- (x1 + x2) / 2 + x2)).
rewrite <- H1. replace ( (- (x1 + x2) / 2) ^ 2)%R with ((- (x1 + x2) / 2) × (- (x1 + x2) / 2) )%R by ring.
rewrite <- Rmult_assoc. apply Hpoly.

Require Import Cpolar.
Require Import Cexp.

Open Scope C_scope.

Lemma ast_fun_pos : n r, (n > 0)%natr > 0 → (r + 1) ^ n - r > 0.
intros n r Hn Hr.
induction Hn.
simpl. ring_simplify. fourier.
simpl. rewrite Rmult_plus_distr_r. replace 0%R with (0 + 0)%R by intuition.
unfold Rminus. rewrite Rplus_assoc. apply Rplus_lt_compat.
apply Rmult_gt_0_compat.
apply pow_lt. fourier.
rewrite Rmult_1_l. apply IHHn.

Every positive real has a n root

Lemma exist_root_n_pos : r n, r 0 → (n > 0)%nat{root | root ^ n = r}%R.
intros r n Hr Hn.
pose (f := (fun xx ^ n - r)%R).
assert (Cont_pow : x, continuity_pt f x).
unfold f. intros x. reg.
destruct (total_order_T r 0) as [[order|order]|order].
0. rewrite order.
rewrite pow_ne_zero. reflexivity.
assert (Hsup0 : r+1 > 0) by fourier.
assert (Hpos : n, (n > 0)%nat(r + 1) ^ n - r > 0).
 intros n1 Hn1. apply ast_fun_pos. assumption. assumption.
assert (Hneg : 0 ^ n - r < 0). rewrite pow_ne_zero. fourier.

generalize (IVT (fun xx ^ n - r) 0 (r + 1) Cont_pow Hsup0 Hneg)%R.

intros H. destruct H as (x, H).
apply Hpos. assumption.
x. intuition.

Every complex has a n root

Require Import Cpolar. Open Scope C_scope.

Lemma exist_root_n : n z, (n > 0)%nat{root | root ^ n = z}.
intros n z Hn.
destruct (exists_principal_polar_form z) as [r [theta Hrt]].
destruct Hrt as [Hrpos [Htheta Hpol]].
rewrite Cmult_IRC_compat_l in Hpol.
rewrite <- Cexp_trigo_compat in Hpol.
destruct (exist_root_n_pos r n) as (root_real, Hreal); [ auto with × | | ].
apply Hn.
( root_real × Cexp ((0 +i theta ) / INC n))%C.
rewrite Cpow_mul_distr_l.
rewrite IRC_pow_compat. rewrite Hreal. rewrite <- Cexp_mult.
field_simplify (INC n × ((0 +i theta) / INC n))%C.
unfold Cdiv. rewrite Cinv_1. rewrite Cmult_1_r.
apply Hpol.
apply not_0_INC. intuition.