Library Coqtail.Complex.Cderiv

Require Import Cmet.
Require Import Ctacfield.
Require Import Cnorm.
Require Import Cprop_base.
Require Import Classical_Prop.
Require Import Classical_Pred_Type.

Open Local Scope C_scope.

Definition D_x (D:CProp) (y x:C) : Prop := D x y x.

Definition continue_in (f:CC) (D:CProp) (z:C) : Prop :=
  limit1_in f (D_x D z) (f z) z.

Definition D_in (f d:CC) (D:CProp) (x0:C) : Prop :=
  limit1_in (fun x:C(f x - f x0) / (x - x0)) (D_x D x0) (d x0) x0.

Lemma cont_deriv : (f d:CC) (D:CProp) (z:C),
    D_in f d D zcontinue_in f D z.
intros f d D z Hf_D eps eps_pos ; unfold continue_in, D_in, limit1_in,
 limit_in, Cdiv in Hf_D ; simpl.
 case (Ceq_dec (d z) 0) ; intro dz_0.
  elim (Hf_D eps eps_pos) ; clear Hf_D ; intros alpha [alpha_pos Hf_D].
  pose (delta := Rmin 1 alpha) ; delta ; split.
  apply Rmin_pos ; auto with real.
  intros x [Hx x_bd] ; simpl in Hf_D ; unfold C_dist in ×.
   destruct (Ceq_dec x z) as [x_eq_z | x_neq_z].
   rewrite x_eq_z ; unfold Cminus ; rewrite Cadd_opp_r ; rewrite Cnorm_C0 ;
   replace (Cnorm (f x - f z)) with ((Cnorm (f x - f z)) × Cnorm (x - z) × / Cnorm (x - z))%R.
   apply Rlt_le_trans with (eps × Cnorm (x - z))%R.
   rewrite Rmult_assoc ; rewrite Rmult_comm ; rewrite Rmult_assoc ;
   rewrite <- Cnorm_inv.
   rewrite <- Cnorm_Cmult ; rewrite Rmult_comm ; apply Rmult_lt_compat_r.
   apply Cnorm_pos_lt ; auto with complex.
   rewrite Cmult_comm ; replace ((f x - f z) × / (x - z)) with ((f x - f z) × / (x - z) - 0)
   by auto with complex ; rewrite <- dz_0 ; apply Hf_D ; split ; auto with complex.
   apply Rlt_le_trans with delta ; [assumption | apply Rmin_r].
   auto with complex.
   apply Rle_trans with (eps × delta)%R.
   apply Rmult_le_compat_l ; auto with real.
   rewrite <- Rmult_1_r ; apply Rmult_le_compat_l ; [auto with real | apply Rmin_l].
   field ; apply Rgt_not_eq ; apply Cnorm_pos_lt ; auto with complex.
  assert (eps_2_pos : 0 < eps / 2) by fourier ;
  elim (Hf_D (eps / 2)%R eps_2_pos) ; clear Hf_D ; intros alpha [alpha_pos Hf_D].
  pose (delta := Rmin (eps / (2 × Cnorm (d z))) (Rmin (1/2) alpha)) ; delta ;
  split ; [apply Rmin_pos |].
  unfold Rdiv ; rewrite Rinv_mult_distr ; repeat apply Rmult_lt_0_compat.
  apply Rinv_0_lt_compat ; apply Cnorm_pos_lt ; assumption.
  apply Rgt_not_eq ; fourier.
  apply Rgt_not_eq ; apply Cnorm_pos_lt ; assumption.
  apply Rmin_pos ; fourier.
  intros x' [[Dx' z_neq_x'] x'_bd] ; simpl ; unfold C_dist.
  apply Rlt_trans with (Cnorm (x' - z) × eps + Cnorm (x' - z) × Cnorm (d z))%R.
  apply Rle_lt_trans with (Cnorm (f x' - f z) × (/ Cnorm (x' - z) × Cnorm (x' - z)))%R.
   right ; field ; apply Rgt_not_eq ; apply Cnorm_pos_lt ; auto with complex.
   unfold Rdiv ; rewrite <- Rmult_assoc ; rewrite <- Cnorm_inv, <- Cnorm_Cmult.
   apply Rle_lt_trans with ((Cnorm ((f x' - f z) × / (x' - z)) + (- Cnorm (d z) + Cnorm (d z)))
       × Cnorm (x' - z))%R.
   right ; field.
   repeat rewrite Rmult_plus_distr_r.
   replace (Cnorm (d z) × Cnorm (x' - z))%R with (Cnorm (x' - z) × Cnorm (d z))%R
   by (apply Rmult_comm).
   rewrite <- Rplus_assoc ; apply Rplus_lt_compat_r.
   apply Rle_lt_trans with (Cnorm ((f x' - f z) / (x' - z) - d z)× Cnorm (x' - z))%R.
   rewrite <- Rmult_plus_distr_r ; apply Rmult_le_compat_r ;
   [apply Cnorm_pos | apply Cnorm_triang_rev_l].
   rewrite Rmult_comm ; apply Rmult_lt_compat_l.
   apply Cnorm_pos_lt ; auto with complex.
   apply Rlt_trans with (eps /2)%R ; [simpl in Hf_D ; apply Hf_D | fourier] ;
   repeat split ; [| | apply Rlt_le_trans with delta ;
   [| apply Rle_trans with (Rmin (1 / 2) alpha)%R ; apply Rmin_r]] ; assumption.
   auto with complex.
   apply Rlt_trans with (eps / 2 + Cnorm (x' - z) × Cnorm (d z))%R.
   apply Rplus_lt_compat_r.
   unfold Rdiv ; rewrite Rmult_comm ; apply Rmult_lt_compat_l ;
   [assumption |].
   apply Rlt_le_trans with (Rmin (eps / (2 × Cnorm (d z))) (Rmin (1 / 2) alpha)).
   unfold C_dist, delta in x'_bd ; apply x'_bd.
   apply Rle_trans with (Rmin (1/2) alpha) ; [apply Rmin_r | apply Rle_trans with (1/2)%R ;
   [apply Rmin_l | right ; field]].
   apply Rlt_le_trans with (eps / 2 + eps / 2)%R ; [apply Rplus_lt_compat_l | right ; field].
   replace (eps / 2)%R with ((eps / (2 × Cnorm (d z))) × Cnorm (d z))%R
       by (field ; apply Cnorm_no_R0 ; assumption).
   apply Rmult_lt_compat_r.
   apply Cnorm_pos_lt ; assumption.
   apply Rlt_le_trans with (Rmin (eps / (2 × Cnorm (d z))) (Rmin (1 / 2) alpha)).
   apply x'_bd.
   apply Rmin_l.

Lemma Dmult : (D:CProp) (df dg f g:CC) (z:C),
    D_in f df D zD_in g dg D z
    D_in (fun z:Cf z × g z) (fun z:Cdf z × g z + f z × dg z) D z.
  intros; unfold D_in in |- *; generalize H H0; intros; unfold D_in in H, H0;
    generalize (cont_deriv f df D z H1); unfold continue_in in |- *;
          (limit_mul (fun x:C(g x - g z) × / (x - z)) (
          fun z:Cf z) (D_x D z) (dg z) (f z) z H0 H3);
          intro; cut (limit1_in (fun x:Cg z) (D_x D z) (g z) z).
  intro; generalize
      (limit_mul (fun x:C(f x - f z) × / (x - z)) (
      fun _:Cg z) (D_x D z) (df z) (g z) z H H5);
      clear H H0 H1 H2 H3 H5; intro;
          (limit_plus (fun x:C(f x - f z) × / (x - z) × g z)
            (fun x:C(g x - g z) × / (x - z) × f x) (
              D_x D z) (df z × g z) (dg z × f z) z H H4);
          clear H4 H; intro; unfold limit1_in in H; unfold limit_in in H;
            simpl in H; unfold limit1_in in |- *; unfold limit_in in |- *;
              simpl in |- *; intros; elim (H eps H0); clear H; intros;
                elim H; clear H; intros; split with x; split; auto;
                  intros; generalize (H1 x0 H2); clear H1; intro;
                    rewrite (Cmult_comm (f x0 - f z) (/ (x0 - z))) in H1;
                      rewrite (Cmult_comm (g x0 - g z) (/ (x0 - z))) in H1;
                        rewrite (Cmult_assoc (/ (x0 - z)) (f x0 - f z) (g z)) in H1;
                          rewrite (Cmult_assoc (/ (x0 - z)) (g x0 - g z) (f x0)) in H1.
                            rewrite <- (Cmult_add_distr_l (/ (x0 - z)) ((f x0 - f z) × g z)
                                ((g x0 - g z) × f x0)) in H1;
                                (Cmult_comm (/ (x0 - z)) ((f x0 - f z) × g z + (g x0 - g z) × f x0))
                                in H1; rewrite (Cmult_comm (dg z) (f z)) in H1;
                                    ((f x0 - f z) × g z + (g x0 - g z) × f x0 = f x0 × g x0 - f z × g z).
 intro; rewrite H3 in H1; assumption.
 unfold limit1_in in |- *; unfold limit_in in |- *; simpl in |- *; intros;
    split with eps; split; auto; intros; elim (C_dist_refl (g z) (g z));
      intros a b; rewrite (b (refl_equal (g z))); unfold Rgt in H;

Lemma Dconst : (D:CProp) (y x0:C), D_in (fun x:Cy) (fun x:C ⇒ 0) D x0.
  unfold D_in in |- *; intros; unfold limit1_in in |- *;
    unfold limit_in in |- *; unfold Cdiv in |- *; intros;
      simpl in |- *; split with eps; split; auto.
  intros; rewrite (Cminus_diag_eq y y (refl_equal y)) ; rewrite Cmult_0_l;
    unfold C_dist in |- *; rewrite (Cminus_diag_eq 0 0 (refl_equal 0)).
    rewrite Cnorm_C0 ; assumption.

Lemma Dx : (D:CProp) (x0:C), D_in (fun x:Cx) (fun x:C ⇒ 1) D x0.
  unfold D_in in |- *; unfold Cdiv in |- *; intros; unfold limit1_in in |- *;
    unfold limit_in in |- *; intros; simpl in |- *; split with eps;
      split; auto.
  intros; elim H0; clear H0; intros; unfold D_x in H0; elim H0; intros;
    rewrite (Cinv_r (x - x0) (Cminus_eq_contra x x0 (sym_not_eq H3)));
      unfold C_dist in |- *; rewrite (Cminus_diag_eq 1 1 (refl_equal 1)).
    rewrite Cnorm_C0 ; assumption.

Lemma Dadd : (D:CProp) (df dg f g:CC) (x0:C),
    D_in f df D x0
    D_in g dg D x0
    D_in (fun x:Cf x + g x) (fun x:Cdf x + dg x) D x0.
  unfold D_in in |- *; intros;
      (limit_plus (fun x:C(f x - f x0) × / (x - x0))
        (fun x:C(g x - g x0) × / (x - x0)) (D_x D x0) (
          df x0) (dg x0) x0 H H0); clear H H0; unfold limit1_in in |- *;
      unfold limit_in in |- *; simpl in |- *; intros; elim (H eps H0);
        clear H; intros; elim H; clear H; intros; split with x;
          split; auto; intros; generalize (H1 x1 H2); clear H1;
            intro; rewrite (Cmult_comm (f x1 - f x0) (/ (x1 - x0))) in H1;
              rewrite (Cmult_comm (g x1 - g x0) (/ (x1 - x0))) in H1;
                rewrite <- (Cmult_add_distr_l (/ (x1 - x0)) (f x1 - f x0) (g x1 - g x0)) in H1;
                  rewrite (Cmult_comm (/ (x1 - x0)) (f x1 - f x0 + (g x1 - g x0))) in H1;
                    cut (f x1 - f x0 + (g x1 - g x0) = f x1 + g x1 - (f x0 + g x0)).
  intro; rewrite H3 in H1; assumption.

Lemma Dmult_const : (D:CProp) (f df:CC) (x0 a:C),
    D_in f df D x0D_in (fun x:Ca × f x) (fun x:Ca × df x) D x0.
    generalize (Dmult D (fun _:C ⇒ 0) df (fun _:Ca) f x0 (Dconst D a x0) H);
      unfold D_in in |- *; intros; rewrite (Cmult_0_l (f x0)) in H0.
      rewrite Cadd_0_l in H0.

Lemma Dopp : (D:CProp) (f df:CC) (x0:C),
    D_in f df D x0D_in (fun x:C- f x) (fun x:C- df x) D x0.
  intros; generalize (Dmult_const D f df x0 (-1) H); unfold D_in in |- *;
    unfold limit1_in in |- *; unfold limit_in in |- *;
      intros; generalize (H0 eps H1); clear H0; intro; elim H0;
        clear H0; intros; elim H0; clear H0; simpl in |- *;
          intros; split with x; split; auto.
  intros; generalize (H2 x1 H3); clear H2; intro ;
  repeat rewrite Cmult_opp_1_opp in H2 ; assumption.

Lemma Dminus : (D:CProp) (df dg f g:CC) (x0:C),
    D_in f df D x0
    D_in g dg D x0
    D_in (fun x:Cf x - g x) (fun x:Cdf x - dg x) D x0.
  unfold Rminus in |- *; intros; generalize (Dopp D g dg x0 H0); intro;
    apply (Dadd D df (fun x:C- dg x) f (fun x:C- g x) x0);

Lemma Dcomp : (Df Dg:CProp) (df dg f g:CC) (x0:C),
    D_in f df Df x0
    D_in g dg Dg (f x0) →
    D_in (fun x:Cg (f x)) (fun x:Cdf x × dg (f x)) (Dgf Df Dg f) x0.
  intros Df Dg df dg f g x0 H H0; generalize H H0; unfold D_in in |- *;
    unfold Cdiv in |- *; intros;
        (limit_comp f (fun x:C(g x - g (f x0)) × / (x - f x0)) (
          D_x Df x0) (D_x Dg (f x0)) (f x0) (dg (f x0)) x0);
        intro; generalize (cont_deriv f df Df x0 H); intro;
          unfold continue_in in H4; generalize (H3 H4 H2); clear H3;
                (limit_mul (fun x:C(g (f x) - g (f x0)) × / (f x - f x0))
                  (fun x:C(f x - f x0) × / (x - x0))
                  (Dgf (D_x Df x0) (D_x Dg (f x0)) f) (dg (f x0)) (
                    df x0) x0 H3); intro;
                  (limit1_in (fun x:C(f x - f x0) × / (x - x0))
                    (Dgf (D_x Df x0) (D_x Dg (f x0)) f) (df x0) x0).
  intro; generalize (H5 H6); clear H5; intro;
      (limit_mul (fun x:C(f x - f x0) × / (x - x0)) (
        fun x:Cdg (f x0)) (D_x Df x0) (df x0) (dg (f x0)) x0 H1
      (limit_free (fun x:Cdg (f x0)) (D_x Df x0) x0 x0));
      intro; unfold limit1_in in |- *; unfold limit_in in |- *;
        simpl in |- *; unfold limit1_in in H5, H7; unfold limit_in in H5, H7;
          simpl in H5, H7; intros; elim (H5 eps H8); elim (H7 eps H8);
            clear H5 H7; intros; elim H5; elim H7; clear H5 H7;
              intros; split with (Rmin x x1); split.
  elim (Rmin_Rgt x x1 0); intros a b; apply (b (conj H9 H5)); clear a b.
  intros; elim H11; clear H11; intros; elim (Rmin_Rgt x x1 (C_dist x2 x0));
    intros a b; clear b; unfold Rgt in a; elim (a H12);
      clear H5 a; intros; unfold D_x, Dgf in H11, H7, H10;
        clear H12; elim (classic (f x2 = f x0)); intro.
  elim H11; clear H11; intros; elim H11; clear H11; intros;
    generalize (H10 x2 (conj (conj H11 H14) H5)); intro;
      rewrite (Cminus_diag_eq (f x2) (f x0) H12) in H16;
        rewrite (Cmult_0_l (/ (x2 - x0))) in H16;
          rewrite (Cmult_0_l (dg (f x0))) in H16; rewrite H12;
            rewrite (Cminus_diag_eq (g (f x0)) (g (f x0)) (refl_equal (g (f x0))));
            rewrite (Cmult_0_l (/ (x2 - x0))); assumption.
  clear H10 H5; elim H11; clear H11; intros; elim H5; clear H5; intros;
      (((Df x2 x0 x2) Dg (f x2) f x0 f x2) C_dist x2 x0 < x1);
      auto; intro; generalize (H7 x2 H14); intro;
        generalize (Cminus_eq_contra (f x2) (f x0) H12); intro;
            (Cmult_assoc (g (f x2) - g (f x0)) (/ (f x2 - f x0))
              ((f x2 - f x0) × / (x2 - x0))) in H15;
            rewrite <- (Cmult_assoc (/ (f x2 - f x0)) (f x2 - f x0) (/ (x2 - x0)))
              in H15; rewrite (Cinv_l (f x2 - f x0) H16) in H15.
                  rewrite (Cmult_comm (df x0) (dg (f x0))) ;
                  rewrite Cmult_1_l in H15 ; assumption.
  clear H5 H3 H4 H2; unfold limit1_in in |- *; unfold limit_in in |- *;
    simpl in |- *; unfold limit1_in in H1; unfold limit_in in H1;
      simpl in H1; intros; elim (H1 eps H2); clear H1; intros;
        elim H1; clear H1; intros; split with x; split; auto;
          intros; unfold D_x, Dgf in H4, H3; elim H4; clear H4;
            intros; elim H4; clear H4; intros; exact (H3 x1 (conj H4 H5)).