Library Coqtail.Reals.Rsequence.Rsequence_tactics_reflection

Require Import Rbase MyRIneq.
Require Import Rsequence_def Rsequence_facts Rsequence_cv_facts.

Require Import List.
Require Import Option.
Require Import Ass_handling.

Inductive rseq :=
  | rseq_cst : (r : R), rseq
  | rseq_var : (n : nat), rseq
  | rseq_opp : (r : rseq), rseq
  | rseq_plus : (rl rr : rseq), rseq
  | rseq_minus : (rl rr : rseq), rseq.

Inductive rseq_limit :=
  | minus_inf : rseq_limit
  | finite : (l : R), rseq_limit
  | plus_inf : rseq_limit.

Definition is_limit r l := match l with
  | minus_infRseq_cv_neg_infty r
  | finite lRseq_cv r l
  | plus_infRseq_cv_pos_infty r

Lemma is_limit_ext : r s k l,
  is_limit r k
  r == sk = l
  is_limit s l.
intros r s k [] Hrk Hrs Hkl ;
 [ eapply Rseq_cv_neg_infty_eq_compat
 | eapply Rseq_cv_eq_compat ; [symmetry |]
 | eapply Rseq_cv_pos_infty_eq_compat ]
 ; subst ; eassumption.

Definition Rseq_with_limit := {r : Rseq & {l : rseq_limit | is_limit r l}}.

Definition rseq_limit_opp l := match l with
  | minus_infplus_inf
  | finite ufinite (- u)
  | plus_infminus_inf

Lemma rseq_limit_opp_is_limit : r l,
  is_limit r l
  is_limit (- r) (rseq_limit_opp l).
intros r [] Hl ; simpl ;
 [ apply Rseq_cv_neg_infty_opp_compat
 | apply Rseq_cv_opp_compat
 | apply Rseq_cv_pos_infty_opp_compat] ;

Definition rseq_limit_add ll lr := match ll, lr with
  | minus_inf, plus_infNone
  | plus_inf , minus_infNone
  | minus_inf, _Some minus_inf
  | _ , minus_infSome minus_inf
  | plus_inf , _Some plus_inf
  | _ , plus_infSome plus_inf
  | finite u , finite vSome (finite (u + v))

Fixpoint comp_limit (r : rseq) (env : list Rseq_with_limit) : option rseq_limit :=
match r with
  | rseq_cst rReturn (finite r)
  | rseq_var nBind (nth_error env n) (fun xReturn (projT1 (projT2 x)))
  | rseq_opp rBind (comp_limit r env) (fun lSome (rseq_limit_opp l))
  | rseq_plus rl rrBind (comp_limit rl env) (fun ll
                       Bind (comp_limit rr env) (fun lrrseq_limit_add ll lr))
  | rseq_minus rl rrBind (comp_limit rl env) (fun ll
                        Bind (comp_limit rr env) (fun lrrseq_limit_add ll (rseq_limit_opp lr)))

Fixpoint comp_rseq (r : rseq) (env : list Rseq_with_limit) := match r with
  | rseq_cst rReturn (Rseq_constant r)
  | rseq_var nBind (nth_error env n) (fun unSome (projT1 un))
  | rseq_opp rBind (comp_rseq r env) (fun unSome (Rseq_opp un))
  | rseq_plus rl rrBind (comp_rseq rl env) (fun un
                       Bind (comp_rseq rr env) (fun vnSome (Rseq_plus un vn)))
  | rseq_minus rl rrBind (comp_rseq rl env) (fun un
                       Bind (comp_rseq rr env) (fun vnSome (Rseq_minus un vn)))

Ltac fold_is_limit := match goal with
  | |- Rseq_cv ?r ?lfold (is_limit r (finite l))
  | |- Rseq_cv_neg_infty ?rfold (is_limit r minus_inf)
  | |- Rseq_cv_pos_infty ?rfold (is_limit r plus_inf)

Lemma comp_rseq_limit_compat : r env un l,
  comp_rseq r env = Some un
  comp_limit r env = Some l
  is_limit un l.
intros r env ; induction r ; intros un l Hun Hl ; simpl in ×.
 inversion Hun ; inversion Hl ; apply Rseq_constant_cv.
 destruct (nth_error env n) as [Hget |].
  inversion Hun ; inversion Hl ; apply (projT2 (projT2 Hget)).
  inversion Hl.
 destruct (comp_rseq r env) as [vn |] ; [| inversion Hun] ;
  destruct (comp_limit r env) as [lo |] ; [| inversion Hl] ;
  inversion Hun ; inversion Hl.
  apply rseq_limit_opp_is_limit, IHr ; reflexivity.
 destruct (comp_rseq r1 env) as [vn |] ; [| inversion Hun] ;
  destruct (comp_limit r1 env) as [ll |] ; [| inversion Hl] ;
  destruct (comp_rseq r2 env) as [wn |] ; [| inversion Hun] ;
  destruct (comp_limit r2 env) as [lr |] ; [| inversion Hl].
   destruct ll ; destruct lr ; inversion Hun ; inversion Hl ;
    apply Rseq_cv_neg_infty_plus_compat ; fold_is_limit ;
     [apply IHr1 | apply IHr2] ; reflexivity.
    eapply Rseq_cv_finite_plus_neg_infty_l ; fold_is_limit ;
     [apply IHr1 | apply IHr2] ; reflexivity.
    eapply Rseq_cv_finite_plus_neg_infty_r ; fold_is_limit ;
     [apply IHr1 | apply IHr2] ; reflexivity.
    eapply Rseq_cv_plus_compat ; fold_is_limit ;
     [apply IHr1 | apply IHr2] ; reflexivity.
    eapply Rseq_cv_finite_plus_pos_infty_r ; fold_is_limit ;
     [apply IHr1 | apply IHr2] ; reflexivity.
    eapply Rseq_cv_finite_plus_pos_infty_l ; fold_is_limit ;
     [apply IHr1 | apply IHr2] ; reflexivity.
    apply Rseq_cv_pos_infty_plus_compat ; fold_is_limit ;
     [apply IHr1 | apply IHr2] ; reflexivity.
 destruct (comp_rseq r1 env) as [vn |] ; [| inversion Hun] ;
  destruct (comp_limit r1 env) as [ll |] ; [| inversion Hl] ;
  destruct (comp_rseq r2 env) as [wn |] ; [| inversion Hun] ;
  destruct (comp_limit r2 env) as [lr |] ; [| inversion Hl].
   inversion Hun ; eapply (is_limit_ext (Rseq_plus vn (Rseq_opp wn))) ;
    [| intro n ; unfold Rseq_plus, Rseq_minus, Rseq_opp ; ring | reflexivity].
   destruct ll ; destruct lr ; inversion Hl ; subst.
    apply Rseq_cv_finite_plus_neg_infty_l with (- l0)%R ; fold_is_limit ;
     [apply IHr1 | fold (rseq_limit_opp (finite l0)) ;
     apply rseq_limit_opp_is_limit, IHr2] ; reflexivity.
    apply Rseq_cv_neg_infty_plus_compat ; fold_is_limit ;
     [apply IHr1 | fold (rseq_limit_opp plus_inf) ;
     apply rseq_limit_opp_is_limit, IHr2] ; reflexivity.
    apply Rseq_cv_finite_plus_pos_infty_r with l0 ; fold_is_limit ;
     [apply IHr1 | fold (rseq_limit_opp minus_inf) ;
     apply rseq_limit_opp_is_limit, IHr2] ; reflexivity.
    apply Rseq_cv_plus_compat ; fold_is_limit ;
     [apply IHr1 | fold (rseq_limit_opp (finite l1)) ;
     apply rseq_limit_opp_is_limit, IHr2] ; reflexivity.
    eapply Rseq_cv_finite_plus_neg_infty_r ; fold_is_limit ;
     [apply IHr1 | fold (rseq_limit_opp plus_inf) ;
     apply rseq_limit_opp_is_limit, IHr2] ; reflexivity.
    apply Rseq_cv_pos_infty_plus_compat ; fold_is_limit ;
     [apply IHr1 | fold (rseq_limit_opp minus_inf) ;
     apply rseq_limit_opp_is_limit, IHr2] ; reflexivity.
    apply Rseq_cv_finite_plus_pos_infty_l with (- l0)%R ; fold_is_limit ;
     [apply IHr1 | fold (rseq_limit_opp (finite l0)) ;
     apply rseq_limit_opp_is_limit, IHr2] ; reflexivity.

Definition rseq_precondition r env un l :=
match comp_rseq r env with
  | NoneFalse
  | Some vn
  match comp_limit r env with
    | NoneFalse
    | Some v(un == vn) (l = v)

Lemma tactic_correctness : r env un l,
   rseq_precondition r env un l
   is_limit un l.
unfold rseq_precondition ; intros r env un l ;
 destruct_eq (comp_rseq r env) ;
 destruct_eq (comp_limit r env) ;
 intros [].
 intros ; eapply is_limit_ext ;
  [ eapply comp_rseq_limit_compat | |] ;
  symmetry ; eassumption.