Library Coqtail.Fresh.Reals.Rorder

Require Import Raxiom Rconvenient IZR Repsilon Rapprox.
Require Import Arith.

Module Rorder (Import T : CReals).
  Module Rconvenient := Rconvenient T. Import Rconvenient.
  Module IZR := IZR T. Import IZR.
  Module Repsilon := Repsilon T. Import Repsilon.
  Module Rapprox := Rapprox T. Import Rapprox.

  Section weak_constructive_eps.
    Inductive exT {A : Set} (P : AType) : Prop :=
      exT_intro : a, P aexT P.

    Variable P : natType.
    Hypothesis P_weak_decidable : n : nat, P (S n) + (P nFalse).

    Let R (x y : nat) : Prop := x = S (S y) (P yFalse).

    Lemma P_Acc : n, P nAcc R n.
      intros; constructor.
      intros [] []; tauto.

    Lemma P_later_Acc : n x, P (n + x) → Acc R x.
      intros n; induction n.
        apply P_Acc.

        intros x Pnx; constructor; intros y (exy, npx).
        apply IHn; subst.
        do 2 rewrite <- plus_n_Sm.

        destruct (P_weak_decidable (S (n + x))); [ auto | ].

    Corollary exT_Acc_0 : exT PAcc R O.
      intros (n, Hn).
      apply (P_later_Acc n).
      rewrite <- plus_n_O; assumption.

    Lemma Acc_0_sigT : Acc R 0%natsigT P.
      intros HO.
      pattern O.
      apply (@Fix_F _ R); auto.
      clear HO; intros x IHx.
      destruct (P_weak_decidable x) as [ px | npx ].
         (S x); auto.
        assert (Rx : R (S (S x)) x); unfold R; eauto.

    Lemma exT_sigT : exT PsigT P.
      intros exP; apply Acc_0_sigT, exT_Acc_0; auto.

  End weak_constructive_eps.

  Section DiscretePos.
    Variable x : R.
    Hypothesis xpos : inhabited (Rlt R0 x).
    Definition pos_nat : natType := fun nR1 < x × po n.

    Lemma pos_nat_weak_decidable : n, (pos_nat (S n)) + (pos_nat nFalse).
      intros n.
      unfold pos_nat.
      pose (xn := x × po (S (S n))); fold xn.
      pose proof Rup_spec xn as Hzn.
      set (zn := Rup xn); fold zn in Hzn.
      destruct Hzn as (uxn, lxn).
      destruct (Z_dec zn 3%Z) as [ [ lzn | gzn ] | ezn ].
        apply Rlt_asym.
        apply Rmul_lt_cancel_r with ((R1 + R1) + (R1 + R1)).
          do 2 apply Radd_pos_compat; apply Rlt_0_1.

          apply (Req_lt_compat xn (IZR 4)); simpl.
            unfold xn, po; simpl; ring.
            apply Rlt_trans with (R1 + IZR zn).
              apply (Radd_lt_compat_r (IZR zn)) in uxn.
              apply Rle_lt_trans with (xn - IZR zn + IZR zn).
              right. ring. apply uxn.


        apply Rmul_lt_cancel_r with (R1 + R1).

          apply (Req_lt_compat (IZR 2) xn); simpl.
            apply Rmul_comm.
            unfold xn, po; simpl; ring.
            apply Rlt_trans with (IZR zn - R1).

              apply (Radd_lt_compat_l (IZR zn)) in lxn.
              apply Rlt_le_trans with (IZR zn + (xn - IZR zn)).
              apply lxn. right. ring.

        rewrite ezn in ×.
        apply Rmul_lt_cancel_r with (R1 + R1).

          apply (Req_lt_compat (IZR 2) xn); simpl.
            apply Rmul_comm.
            unfold xn, po; simpl; ring.
            apply Radd_lt_cancel_r with (- IZR 3).
            eapply Req_lt_compat; [ | | apply lxn ]; simpl.

              apply Radd_eq_compat_l.

    Lemma sigT_pos_nat : sigT pos_nat.

      apply exT_sigT.
        apply pos_nat_weak_decidable.

        destruct xpos as [ xposT ].
        destruct (Rpos_witness _ xposT) as (n, Hn).
         n; specialize (Hn n (le_n _)).
        apply (Rmul_lt_compat_r (po n) _ _ (Rpos_IPR _)) in Hn.
        unfold pos_nat.
        eapply Req_lt_compat; [ | | apply Hn ]; simpl.
          apply Rinv_l.

    Lemma Rlt_0_x : Rlt R0 x.
      destruct sigT_pos_nat as (n, Hn); unfold pos_nat in ×.
      apply Rmul_lt_cancel_r with (po n).
        apply Rpos_IPR.

        apply Rlt_trans with R1.
          eapply Req_lt_compat_l; [ | apply Rlt_0_1 ]; symmetry; apply Rmul_0_l.

  End DiscretePos.

  Theorem Rpos_witness : x, inhabited (R0 < x) → R0 < x.
    apply Rlt_0_x.

  Theorem Rlt_witness : x y, inhabited (x < y) → x < y.
    intros x y L.
    apply Rpos_lt, Rpos_witness.
    destruct L; constructor.
    apply Rlt_pos; auto.

End Rorder.