Library Coqtail.Reals.Hopital

Require Import Reals.
Require Import Fourier.
Require Import Rfunction_classes_def.
Require Import Cauchy_lipschitz. Require Import Rextensionality.
Open Scope R_scope.

Definition derivable_on_interval a b (Hab : a < b) f :=
   x, open_interval a b xderivable_pt f x.

Section Definitions.

Definition limit_div_pos f (I : RProp) a := m, m > 0 →
   alp, alp > 0
     x, I xR_dist x a < alpm < f x.

Definition limit_div_neg f (I : RProp) a := m, m > 0 →
   alp, alp > 0
     x, I xR_dist x a < alp-m > f x.

Lemma limit_div_Ropp : a b g, a < b
  limit_div_neg g (open_interval a b) a
    limit_div_pos (fun x : R- g x) (open_interval a b) a.
  intros. unfold limit_div_pos, limit_div_neg in ×. intros. specialize (H0 m H1).
  destruct H0. x. split.
   now intuition.

   intros. destruct H0. specialize (H4 x0 H2 H3). fourier.

Lemma limit_div_pos_inv : f a b, limit_div_neg (fun x- f x) (open_interval a b) a
   limit_div_pos f (open_interval a b) a.
unfold limit_div_pos, limit_div_neg in ×.
intros m Hm. specialize (H m Hm).
destruct H as [alp [Halp Hsolve]].
alp. split. assumption.
intros. specialize (Hsolve x H H0).

Lemma limit_div_neg_inv : f a b, limit_div_pos (fun x- f x) (open_interval a b) a
   limit_div_neg f (open_interval a b) a.
unfold limit_div_pos, limit_div_neg in ×.
intros m Hm. specialize (H m Hm).
destruct H as [alp [Halp Hsolve]].
alp. split. assumption.
intros. specialize (Hsolve x H H0).

Lemma limit_div_neg_ext : f g (I : RProp) a, ( x, I xf x = g x) →
  limit_div_neg f I alimit_div_neg g I a.
unfold limit_div_neg in ×.
intros m Hm. specialize (H0 m Hm).
destruct H0 as [alp [Halp Hsolve]].
alp. split. assumption.
intros. specialize (Hsolve x H0 H1).
rewrite <- H. apply Hsolve.
apply H0.

Lemma limit_div_pos_ext : f g (I : RProp) a, ( x, I xf x = g x) →
  limit_div_pos f I alimit_div_pos g I a.
unfold limit_div_neg in ×.
intros m Hm. specialize (H0 m Hm).
destruct H0 as [alp [Halp Hsolve]].
alp. split. assumption.
intros. specialize (Hsolve x H0 H1).
rewrite <- H. apply Hsolve.
apply H0.

Lemma limit_div_pos_open : a b b' f,
  open_interval a b b'limit_div_pos f (open_interval a b') alimit_div_pos f (open_interval a b) a.
unfold limit_div_pos in ×. intros m Hm.
destruct (H0 m Hm) as [alp [Halp Hsolve]].
(Rmin alp (b' - a)). split. apply Rmin_Rgt_r. split; destruct H; fourier.
intros. assert (x < b').
unfold R_dist in H2. rewrite Rabs_right in H2. replace b' with ((b' - a) + a) by ring.
assert (x - a < b' - a). apply Rlt_le_trans with (Rmin alp (b'- a)). apply H2.
apply Rmin_r. fourier. destruct H1; fourier.
apply Hsolve. split. apply H1. apply H3. apply Rlt_le_trans with (Rmin alp (b'-a)).
apply H2. apply Rmin_l.

Lemma limit_div_neg_open : a b b' f,
  open_interval a b b'limit_div_neg f (open_interval a b') alimit_div_neg f (open_interval a b) a.
unfold limit_div_neg in ×. intros m Hm.
destruct (H0 m Hm) as [alp [Halp Hsolve]].
(Rmin alp (b' - a)). split. apply Rmin_Rgt_r. split; destruct H; fourier.
intros. assert (x < b').
unfold R_dist in H2. rewrite Rabs_right in H2. replace b' with ((b' - a) + a) by ring.
assert (x - a < b' - a). apply Rlt_le_trans with (Rmin alp (b'- a)). apply H2.
apply Rmin_r. fourier. destruct H1; fourier.
apply Hsolve. split. apply H1. apply H3. apply Rlt_le_trans with (Rmin alp (b'-a)).
apply H2. apply Rmin_l.

Lemma limit_div_pos_opp : a b g, limit_div_pos g (open_interval a b) b
  limit_div_pos (fun x : Rg (- x)) (open_interval (- b) (- a)) (- b).
unfold limit_div_pos in ×.
intros m Hm. destruct (H m Hm) as [alp [Halp Hsolve]].
alp. split. apply Halp. intros.
assert (Hopen : open_interval a b (-x)). split; destruct H0; fourier.
assert (Hdist : R_dist (-x) b < alp). unfold R_dist in ×.
replace (-x - b) with (- (x + b)) by ring.
rewrite Rabs_Ropp. ring_simplify (x -- b) in H1. apply H1.
specialize (Hsolve (-x) Hopen Hdist).
apply Hsolve.

Lemma limit_div_neg_opp : a b g, limit_div_neg g (open_interval a b) b
  limit_div_neg (fun x : Rg (- x)) (open_interval (- b) (- a)) (- b).
unfold limit_div_neg in ×.
intros m Hm. destruct (H m Hm) as [alp [Halp Hsolve]].
alp. split. apply Halp. intros.
assert (Hopen : open_interval a b (-x)). split; destruct H0; fourier.
assert (Hdist : R_dist (-x) b < alp). unfold R_dist in ×.
replace (-x - b) with (- (x + b)) by ring.
rewrite Rabs_Ropp. ring_simplify (x -- b) in H1. apply H1.
specialize (Hsolve (-x) Hopen Hdist).
apply Hsolve.

Lemma limit_div_pos_imp :
(f : RR) (D D1 : RProp) (l : R),
  ( x0 : R, D1 x0D x0) → limit_div_pos f D llimit_div_pos f D1 l.
unfold limit_div_pos in ×.
intros m Hm.
specialize (H0 m Hm).
destruct H0 as [alp [Halp Hsolve]].
alp. split.
apply Halp.
intros. assert (D x).
specialize (Hsolve x H2 H1). apply Hsolve.

Lemma limit_div_neg_imp :
(f : RR) (D D1 : RProp) (l : R),
  ( x0 : R, D1 x0D x0) → limit_div_neg f D llimit_div_neg f D1 l.
intros m Hm.
specialize (H0 m Hm).
destruct H0 as [alp [Halp Hsolve]].
alp. split.
apply Halp.
intros. assert (D x).
specialize (Hsolve x H2 H1). apply Hsolve.

Lemma limit_div_pos_comp_Ropp :
   (g : RR) (a b : R),
    limit_div_pos g (open_interval (-a) (-b)) (-a) →
      limit_div_pos (comp g (fun x-x)) (open_interval b a) a.
intros m Hm.
specialize (H m Hm).
destruct H as [alp [Halp Hsolve]].
alp. split. apply Halp.
intros. specialize (Hsolve (-x)).
apply Hsolve. split; destruct H; fourier.
unfold R_dist in ×. replace (- x - - a) with (- (x - a)) by ring.
rewrite Rabs_Ropp. apply H0.

Lemma limit_div_pos_comp_Ropp_l :
   (g : RR) (a b : R),
    limit_div_pos g (open_interval (-a) (-b)) (-b) →
      limit_div_pos (comp g (fun x-x)) (open_interval b a) b.
intros m Hm.
specialize (H m Hm).
destruct H as [alp [Halp Hsolve]].
alp. split. apply Halp.
intros. specialize (Hsolve (-x)).
apply Hsolve. split; destruct H; fourier.
unfold R_dist in ×. replace (- x - - b) with (- (x - b)) by ring.
rewrite Rabs_Ropp. apply H0.

Lemma limit_div_neg_comp_Ropp :
   (g : RR) (a b : R),
    limit_div_neg g (open_interval (-a) (-b)) (-a) →
      limit_div_neg (comp g (fun x-x)) (open_interval b a) a.
intros m Hm.
specialize (H m Hm).
destruct H as [alp [Halp Hsolve]].
alp. split. apply Halp.
intros. specialize (Hsolve (-x)).
apply Hsolve. split; destruct H; fourier.
unfold R_dist in ×. replace (- x - - a) with (- (x - a)) by ring.
rewrite Rabs_Ropp. apply H0.

Lemma limit_div_neg_comp_Ropp_l :
   (g : RR) (a b : R),
    limit_div_neg g (open_interval (-a) (-b)) (-b) →
      limit_div_neg (comp g (fun x-x)) (open_interval b a) b.
intros m Hm.
specialize (H m Hm).
destruct H as [alp [Halp Hsolve]].
alp. split. apply Halp.
intros. specialize (Hsolve (-x)).
apply Hsolve. split; destruct H; fourier.
unfold R_dist in ×. replace (- x - - b) with (- (x - b)) by ring.
rewrite Rabs_Ropp. apply H0.

End Definitions.

Lemma derive_pt_comp_Ropp : a b f x (Df : x, open_interval a b xderivable_pt f x)
(Df' : x, open_interval (-b) (-a) xderivable_pt (fun x0f (- x0)) x)
  (H1 : open_interval (-b) (-a) x) (H2 : open_interval a b (-x)), - derive_pt f (- x) (Df (- x) H2) =
   derive_pt (fun x0 : Rf (- x0)) x (Df' x H1).
assert (derivable_pt (comp f (fun xRopp x)) x). reg. apply derivable_pt_opp. reg.
apply Df. apply H2.

assert (Heq : x, (fun x0f (-x0)) x = (comp f (fun xRopp x)) x).
intros. reflexivity.

rewrite (derive_pt_ext (fun x0f (-x0)) (comp f (fun xRopp x)) Heq x (Df' (x) H1) H).
assert (derivable_pt (fun x ⇒ (-x)) x). reg.
assert (derivable_pt f ((fun x-x) x)). apply Df. apply H2.
pose (p := derivable_pt_comp (fun x ⇒ (-x)) f x H0 H3).
rewrite (pr_nu_var _ _ _ H p).
unfold p.
rewrite derive_pt_comp. replace (derive_pt (fun x0 : R ⇒ (- x0)%R) x H0) with (-1).
ring_simplify. apply Ropp_eq_compat. apply pr_nu.
rewrite <- derive_pt_id with x. rewrite <- derive_pt_opp.
unfold id. apply pr_nu.

Section FirstGenHopital.

Variables f g : RR.
Variables a b L : R.

Hypothesis Hab : a < b.
Hypotheses (Df : x, open_interval a b xderivable_pt f x)
           (Dg : x, open_interval a b xderivable_pt g x).
Hypotheses (Cf : x, a x bcontinuity_pt f x)
           (Cg : x, a x bcontinuity_pt g x).
Hypothesis (Zf : limit1_in f (open_interval a b) 0 a).
Hypothesis (Zg : limit1_in g (open_interval a b) 0 a).

Hypothesis (g_not_0 : x (Hopen: open_interval a b x), derive_pt g x (Dg x Hopen) 0 g x 0).
Hypothesis (Hlimder : eps, eps > 0 →
    alp > 0
    ( x (Hopen : open_interval a b x), R_dist x a < alp
      R_dist (derive_pt f x (Df x Hopen) / derive_pt g x (Dg x Hopen)) L < eps)).

Lemma limit_open : f a b,
  limit1_in f (D_x no_cond a) (f a) alimit1_in f (open_interval a b) (f a) a.
  clear Hlimder Zf Zg. unfold limit1_in in ×. unfold limit_in in ×. intros. specialize (H eps H0).
  destruct H as [alp [Halp H2]]. alp. split.
   now apply Halp.

   intros. apply H2. destruct H. split.
     now constructor.

     unfold open_interval in H. now intro; destruct H; fourier.

  apply H1.

Lemma f_a_zero : f a = 0.
  assert ( x (Hclose : a x b), continuity_pt f x).
   intros. apply Cf. now apply Hclose.

   unfold continuity_pt in H. unfold continue_in in H. specialize (H a). assert (a a b) by intuition.
   apply H in H0. apply (limit_open f a b) in H0. eapply single_limit; [ | apply H0 | apply Zf ]. unfold adhDa.
   intros. (a + Rmin ((b - a) / 2) (alp / 2)). assert (H6 : alp / 2 > 0) by fourier.
   assert ((b - a) > 0) by fourier. assert ((b-a) /2 > 0).
    apply (Rmult_gt_0_compat (/2)) in H2.
     now fourier.

     now fourier.

   unfold open_interval. split.
    assert (Rmin ((b - a) /2) (alp/2) > 0).
     apply Rmin_Rgt_r. now intuition.

     now fourier.

   apply Rle_lt_trans with (a + (b-a) / 2).
    apply Rplus_le_compat.
     now intuition.

     now apply Rmin_l.

   assert (b - a - (b - a) / 2 > 0).
    field_simplify. now fourier.

    now fourier.

  unfold R_dist. rewrite Rabs_right.
   ring_simplify. apply Rle_lt_trans with (alp / 2).
    now apply Rmin_r.

    now fourier.

  ring_simplify. apply Rle_ge. apply Rmin_glb; intuition.

Lemma g_a_zero : g a = 0.
  assert ( x (Hclose : a x b), continuity_pt g x).
   intros. apply Cg. now apply Hclose.

   unfold continuity_pt in H. unfold continue_in in H. specialize (H a). assert (a a b) by intuition.
   apply H in H0. apply (limit_open g a b) in H0. eapply single_limit; [ | apply H0 | apply Zg ].
   unfold adhDa. intros. (a + Rmin ((b - a) / 2) (alp / 2)). assert (H6 : alp / 2 > 0) by fourier.
   assert ((b - a) > 0) by fourier. assert ((b-a) /2 > 0).
    apply (Rmult_gt_0_compat (/2)) in H2.
     now fourier.

     now fourier.

   unfold open_interval. split.
    assert (Rmin ((b - a) /2) (alp/2) > 0).
     apply Rmin_Rgt_r. now intuition.

     now fourier.

   apply Rle_lt_trans with (a + (b-a) / 2).
    apply Rplus_le_compat.
     now intuition.

     now apply Rmin_l.

   assert (b - a - (b - a) / 2 > 0).
    field_simplify. now fourier.

    now fourier.

  unfold R_dist. rewrite Rabs_right.
   ring_simplify. apply Rle_lt_trans with (alp / 2).
    now apply Rmin_r.

    now fourier.

  ring_simplify. apply Rle_ge. apply Rmin_glb; intuition.

Theorem Hopital_g0_Lfin_right : limit1_in (fun xf x / g x) (open_interval a b) L a.
  unfold limit1_in, limit_in. intros. specialize (Hlimder eps H). destruct Hlimder as [alp [Halp Hlim]].
   alp. split.
   now assumption.

   intros. assert (Hacc2 : x, open_interval a b x
      c, Hopenc, f x / g x = derive_pt f c (Df c Hopenc) / derive_pt g c (Dg c Hopenc) a < c < x).
    generalize MVT. intros. specialize (H1 f g a x0). assert ( c, a < c < x0derivable_pt f c).
     intros. apply Df. unfold open_interval. split.
      now intuition.

      now apply Rlt_trans with x0; unfold open_interval in H2; intuition.

    assert ( c, a < c < x0derivable_pt g c).
     intros. apply Dg. unfold open_interval. split.
      now intuition.

      now apply Rlt_trans with x0; unfold open_interval in H2; intuition.

    specialize (H1 H3 H4). assert (a < x0) by (unfold open_interval in H2; intuition).
    assert ( c : R, a c x0continuity_pt f c).
     intros. apply Cf. split.
      now intuition.

      unfold open_interval in H2. now apply Rle_trans with x0; intuition.

    assert ( c, a c x0continuity_pt g c).
     intros. apply Cg. split.
      now intuition.

      unfold open_interval in H2. now apply Rle_trans with x0; intuition.

    specialize (H1 H5 H6 H7). destruct H1 as [c [P Hold2]]. c. assert (Hopenc : open_interval a b c).
     unfold open_interval in ×. split.
      now apply P.

      apply Rlt_trans with x0.
       now apply P.

       now apply H2.

     Hopenc. split.
     rewrite g_a_zero in Hold2. rewrite f_a_zero in Hold2. do 2 rewrite Rminus_0_r in Hold2.
     apply (Rmult_eq_reg_l (g x0)).
      rewrite (pr_nu f c _ (H3 c P)). unfold Rdiv. do 2 rewrite <- Rmult_assoc. rewrite Hold2.
      rewrite (pr_nu g c _ (Dg c Hopenc)). field. generalize (g_not_0 c Hopenc). generalize (g_not_0 x0 H2).
      intros H01 H02. assert (c < b).
       now unfold open_interval in Hopenc; destruct Hopenc; assumption.

        now apply H02.

        now apply H01.

     apply g_not_0. now apply H2.

     now apply P.

  destruct H0. specialize (Hacc2 x H0). destruct Hacc2 as [c [Hopenc Haccc]]. specialize (Hlim c).
  simpl in ×. unfold R_dist in ×. assert (open_interval a b c Rabs (c - a) < alp).
    now apply Hopenc.

    destruct Haccc. destruct H3. rewrite Rabs_right.
     rewrite Rabs_right in H1.
      now fourier.

      now fourier.

   now fourier.

   specialize (Hlim Hopenc). destruct H2. specialize (Hlim H3). destruct Haccc. rewrite H4.
   apply Hlim.

End FirstGenHopital.

Section FirstGenHopital_left.

Variables f g : RR.
Variables a b L : R.

Hypothesis Hab : a < b.
Hypotheses (Df : x, open_interval a b xderivable_pt f x)
           (Dg : x, open_interval a b xderivable_pt g x).
Hypotheses (Cf : x, a x bcontinuity_pt f x)
           (Cg : x, a x bcontinuity_pt g x).
Hypothesis (Zf : limit1_in f (open_interval a b) 0 b).
Hypothesis (Zg : limit1_in g (open_interval a b) 0 b).

Hypothesis (g_not_0 : x (Hopen: open_interval a b x), derive_pt g x (Dg x Hopen) 0 g x 0).
Hypothesis (Hlimder : eps, eps > 0 →
    alp > 0
    ( x (Hopen : open_interval a b x), R_dist x b < alp
      R_dist (derive_pt f x (Df x Hopen) / derive_pt g x (Dg x Hopen)) L < eps)).

Theorem Hopital_g0_Lfin_left : limit1_in (fun xf x / g x) (open_interval a b) L b.
  apply limit1_ext with (comp (fun xf (-x) / g (-x)) (fun x-x)).
   intros. unfold comp. ring_simplify (--x). now reflexivity.

   apply limit1_imp with (Dgf (open_interval a b) (open_interval (-b) (-a)) (fun x- x)).
    intros. unfold Dgf. split.
     now apply H.

     now destruct H; split; fourier.

  apply (limit_comp (fun x- x) (fun x : Rf (- x) / g (- x)) _ _ (-b)).
   unfold limit1_in, limit_in. intros. eps. split.
    now assumption.

    intros. destruct H0. unfold dist in ×. simpl in ×. destruct H0. unfold R_dist in ×.
    replace (- x -- b) with (- (x - b)) by ring. rewrite Rabs_Ropp. now apply H1.

  assert (Df': x, open_interval (-b) (-a) xderivable_pt (fun xf (- x)) x).
   intros. reg. apply Df. now destruct H; split; fourier.

   assert (Dg': x, open_interval (-b) (-a) xderivable_pt (fun xg (- x)) x).
    intros. reg. apply Dg. now destruct H; split; fourier.

    apply Hopital_g0_Lfin_right with Df' Dg'.
     now intuition.

     intros. reg. apply Cf. now destruct H; split; fourier.

     intros. reg. apply Cg. now destruct H; split; fourier.

     unfold limit1_in, limit_in in ×. intros eps Heps. specialize (Zf eps Heps). destruct Zf as [alp [Halp Hsolve]].
      alp. split.
      now assumption.

      intros x H. specialize (Hsolve (-x)). assert (H1 : open_interval a b (- x) dist R_met (- x) b < alp).
        destruct H. now destruct H; split; fourier.

        unfold dist in ×. simpl in ×. destruct H. unfold R_dist in ×. replace (-x - b) with (- (x -- b)) by ring.
        rewrite Rabs_Ropp. now apply H0.

     apply Hsolve. now apply H1.

     unfold limit1_in, limit_in in ×. intros eps Heps. specialize (Zg eps Heps). destruct Zg as [alp [Halp Hsolve]].
      alp. split.
      now assumption.

      intros x H. specialize (Hsolve (-x)). assert (H1 : open_interval a b (- x) dist R_met (- x) b < alp).
        destruct H. now destruct H; split; fourier.

        unfold dist in ×. simpl in ×. destruct H. unfold R_dist in ×. replace (-x - b) with (- (x -- b)) by ring.
        rewrite Rabs_Ropp. now apply H0.

     apply Hsolve. now apply H1.

     intros. assert (Hopen2: open_interval a b (-x)).
      now destruct Hopen; split; fourier.

      destruct (g_not_0 (-x) Hopen2). split.
       assert (derive_pt (fun x0 : Rg (- x0)) x (Dg' x Hopen) = - derive_pt g (- x) (Dg (- x) Hopen2)).
         apply Ropp_eq_compat. now apply pr_nu.

         apply Dg. now apply Hopen2.

       rewrite H1. intro. apply H. replace 0 with (-0) in H2 by ring. apply Ropp_eq_compat in H2.
       ring_simplify in H2. now apply H2.

       now apply H0.

  intros eps Heps. specialize (Hlimder eps Heps). destruct Hlimder as [alp [Halp Hsolve]].
   alp. split.
   now assumption.

   intros. assert (open_interval a b (-x)).
    now destruct Hopen; split; fourier.

    assert (R_dist (-x) b < alp).
     unfold R_dist in ×. replace (- x - b) with (- (x -- b)) by ring. rewrite Rabs_Ropp.
     now apply H.

     specialize (Hsolve (-x) H0 H1). assert (derive_pt (fun x0 : Rf (- x0)) x (Df' x Hopen) = - derive_pt f (- x) (Df (- x) H0) ).
       apply Ropp_eq_compat. now apply pr_nu.

       apply Df. now destruct Hopen; split; fourier.

  assert (derive_pt (fun x0 : Rg (- x0)) x (Dg' x Hopen) = - derive_pt g (- x) (Dg (- x) H0) ).
    apply Ropp_eq_compat. now apply pr_nu.

    apply Dg. now destruct Hopen; split; fourier.

  rewrite H2. rewrite H3. replace (- derive_pt f (- x) (Df (- x) H0) / - derive_pt g (- x) (Dg (- x) H0)) with
 (derive_pt f (- x) (Df (- x) H0) / derive_pt g (- x) (Dg (- x) H0)).
   now apply Hsolve.

   field. apply g_not_0.

End FirstGenHopital_left.

Section SndGenHopital.

Variables f g : RR.
Variables a b L : R.

Hypothesis Hab : a < b.
Hypotheses (Df : x, open_interval a b xderivable_pt f x)
           (Dg : x, open_interval a b xderivable_pt g x).
Hypotheses (Cf : x, a x bcontinuity_pt f x)
           (Cg : x, a x bcontinuity_pt g x).

Hypothesis (Zg : limit_div_pos g (open_interval a b) a).

Hypothesis (g'_not_0 : x (Hopen: open_interval a b x), derive_pt g x (Dg x Hopen) 0).
Hypothesis (Hlimder : eps, eps > 0 →
    alp > 0
    ( x (Hopen : open_interval a b x), R_dist x a < alp
      R_dist (derive_pt f x (Df x Hopen) / derive_pt g x (Dg x Hopen)) L < eps)).

Lemma open_lemma : a b c, a < bc > 0 → open_interval a b (a + Rmin ((b - a) /2) c).
  intros. assert ((b0 - a0) > 0) by fourier. assert ((b0-a0) /2 > 0).
   apply (Rmult_gt_0_compat (/2)) in H1.
    now fourier.

    now fourier.

   assert (Rmin ((b0-a0) /2) c > 0).
    now apply Rmin_glb_lt; assumption.

    now fourier.

  apply Rle_lt_trans with (a0 + (b0-a0) /2).
   apply Rplus_le_compat_l. now apply Rmin_l.

   assert (b0 - a0 - (b0-a0) /2 > 0).
    field_simplify. now fourier.


Lemma g_not_zero : a', open_interval a b a' x, open_interval a a' xg x 0.
  unfold limit_div_pos in Zg. assert (1 > 0) by fourier. specialize (Zg 1 H). destruct Zg as [alp [Halp H3]].
   (a + Rmin ((b - a) / 2) (alp / 2)). assert (H6 : alp / 2 > 0) by fourier.
  assert ((b - a) > 0) by fourier. assert ((b-a) /2 > 0).
   apply (Rmult_gt_0_compat (/2)) in H0.
    now fourier.

    now fourier.

   unfold open_interval. split.
    assert (Rmin ((b-a) /2) (alp / 2) > 0).
     now apply Rmin_glb_lt; assumption.

     now fourier.

   apply Rle_lt_trans with (a + (b-a) /2).
    apply Rplus_le_compat_l. now apply Rmin_l.

    assert (b - a - (b-a) /2 > 0).
     field_simplify. now fourier.

     now fourier.

  intros. unfold open_interval in H0. assert (g x > 1).
   apply H3.
    unfold open_interval. unfold open_interval in H2. split.
     now apply H2.

     apply Rlt_trans with (a + Rmin ((b-a)/2) (alp /2)).
      now apply H2.

      apply Rle_lt_trans with (a + (b-a) /2).
       apply Rplus_le_compat_l. now apply Rmin_l.

       assert (b - a - (b-a) /2 > 0).
        field_simplify. now fourier.

        now fourier.

   unfold R_dist. unfold open_interval in H2. destruct H2. apply Rlt_trans with (alp/2).
    apply Rlt_le_trans with (Rmin ((b-a) / 2) (alp /2)).
     now rewrite Rabs_right; fourier.

     now apply Rmin_r.

   now fourier.

   intro. fourier.

Lemma MVT_unusable : a', open_interval a b a'
           x y : R,
          open_interval a a' x
          open_interval a a' y
          x < y
           c : R,
             Hopenc : open_interval a b c,
              (f y - f x) × derive_pt g c (Dg c Hopenc) =
              derive_pt f c (Df c Hopenc) × (g y - g x)
              x < c < y.
  intros a' Hopennew. generalize MVT. intros. specialize (H f g x y). assert ( c, x < c < yderivable_pt f c).
   intros. apply Df. unfold open_interval in ×. split.
    now apply Rlt_trans with x ; intuition.

    apply Rlt_trans with y ; intuition. now apply Rlt_trans with a'; intuition.

  assert ( c, x < c < yderivable_pt g c).
   intros. apply Dg. unfold open_interval in ×. split.
    now apply Rlt_trans with x ; intuition.

    apply Rlt_trans with y ; intuition. now apply Rlt_trans with a'; intuition.

  specialize (H H3 H4 H2). assert ( c : R, x c ycontinuity_pt f c).
   intros. apply Cf. unfold open_interval in ×. split.
    now apply Rle_trans with x; intuition.

    apply Rle_trans with y; intuition. now apply Rle_trans with a'; intuition.

  assert ( c : R, x c ycontinuity_pt g c).
   intros. apply Cg. unfold open_interval in ×. split.
    now apply Rle_trans with x; intuition.

    apply Rle_trans with y; intuition. now apply Rle_trans with a'; intuition.

  specialize (H H5 H6). destruct H as [c [P Hold2]]. c. assert (Hopenc : open_interval a b c).
   unfold open_interval in ×. destruct P; split.
    now apply Rlt_trans with x; intuition.

    apply Rlt_trans with y; intuition. now apply Rlt_trans with a'; intuition.

   Hopenc. split.
   rewrite (pr_nu f c _ (H3 c P)). rewrite (pr_nu g c _ (H4 c P)). rewrite <- Hold2.
   now ring.

   apply P.

Theorem Hopital_gpinf_Lfin_right : limit1_in (fun xf x / g x) (open_interval a b) L a.
  destruct g_not_zero as [a' [H1 Ha']]. unfold limit1_in, limit_in. intros. assert (Hacc2' : x y, open_interval a a' xopen_interval a a' yx < y
      c, Hopenc, f x / g x = (1 - (g y / g x)) ×
                     derive_pt f c (Df c Hopenc) / derive_pt g c (Dg c Hopenc) + (f y / g x) x < c < y).
   intros. assert (open_interval a b x).
     now apply H0.

     apply Rlt_trans with a'.
      now apply H0.

      now apply H1.

   assert (open_interval a b y).
     now apply H2.

     apply Rlt_trans with a'.
      now apply H2.

      now apply H1.

   generalize (MVT_unusable a' H1 x y H0 H2 H3). intros Hacc2'. destruct Hacc2' as [c [Hopenc [Hacc2' H7]]].
    c. Hopenc. split; [ | now intuition]. apply (Rplus_eq_reg_l (- (f y / g x))).
   ring_simplify. apply (Rmult_eq_reg_l (g x)).
    apply (Rmult_eq_reg_l (derive_pt g c (Dg c Hopenc))).
     apply (Rmult_eq_reg_l (-1)).
       field_simplify in Hacc2'. replace (derive_pt g c (Dg c Hopenc) × f y - derive_pt g c (Dg c Hopenc) × f x)
           with (f y × derive_pt g c (Dg c Hopenc) - f x × derive_pt g c (Dg c Hopenc)) by ring.
       rewrite Hacc2'. now field.

        apply Ha'. now apply H0.

        now apply (g'_not_0 c Hopenc).

      now apply Ha'; assumption.

      intro. now fourier.

    now apply g'_not_0.

    now apply Ha'; assumption.

  assert (H0: eps, eps > 0 →
          y, open_interval a a' y c (Hopen : open_interval a y c) (Hopenc : open_interval a b c),
           R_dist (derive_pt f c (Df c Hopenc) / derive_pt g c (Dg c Hopenc)) L < eps).
   intros eps0 Heps0. specialize (Hlimder eps0 Heps0). destruct Hlimder as [alp [Halp Hlimder1]].
    (a + Rmin ((a'-a) / 2) alp). split.
    apply open_lemma.
     now apply H1.

     now apply Halp.

   intros. specialize (Hlimder1 c Hopenc). unfold R_dist in ×. apply Hlimder1. destruct Hopen.
   apply Rlt_le_trans with (Rmin ((a' - a) / 2) alp).
    now rewrite Rabs_right; fourier.

    now apply Rmin_r.

  assert (H15 : A eps, eps > 0 → alp,
           alp > 0 x, open_interval a b xR_dist x a < alpRabs (A / g x) < eps).
   intros. unfold limit_div_pos in Zg. destruct (Req_dec A 0) as [eq_dec1 | eq_dec2].
    subst. 1. intuition. unfold Rdiv. rewrite Rmult_0_l. rewrite Rabs_R0. now assumption.

    specialize (Zg (Rabs A / eps0)). assert (Rabs A /eps0 > 0).
     assert (Rabs A > 0).
      apply Rabs_pos_lt. now assumption.

      unfold Rdiv. assert (/eps0 > 0).
       now apply Rinv_0_lt_compat; assumption.

       now apply Rmult_lt_0_compat; assumption.

   specialize (Zg H3). destruct Zg as [alp [Halp Zg3]]. alp. intuition. unfold Rdiv.
   rewrite Rabs_mult. specialize (Zg3 x H4 H5). assert (g x > 0).
    apply Rlt_trans with (Rabs A / eps0).
     now assumption.

     now assumption.

   rewrite Rabs_Rinv.
    rewrite (Rabs_right (g x)).
     apply (Rmult_lt_reg_l (g x)).
      now assumption.

      apply (Rmult_lt_reg_l (/eps0)).
       apply Rinv_0_lt_compat. now apply H2.

        unfold Rdiv. rewrite Rinv_1. rewrite Rmult_1_r. now apply Zg3.

        intro. now fourier.

         intro. now fourier.

         intro. now fourier.

    now fourier.

    intro. now fourier.

  assert (Heps4 : eps / 4 > 0) by fourier. assert (bizarre : eps L, L 0 → eps > 0 →
                    eps1, eps1 > 0 eps1 × (L + eps) < eps / 2).
   intros. (/2 × ((eps0 / 2) × / (L0 + eps0))). split.
    apply Rmult_lt_0_compat.
     now fourier.

     apply Rmult_lt_0_compat.
      now fourier.

      apply Rinv_0_lt_compat. now fourier.

    now fourier.

    intro. now fourier.

  specialize (H0 (eps/4) Heps4). destruct H0 as [y [open H0]]. specialize (Hlimder eps H).
  destruct Hlimder as [alp1 [Halp1 Hlim2]]. generalize (H15 (f y) (eps/4) Heps4).
  intros H16. destruct H16 as [alp2 [Halp2 Hlim3]]. specialize (bizarre eps (Rabs L)).
  assert (Hb1: Rabs L 0) by (apply Rle_ge; apply Rabs_pos). specialize (bizarre Hb1 H).
  destruct bizarre as [eps1 [Heps1 HepsL4]]. specialize (H15 (g y) eps1 Heps1). destruct H15 as [alp3 [Halp3 Hlim4]].
  pose (alp_alp := Rmin (Rmin alp1 alp2) alp3). pose (alp := Rmin (Rmin alp_alp (a' - a)) (y - a)).
   alp. split.
   apply Rmin_pos.
    apply Rmin_pos.
     apply Rmin_pos.
      now apply Rmin_pos; assumption.

      now assumption.

    unfold open_interval in H1. destruct H1. now fourier.

    unfold open_interval in open. destruct open. now fourier.

  intros. specialize (Hacc2' x y). assert (open_interval a a' x).
   unfold dist in H2. simpl in H2. unfold R_dist in H2. split.
    now apply H2.

    assert (Rabs (x - a) < Rabs (a' - a)).
     rewrite (Rabs_right (a' - a)).
      unfold alp in H2. apply Rlt_le_trans with (Rmin (Rmin alp_alp (a' - a)) (y - a)).
       now intuition.

       apply Rle_trans with (Rmin alp_alp (a' - a)).
        now apply Rmin_l.

        now apply Rmin_r.

     destruct H1. now fourier.

     do 2 rewrite Rabs_right in H3.
      now fourier.

      now destruct H1; fourier.

      destruct H2. now destruct H2; fourier.

      destruct H2. now destruct H2; fourier.

  assert (open_interval a a' y).
   now apply open.

   specialize (Hacc2' H3 H4). assert (x < y).
    unfold alp in H2. unfold dist in H2. simpl in H2. unfold R_dist in H2. assert (Rabs (x - a) < Rabs (y - a)).
     rewrite (Rabs_right (y - a)).
      unfold alp in H2. apply Rlt_le_trans with (Rmin (Rmin alp_alp (a' - a)) (y - a)).
       now intuition.

       now apply Rmin_r.

     destruct H4. now fourier.

     do 2 rewrite Rabs_right in H5.
      now fourier.

      now destruct H4; fourier.

      now destruct H3; fourier.

      now destruct H3; fourier.

  specialize (Hacc2' H5). destruct Hacc2' as [c [Hopenc H10]]. destruct H10 as [H10 H100].
  rewrite H10. unfold dist. simpl. unfold R_dist. unfold Rdiv. ring_simplify (((1 - g y ×/ g x) × derive_pt f c (Df c Hopenc) ×/
                              derive_pt g c (Dg c Hopenc) + f y ×/ g x - L)). unfold Rminus.
  rewrite Rplus_assoc. rewrite Rplus_assoc. apply Rle_lt_trans with
                              (Rabs (- g y × / g x × derive_pt f c (Df c Hopenc) ×
                                 / derive_pt g c (Dg c Hopenc)) + Rabs (/ g x × f y + (
                                   derive_pt f c (Df c Hopenc) × / derive_pt g c (Dg c Hopenc) +- L))).
   now apply Rabs_triang.

   replace (- g y × / g x × derive_pt f c (Df c Hopenc) ×/ derive_pt g c (Dg c Hopenc))
                             with ((- g y × / g x) × (derive_pt f c (Df c Hopenc) ×/ derive_pt g c (Dg c Hopenc)))
                             by ring. rewrite Rabs_mult. replace eps with (eps / 2 + eps / 2) by field.
   apply Rplus_lt_compat.
    apply Rle_lt_trans with (eps1 × (Rabs L + eps)).
     apply Rmult_le_compat.
      now apply Rabs_pos.

      now apply Rabs_pos.

      rewrite Ropp_mult_distr_l_reverse. rewrite Rabs_Ropp. apply Rlt_le. apply Hlim4.
       now apply H2.

       unfold alp in H2. unfold alp_alp in H2. apply Rlt_le_trans with ((Rmin (Rmin alp1 alp2) alp3)).
        apply Rlt_le_trans with (Rmin (Rmin (Rmin alp1 alp2) alp3) (a' - a)).
         apply Rlt_le_trans with (Rmin (Rmin (Rmin (Rmin alp1 alp2) alp3) (a' - a)) (y - a)).
          now apply H2.

          now apply Rmin_l.

        now apply Rmin_l.

        now apply Rmin_r.

     destruct H2. assert (R_dist x a < alp1).
      unfold alp in H6. unfold alp_alp in H6. apply Rlt_le_trans with (Rmin alp1 alp2).
       apply Rlt_le_trans with (Rmin (Rmin alp1 alp2) alp3).
        apply Rlt_le_trans with (Rmin (Rmin (Rmin alp1 alp2) alp3) (a' - a)).
         apply Rlt_le_trans with (Rmin (Rmin (Rmin (Rmin alp1 alp2) alp3) (a' - a)) (y - a)).
          now apply H6.

          now apply Rmin_l.

        now apply Rmin_l.

        now apply Rmin_l.

      now apply Rmin_l.

      assert (open_interval a y c).
       unfold open_interval. split.
        apply Rlt_trans with x.
         now apply H2.

         now apply H100.

       now apply H100.

       specialize (H0 c H8). specialize (H0 Hopenc). assert (Rabs (derive_pt f c (Df c Hopenc) / derive_pt g c (Dg c Hopenc)) - Rabs L eps).
        apply Rle_trans with (R_dist (derive_pt f c (Df c Hopenc) /
                                      derive_pt g c (Dg c Hopenc)) L).
         apply Rle_trans with (Rabs (Rabs (derive_pt f c (Df c Hopenc) /
                                       derive_pt g c (Dg c Hopenc)) - Rabs L)).
          now apply Rle_abs.

          unfold R_dist. now apply Rabs_triang_inv2.

        apply Rlt_le. apply Rlt_trans with (eps / 4).
         now apply H0.

         now fourier.

     apply (Rplus_le_reg_l (- Rabs L)). ring_simplify. rewrite Rplus_comm. now apply H9.

     now apply HepsL4.

  replace (eps /2) with (eps / 4 + eps / 4) by field. apply Rle_lt_trans with (Rabs (/ g x × f y) + Rabs
                                     (derive_pt f c (Df c Hopenc) × / derive_pt g c (Dg c Hopenc) + - L)).
   now apply Rabs_triang.

   apply Rplus_lt_compat.
    rewrite Rmult_comm. apply Hlim3.
     now apply H2.

     destruct H2. unfold alp in H6. unfold alp_alp in H6. apply Rlt_le_trans with (Rmin alp1 alp2).
      apply Rlt_le_trans with ((Rmin (Rmin alp1 alp2) alp3)).
       apply Rlt_le_trans with (Rmin (Rmin (Rmin alp1 alp2) alp3) (a' - a)).
        apply Rlt_le_trans with (Rmin (Rmin (Rmin (Rmin alp1 alp2) alp3) (a' - a)) (y - a)).
         now apply H6.

         now apply Rmin_l.

       now apply Rmin_l.

       now apply Rmin_l.

    now apply Rmin_r.

    apply H0. unfold R_dist in Hlim2. unfold open_interval in ×. split.
     now apply Hopenc.

     apply H100.

End SndGenHopital.

Section SndGenHopital_left.

Variables f g : RR.
Variables a b L : R.

Hypothesis Hab : a < b.
Hypotheses (Df : x, open_interval a b xderivable_pt f x)
           (Dg : x, open_interval a b xderivable_pt g x).
Hypotheses (Cf : x, a x bcontinuity_pt f x)
           (Cg : x, a x bcontinuity_pt g x).

Hypothesis (Zg : limit_div_pos g (open_interval a b) b).

Hypothesis (g'_not_0 : x (Hopen: open_interval a b x), derive_pt g x (Dg x Hopen) 0).
Hypothesis (Hlimder : eps, eps > 0 →
    alp > 0
    ( x (Hopen : open_interval a b x), R_dist x b < alp
      R_dist (derive_pt f x (Df x Hopen) / derive_pt g x (Dg x Hopen)) L < eps)).

Theorem Hopital_gpinf_Lfin_left : limit1_in (fun xf x / g x) (open_interval a b) L b.
  apply limit1_ext with (comp (fun xf (-x) / g (-x)) (fun x-x)).
   intros. unfold comp. ring_simplify (--x). now reflexivity.

   apply limit1_imp with (Dgf (open_interval a b) (open_interval (-b) (-a)) (fun x- x)).
    intros. unfold Dgf. split.
     now apply H.

     now destruct H; split; fourier.

  apply (limit_comp (fun x- x) (fun x : Rf (- x) / g (- x)) _ _ (-b)).
   unfold limit1_in, limit_in. intros. eps. split.
    now assumption.

    intros. destruct H0. unfold dist in ×. simpl in ×. destruct H0. unfold R_dist in ×.
    replace (- x -- b) with (- (x - b)) by ring. rewrite Rabs_Ropp. now apply H1.

  assert (Df': x, open_interval (-b) (-a) xderivable_pt (fun xf (- x)) x).
   intros. reg. apply Df. now destruct H; split; fourier.

   assert (Dg': x, open_interval (-b) (-a) xderivable_pt (fun xg (- x)) x).
    intros. reg. apply Dg. now destruct H; split; fourier.

    apply Hopital_gpinf_Lfin_right with Df' Dg'.
     now intuition.

     intros. reg. apply Cf. now destruct H; split; fourier.

     intros. reg. apply Cg. now destruct H; split; fourier.

     apply limit_div_pos_opp. apply Zg.


     intros. assert (Hopen2: open_interval a b (-x)).
      now destruct Hopen; split; fourier.

      intro. destruct (g'_not_0 (-x) Hopen2).
       assert (derive_pt (fun x0 : Rg (- x0)) x (Dg' x Hopen) = - derive_pt g (- x) (Dg (- x) Hopen2)).
         apply Ropp_eq_compat. now apply pr_nu.

         apply Dg. now apply Hopen2.

       rewrite <- Ropp_involutive. symmetry. rewrite <- Ropp_involutive.
       replace 0 with (- 0) in H by ring.
       apply Ropp_eq_compat. rewrite <- H. rewrite H0. reflexivity.

intros eps Heps. specialize (Hlimder eps Heps).
destruct Hlimder as [alp [Halp Hsolve]].
alp. split. apply Halp.
assert (Hopenx : open_interval a b (-x)). split; destruct Hopen; fourier.
assert (R_dist (-x) b < alp). unfold R_dist in ×.
replace (- x - b) with (- (x + b)) by ring.
ring_simplify (x--b) in H.
rewrite Rabs_Ropp. apply H.
specialize (Hsolve (-x) Hopenx H0).
replace (derive_pt (fun x0 : Rf (- x0)) x (Df' x Hopen)) with
  (- derive_pt f (- x) (Df (- x) Hopenx)).
replace (derive_pt (fun x0 : Rg (- x0)) x (Dg' x Hopen)) with
  (- derive_pt g (- x) (Dg (- x) Hopenx)).
replace ((- derive_pt f (- x) (Df (- x) Hopenx) /
      - derive_pt g (- x) (Dg (- x) Hopenx))) with
((derive_pt f (- x) (Df (- x) Hopenx) /
      derive_pt g (- x) (Dg (- x) Hopenx))). apply Hsolve.

field. apply g'_not_0.

apply derive_pt_comp_Ropp.
apply derive_pt_comp_Ropp.

End SndGenHopital_left.

Section SndGenHopitalposneg.

Lemma g_not_zero2 : g a b, b > alimit_div_neg g (open_interval a b) a
   a', open_interval a b a' x, open_interval a a' xg x 0.
  intros g a b Hab Zg. unfold limit_div_neg in Zg. assert (1 > 0) by fourier. specialize (Zg 1 H).
  destruct Zg as [alp [Halp H3]]. (a + Rmin ((b - a) / 2) (alp / 2)). assert (H6 : alp / 2 > 0) by fourier.
  assert ((b - a) > 0) by fourier. assert ((b-a) /2 > 0).
   apply (Rmult_gt_0_compat (/2)) in H0.
    now fourier.

    now fourier.

   unfold open_interval. split.
    assert (Rmin ((b-a) /2) (alp / 2) > 0).
     now apply Rmin_glb_lt; assumption.

     now fourier.

   apply Rle_lt_trans with (a + (b-a) /2).
    apply Rplus_le_compat_l. now apply Rmin_l.

    assert (b - a - (b-a) /2 > 0).
     field_simplify. now fourier.

     now fourier.

  intros. unfold open_interval in H0. assert (g x < - 1).
   apply H3.
    unfold open_interval. unfold open_interval in H2. split.
     now apply H2.

     apply Rlt_trans with (a + Rmin ((b-a)/2) (alp /2)).
      now apply H2.

      apply Rle_lt_trans with (a + (b-a) /2).
       apply Rplus_le_compat_l. now apply Rmin_l.

       assert (b - a - (b-a) /2 > 0).
        field_simplify. now fourier.

        now fourier.

   unfold R_dist. unfold open_interval in H2. destruct H2. apply Rlt_trans with (alp/2).
    apply Rlt_le_trans with (Rmin ((b-a) / 2) (alp /2)).
     now rewrite Rabs_right; fourier.

     now apply Rmin_r.

   now fourier.

   intro. fourier.

Lemma limit1_in_open : f L a b c, open_interval a b c
  limit1_in f (open_interval a c) L a
    limit1_in f (open_interval a b) L a.
  intros. unfold limit1_in in ×. unfold limit_in in ×. intros. specialize (H0 eps H1).
  destruct H0 as [alp [Halp Hlim]]. (Rmin alp (c - a)). split.
   apply Rmin_glb_lt.
    now assumption.

    now destruct H; fourier.

  intros. apply Hlim. destruct H0. unfold dist in ×. simpl in ×. unfold R_dist in ×.
    now destruct H0; assumption.

    assert (Rabs (x - a) < c - a).
     apply Rlt_le_trans with (Rmin alp (c - a)).
      now apply H2.

      now apply Rmin_r.

   now rewrite Rabs_right in H3; destruct H0; fourier.

   apply Rlt_le_trans with (Rmin alp (c - a)).
    now apply H2.

    apply Rmin_l.

Lemma limit_div_neg_open1 : f a b c, open_interval a b c
  limit_div_neg f (open_interval a b) a
    limit_div_neg f (open_interval a c) a.
  intros. unfold limit_div_neg in ×. intros. specialize (H0 m H1). destruct H0 as [alp [Halp Hlim]].
   alp. intuition. apply Hlim.
   now destruct H; destruct H0; split; fourier.

   apply H2.

Lemma Hopital_gninf_Lfin_right
     : (f g : RR) (a b L : R),
       a < b
        (Df : x : R, open_interval a b xderivable_pt f x)
         (Dg : x : R, open_interval a b xderivable_pt g x),
       ( x : R, a x bcontinuity_pt f x) →
       ( x : R, a x bcontinuity_pt g x) →
       limit_div_neg g (open_interval a b) a
       ( (x : R) (Hopen : open_interval a b x),
        derive_pt g x (Dg x Hopen) 0) →
       ( eps : R,
        eps > 0 →
         alp : R,
          alp > 0
          ( (x : R) (Hopen : open_interval a b x),
           R_dist x a < alp
           R_dist (derive_pt f x (Df x Hopen) / derive_pt g x (Dg x Hopen)) L <
           eps)) →
       limit1_in (fun x : Rf x / g x) (open_interval a b) L a.
  intros. destruct (g_not_zero2 g a b H H2) as [a' [Hopen Ha']]. apply limit1_in_open with a'.
   now apply Hopen.

   apply limit1_ext with (fun x- ( f x / (- g x))).
    intros. field. apply Ha'. now apply H5.

    replace L with (- - L) by ring. apply limit_Ropp. assert (Dg' : x : R, open_interval a a' xderivable_pt (- g) x).
     intros. reg. apply Dg. split.
      now apply H5.

      apply Rlt_trans with a'.
       now apply H5.

       now apply Hopen.

  assert (Df' : x : R, open_interval a a' xderivable_pt f x).
   intros. apply Df. split.
    now apply H5.

    apply Rlt_trans with a'.
     now apply H5.

     now apply Hopen.

  apply Hopital_gpinf_Lfin_right with Df' Dg'.
   now apply Hopen.

   intros. apply H0. split.
    now apply H5.

    apply Rle_trans with a'.
     now apply H5.

     apply Rlt_le. now apply Hopen.

   intros. reg. apply H1. split.
    now apply H5.

    apply Rle_trans with a'.
     now apply H5.

     apply Rlt_le. now apply Hopen.

   apply limit_div_Ropp.
    now apply Hopen.

    apply limit_div_neg_open1 with b.
     now assumption.

     now apply H2.

   intros. assert (Dg'' : x, open_interval a a' xderivable_pt g x).
    intros. apply Dg. split.
     now apply H5.

     apply Rlt_trans with a'.
      now apply H5.

      now apply Hopen.

   rewrite (pr_nu (-g)%F x _ (derivable_pt_opp g x (Dg'' x Hopen0))). rewrite derive_pt_opp.
   apply Ropp_neq_0_compat. assert (Hder : open_interval a b x).
    unfold open_interval in ×. split.
     now apply Hopen0.

     now destruct Hopen, Hopen0; fourier.

   rewrite (pr_nu g x _ (Dg x Hder)). now apply H3.

   intros. specialize (H4 eps H5). destruct H4 as [alp [Halp H10]]. alp. split.
    now assumption.

    intros. assert (Hder : open_interval a b x).
     unfold open_interval in ×. split.
      now apply Hopen0.

      now destruct Hopen, Hopen0; fourier.

  specialize (H10 x Hder H4). unfold R_dist in ×.
  replace (derive_pt (- g) x (Dg' x Hopen0)) with (- derive_pt g x (Dg x Hder)).
   replace (derive_pt f x (Df' x Hopen0)) with (derive_pt f x (Df x Hder)).
    replace (derive_pt f x (Df x Hder) / - derive_pt g x (Dg x Hder) - - L)
                    with (- (derive_pt f x (Df x Hder) / derive_pt g x (Dg x Hder) - L)).
     rewrite Rabs_Ropp. now assumption.

     field. now apply H3.

   now apply pr_nu.

   assert (Dg'' : x, open_interval a a' xderivable_pt g x).
    intros. apply Dg. split.
     now apply H6.

     apply Rlt_trans with a'.
      now apply H6.

      now apply Hopen.

  rewrite (pr_nu (-g)%F x _ (derivable_pt_opp g x (Dg'' x Hopen0))). rewrite derive_pt_opp.
  apply Ropp_eq_compat. apply pr_nu.

End SndGenHopitalposneg.

Section SndGenHopitalposneg_left.

Lemma Hopital_gninf_Lfin_left
     : (f g : RR) (a b L : R),
       a < b
        (Df : x : R, open_interval a b xderivable_pt f x)
         (Dg : x : R, open_interval a b xderivable_pt g x),
       ( x : R, a x bcontinuity_pt f x) →
       ( x : R, a x bcontinuity_pt g x) →
       limit_div_neg g (open_interval a b) b
       ( (x : R) (Hopen : open_interval a b x),
        derive_pt g x (Dg x Hopen) 0) →
       ( eps : R,
        eps > 0 →
         alp : R,
          alp > 0
          ( (x : R) (Hopen : open_interval a b x),
           R_dist x b < alp
           R_dist (derive_pt f x (Df x Hopen) / derive_pt g x (Dg x Hopen)) L <
           eps)) →
       limit1_in (fun x : Rf x / g x) (open_interval a b) L b.
intros f g a b L Hab Df Dg Cf Cg Hdiv_neg g'_not_0 Hlimder.
  apply limit1_ext with (comp (fun xf (-x) / g (-x)) (fun x-x)).
   intros. unfold comp. ring_simplify (--x). now reflexivity.

   apply limit1_imp with (Dgf (open_interval a b) (open_interval (-b) (-a)) (fun x- x)).
    intros. unfold Dgf. split.
     now apply H.

     now destruct H; split; fourier.

  apply (limit_comp (fun x- x) (fun x : Rf (- x) / g (- x)) _ _ (-b)).
   unfold limit1_in, limit_in. intros. eps. split.
    now assumption.

    intros. destruct H0. unfold dist in ×. simpl in ×. destruct H0. unfold R_dist in ×.
    replace (- x -- b) with (- (x - b)) by ring. rewrite Rabs_Ropp. now apply H1.

  assert (Df': x, open_interval (-b) (-a) xderivable_pt (fun xf (- x)) x).
   intros. reg. apply Df. now destruct H; split; fourier.

   assert (Dg': x, open_interval (-b) (-a) xderivable_pt (fun xg (- x)) x).
    intros. reg. apply Dg. now destruct H; split; fourier.

    apply Hopital_gninf_Lfin_right with Df' Dg'.
     now intuition.

     intros. reg. apply Cf. now destruct H; split; fourier.

     intros. reg. apply Cg. now destruct H; split; fourier.

     apply limit_div_neg_opp. apply Hdiv_neg.


     intros. assert (Hopen2: open_interval a b (-x)).
      now destruct Hopen; split; fourier.

      intro. destruct (g'_not_0 (-x) Hopen2).
       assert (derive_pt (fun x0 : Rg (- x0)) x (Dg' x Hopen) = - derive_pt g (- x) (Dg (- x) Hopen2)).
         apply Ropp_eq_compat. now apply pr_nu.

         apply Dg. now apply Hopen2.

       rewrite <- Ropp_involutive. symmetry. rewrite <- Ropp_involutive.
       replace 0 with (- 0) in H by ring.
       apply Ropp_eq_compat. rewrite <- H. rewrite H0. reflexivity.

intros eps Heps. specialize (Hlimder eps Heps).
destruct Hlimder as [alp [Halp Hsolve]].
alp. split. apply Halp.
assert (Hopenx : open_interval a b (-x)). split; destruct Hopen; fourier.
assert (R_dist (-x) b < alp). unfold R_dist in ×.
replace (- x - b) with (- (x + b)) by ring.
ring_simplify (x--b) in H.
rewrite Rabs_Ropp. apply H.
specialize (Hsolve (-x) Hopenx H0).
replace (derive_pt (fun x0 : Rf (- x0)) x (Df' x Hopen)) with
  (- derive_pt f (- x) (Df (- x) Hopenx)).
replace (derive_pt (fun x0 : Rg (- x0)) x (Dg' x Hopen)) with
  (- derive_pt g (- x) (Dg (- x) Hopenx)).
replace ((- derive_pt f (- x) (Df (- x) Hopenx) /
      - derive_pt g (- x) (Dg (- x) Hopenx))) with
((derive_pt f (- x) (Df (- x) Hopenx) /
      derive_pt g (- x) (Dg (- x) Hopenx))). apply Hsolve.

field. apply g'_not_0.

apply derive_pt_comp_Ropp.
apply derive_pt_comp_Ropp.

End SndGenHopitalposneg_left.

Section InfiniteLimiteHopital_pos.

Variables f g : RR.
Variables a b L : R.

Hypothesis Hab : a < b.
Hypotheses (Df : x, open_interval a b xderivable_pt f x)
           (Dg : x, open_interval a b xderivable_pt g x).
Hypotheses (Cf : x, a x bcontinuity_pt f x)
           (Cg : x, a x bcontinuity_pt g x).
Hypothesis (Zf : limit1_in f (open_interval a b) 0 a).
Hypothesis (Zg : limit1_in g (open_interval a b) 0 a).

Hypothesis (g_not_0 : x (Hopen: open_interval a b x), derive_pt g x (Dg x Hopen) 0 g x 0).
Hypothesis (Hlimder : m, m > 0 →
    alp > 0
      ( x (Hopen: open_interval a b x), R_dist x a < alp
        m < (derive_pt f x (Df x Hopen) / derive_pt g x (Dg x Hopen)))).

Lemma Hopital_g0_Lpinf_right : m, m > 0 →
    alp > 0
      ( x (Hopen: open_interval a b x), R_dist x a < alp
        m < (f x) / (g x)).
  intros m Hm. specialize (Hlimder m Hm). destruct Hlimder as [alp [Halp Hlim]].
   alp. split.
   now assumption.

   intros. assert (Hacc2 : x, open_interval a b x
      c, Hopenc, f x / g x = derive_pt f c (Df c Hopenc) / derive_pt g c (Dg c Hopenc) a < c < x).
    generalize MVT. intros. specialize (H0 f g a x0). assert ( c, a < c < x0derivable_pt f c).
     intros. apply Df. unfold open_interval. split.
      now intuition.

      now apply Rlt_trans with x0; unfold open_interval in H1; intuition.

    assert ( c, a < c < x0derivable_pt g c).
     intros. apply Dg. unfold open_interval. split.
      now intuition.

      now apply Rlt_trans with x0; unfold open_interval in H1; intuition.

    specialize (H0 H2 H3). assert (a < x0) by (unfold open_interval in H1; intuition).
    assert ( c : R, a c x0continuity_pt f c).
     intros. apply Cf. split.
      now intuition.

      unfold open_interval in H1. now apply Rle_trans with x0; intuition.

    assert ( c, a c x0continuity_pt g c).
     intros. apply Cg. split.
      now intuition.

      unfold open_interval in H1. now apply Rle_trans with x0; intuition.

    specialize (H0 H4 H5 H6). destruct H0 as [c [P Hold2]]. c. assert (Hopenc : open_interval a b c).
     unfold open_interval in ×. split.
      now apply P.

      apply Rlt_trans with x0.
       now apply P.

       now apply H1.

     Hopenc. split.
     rewrite (g_a_zero g a b) in Hold2. rewrite (f_a_zero f a b) in Hold2. do 2 rewrite Rminus_0_r in Hold2.
     apply (Rmult_eq_reg_l (g x0)).
      rewrite (pr_nu f c _ (H2 c P)). unfold Rdiv. do 2 rewrite <- Rmult_assoc. rewrite Hold2.
      rewrite (pr_nu g c _ (Dg c Hopenc)). field. generalize (g_not_0 c Hopenc). generalize (g_not_0 x0 H1).
      intros H01 H02. assert (c < b).
       now unfold open_interval in Hopenc; destruct Hopenc; assumption.

        now apply H02.

        now apply H01.

     apply g_not_0. now apply H1.

     apply Hab. apply Cf. apply Zf. apply Hab. apply Cg. apply Zg.
     now apply P.

specialize (Hacc2 x Hopen). destruct Hacc2 as [c [Hopenc Haccc]]. specialize (Hlim c Hopenc).

unfold R_dist in ×. assert (open_interval a b c Rabs (c - a) < alp).
    now apply Hopenc.

    destruct Haccc. destruct H1. rewrite Rabs_right.
     rewrite Rabs_right in H.
      now fourier.

      now fourier.

   now fourier.

   destruct H0. specialize (Hlim H1). destruct Haccc. rewrite H2.
   apply Hlim.

End InfiniteLimiteHopital_pos.

Section InfiniteLimiteHopital_pos_left.

Variables f g : RR.
Variables a b L : R.

Hypothesis Hab : a < b.
Hypotheses (Df : x, open_interval a b xderivable_pt f x)
           (Dg : x, open_interval a b xderivable_pt g x).
Hypotheses (Cf : x, a x bcontinuity_pt f x)
           (Cg : x, a x bcontinuity_pt g x).
Hypothesis (Zf : limit1_in f (open_interval a b) 0 b).
Hypothesis (Zg : limit1_in g (open_interval a b) 0 b).

Hypothesis (g_not_0 : x (Hopen: open_interval a b x), derive_pt g x (Dg x Hopen) 0 g x 0).
Hypothesis (Hlimder : m, m > 0 →
    alp > 0
      ( x (Hopen: open_interval a b x), R_dist x b < alp
        m < (derive_pt f x (Df x Hopen) / derive_pt g x (Dg x Hopen)))).

Lemma Hopital_g0_Lpinf_left : limit_div_pos (fun xf x / g x) (open_interval a b) b.
apply limit_div_pos_ext with (comp (fun xf (- x) / g (- x)) (fun x-x)).
intros. unfold comp. ring_simplify (--x). reflexivity.
apply limit_div_pos_comp_Ropp.
  assert (Df': x, open_interval (-b) (-a) xderivable_pt (fun xf (- x)) x).
   intros. reg. apply Df. now destruct H; split; fourier.

   assert (Dg': x, open_interval (-b) (-a) xderivable_pt (fun xg (- x)) x).
    intros. reg. apply Dg. now destruct H; split; fourier.
    intros m Hm.
    apply Hopital_g0_Lpinf_right with Df' Dg'.
     now intuition.

     intros. reg. apply Cf. now destruct H; split; fourier.

     intros. reg. apply Cg. now destruct H; split; fourier.

     apply limit1_ext with (comp f (fun x-x)). intros. reflexivity.
     apply limit1_imp with (Dgf (open_interval (-b) (-a)) (open_interval a b) (fun x- x)).
     intros. split. apply H. destruct H; split; fourier.
     apply (limit_comp _ f _ _ b). unfold limit1_in, limit_in.
     intros. eps. split. intuition. intros. simpl in ×. unfold R_dist in ×.
     ring_simplify (x -- b) in H0. replace (- x - b) with (- (x + b)) by ring. rewrite Rabs_Ropp.
     apply H0. apply Zf.

     apply limit1_ext with (comp g (fun x-x)). intros. reflexivity.
     apply limit1_imp with (Dgf (open_interval (-b) (-a)) (open_interval a b) (fun x- x)).
     intros. split. apply H. destruct H; split; fourier.
     apply (limit_comp _ g _ _ b). unfold limit1_in, limit_in.
     intros. eps. split. intuition. intros. simpl in ×. unfold R_dist in ×.
     ring_simplify (x -- b) in H0. replace (- x - b) with (- (x + b)) by ring. rewrite Rabs_Ropp.
     apply H0. apply Zg.

     intros. split.
     assert (Hopen' : open_interval a b (-x)). split; destruct Hopen; fourier.
     generalize (g_not_0 (-x) Hopen'). intros. intro. destruct H. destruct H.
     erewrite <- (derive_pt_comp_Ropp a b g x Dg Dg' _ Hopen') in H0. replace 0 with (-0) by ring.
     rewrite <- H0. ring.

     apply g_not_0. split; destruct Hopen; fourier.

     intros m1 Hm1. specialize (Hlimder m1 Hm1).
     destruct Hlimder as [alp [Halp Hsolve1]].
      alp. split. apply Halp.
assert (Hopenx : open_interval a b (-x)). destruct Hopen; split; fourier.
replace (derive_pt (fun x0 : Rf (- x0)) x (Df' x Hopen)) with
  (- derive_pt f (- x) (Df (- x) Hopenx)).
replace (derive_pt (fun x0 : Rg (- x0)) x (Dg' x Hopen)) with
  (- derive_pt g (- x) (Dg (- x) Hopenx)).
replace ((- derive_pt f (- x) (Df (- x) Hopenx) /
      - derive_pt g (- x) (Dg (- x) Hopenx))) with
((derive_pt f (- x) (Df (- x) Hopenx) /
      derive_pt g (- x) (Dg (- x) Hopenx))).
apply Hsolve1. unfold R_dist in ×.
replace (- x - b) with (- (x + b)) by ring. ring_simplify (x -- b) in H.
rewrite Rabs_Ropp. apply H.
field. apply g_not_0.
apply derive_pt_comp_Ropp.
apply derive_pt_comp_Ropp.
apply Hm.

End InfiniteLimiteHopital_pos_left.

Section InfiniteLimiteHopital_neg.

Variables f g : RR.
Variables a b L : R.

Hypothesis Hab : a < b.
Hypotheses (Df : x, open_interval a b xderivable_pt f x)
           (Dg : x, open_interval a b xderivable_pt g x).
Hypotheses (Cf : x, a x bcontinuity_pt f x)
           (Cg : x, a x bcontinuity_pt g x).
Hypothesis (Zf : limit1_in f (open_interval a b) 0 a).
Hypothesis (Zg : limit1_in g (open_interval a b) 0 a).

Hypothesis (g_not_0 : x (Hopen: open_interval a b x), derive_pt g x (Dg x Hopen) 0 g x 0).
Hypothesis (Hlimder : m, m < 0 →
    alp > 0
      ( x (Hopen: open_interval a b x), R_dist x a < alp
        m > (derive_pt f x (Df x Hopen) / derive_pt g x (Dg x Hopen)))).

Lemma Hopital_g0_Lninf_right : m, m < 0 →
    alp > 0
      ( x (Hopen: open_interval a b x), R_dist x a < alp
        m > (f x) / (g x)).
  intros m Hm. specialize (Hlimder m Hm). destruct Hlimder as [alp [Halp Hlim]].
   alp. split.
   now assumption.

   intros. assert (Hacc2 : x, open_interval a b x
      c, Hopenc, f x / g x = derive_pt f c (Df c Hopenc) / derive_pt g c (Dg c Hopenc) a < c < x).
    generalize MVT. intros. specialize (H0 f g a x0). assert ( c, a < c < x0derivable_pt f c).
     intros. apply Df. unfold open_interval. split.
      now intuition.

      now apply Rlt_trans with x0; unfold open_interval in H1; intuition.

    assert ( c, a < c < x0derivable_pt g c).
     intros. apply Dg. unfold open_interval. split.
      now intuition.

      now apply Rlt_trans with x0; unfold open_interval in H1; intuition.

    specialize (H0 H2 H3). assert (a < x0) by (unfold open_interval in H1; intuition).
    assert ( c : R, a c x0continuity_pt f c).
     intros. apply Cf. split.
      now intuition.

      unfold open_interval in H1. now apply Rle_trans with x0; intuition.

    assert ( c, a c x0continuity_pt g c).
     intros. apply Cg. split.
      now intuition.

      unfold open_interval in H1. now apply Rle_trans with x0; intuition.

    specialize (H0 H4 H5 H6). destruct H0 as [c [P Hold2]]. c. assert (Hopenc : open_interval a b c).
     unfold open_interval in ×. split.
      now apply P.

      apply Rlt_trans with x0.
       now apply P.

       now apply H1.

     Hopenc. split.
     rewrite (g_a_zero g a b) in Hold2. rewrite (f_a_zero f a b) in Hold2. do 2 rewrite Rminus_0_r in Hold2.
     apply (Rmult_eq_reg_l (g x0)).
      rewrite (pr_nu f c _ (H2 c P)). unfold Rdiv. do 2 rewrite <- Rmult_assoc. rewrite Hold2.
      rewrite (pr_nu g c _ (Dg c Hopenc)). field. generalize (g_not_0 c Hopenc). generalize (g_not_0 x0 H1).
      intros H01 H02. assert (c < b).
       now unfold open_interval in Hopenc; destruct Hopenc; assumption.

        now apply H02.

        now apply H01.

     apply g_not_0. now apply H1.

     apply Hab. apply Cf. apply Zf. apply Hab. apply Cg. apply Zg.
     now apply P.

specialize (Hacc2 x Hopen). destruct Hacc2 as [c [Hopenc Haccc]]. specialize (Hlim c Hopenc).

unfold R_dist in ×. assert (open_interval a b c Rabs (c - a) < alp).
    now apply Hopenc.

    destruct Haccc. destruct H1. rewrite Rabs_right.
     rewrite Rabs_right in H.
      now fourier.

      now fourier.

   now fourier.

   destruct H0. specialize (Hlim H1). destruct Haccc. rewrite H2.
   apply Hlim.

End InfiniteLimiteHopital_neg.

Section InfiniteLimiteHopital_neg_left.

Variables f g : RR.
Variables a b L : R.

Hypothesis Hab : a < b.
Hypotheses (Df : x, open_interval a b xderivable_pt f x)
           (Dg : x, open_interval a b xderivable_pt g x).
Hypotheses (Cf : x, a x bcontinuity_pt f x)
           (Cg : x, a x bcontinuity_pt g x).
Hypothesis (Zf : limit1_in f (open_interval a b) 0 b).
Hypothesis (Zg : limit1_in g (open_interval a b) 0 b).

Hypothesis (g_not_0 : x (Hopen: open_interval a b x), derive_pt g x (Dg x Hopen) 0 g x 0).
Hypothesis (Hlimder : m, m < 0 →
    alp > 0
      ( x (Hopen: open_interval a b x), R_dist x b < alp
        m > (derive_pt f x (Df x Hopen) / derive_pt g x (Dg x Hopen)))).

Lemma Hopital_g0_Lninf_left : limit_div_neg (fun xf x / g x) (open_interval a b) b.
apply limit_div_neg_ext with (comp (fun xf (- x) / g (- x)) (fun x-x)).
intros. unfold comp. ring_simplify (--x). reflexivity.
apply limit_div_neg_comp_Ropp.
  assert (Df': x, open_interval (-b) (-a) xderivable_pt (fun xf (- x)) x).
   intros. reg. apply Df. now destruct H; split; fourier.

   assert (Dg': x, open_interval (-b) (-a) xderivable_pt (fun xg (- x)) x).
    intros. reg. apply Dg. now destruct H; split; fourier.
    intros m Hm.
    apply Hopital_g0_Lninf_right with Df' Dg'.
     now intuition.

     intros. reg. apply Cf. now destruct H; split; fourier.

     intros. reg. apply Cg. now destruct H; split; fourier.

     apply limit1_ext with (comp f (fun x-x)). intros. reflexivity.
     apply limit1_imp with (Dgf (open_interval (-b) (-a)) (open_interval a b) (fun x- x)).
     intros. split. apply H. destruct H; split; fourier.
     apply (limit_comp _ f _ _ b). unfold limit1_in, limit_in.
     intros. eps. split. intuition. intros. simpl in ×. unfold R_dist in ×.
     ring_simplify (x -- b) in H0. replace (- x - b) with (- (x + b)) by ring. rewrite Rabs_Ropp.
     apply H0. apply Zf.

     apply limit1_ext with (comp g (fun x-x)). intros. reflexivity.
     apply limit1_imp with (Dgf (open_interval (-b) (-a)) (open_interval a b) (fun x- x)).
     intros. split. apply H. destruct H; split; fourier.
     apply (limit_comp _ g _ _ b). unfold limit1_in, limit_in.
     intros. eps. split. intuition. intros. simpl in ×. unfold R_dist in ×.
     ring_simplify (x -- b) in H0. replace (- x - b) with (- (x + b)) by ring. rewrite Rabs_Ropp.
     apply H0. apply Zg.

     intros. split.
     assert (Hopen' : open_interval a b (-x)). split; destruct Hopen; fourier.
     generalize (g_not_0 (-x) Hopen'). intros. intro. destruct H. destruct H.
     erewrite <- (derive_pt_comp_Ropp a b g x Dg Dg' _ Hopen') in H0. replace 0 with (-0) by ring.
     rewrite <- H0. ring.

     apply g_not_0. split; destruct Hopen; fourier.

     intros m1 Hm1. specialize (Hlimder m1 Hm1).
     destruct Hlimder as [alp [Halp Hsolve1]].
      alp. split. apply Halp.
assert (Hopenx : open_interval a b (-x)). destruct Hopen; split; fourier.
replace (derive_pt (fun x0 : Rf (- x0)) x (Df' x Hopen)) with
  (- derive_pt f (- x) (Df (- x) Hopenx)).
replace (derive_pt (fun x0 : Rg (- x0)) x (Dg' x Hopen)) with
  (- derive_pt g (- x) (Dg (- x) Hopenx)).
replace ((- derive_pt f (- x) (Df (- x) Hopenx) /
      - derive_pt g (- x) (Dg (- x) Hopenx))) with
((derive_pt f (- x) (Df (- x) Hopenx) /
      derive_pt g (- x) (Dg (- x) Hopenx))).
apply Hsolve1. unfold R_dist in ×.
replace (- x - b) with (- (x + b)) by ring. ring_simplify (x -- b) in H.
rewrite Rabs_Ropp. apply H.
field. apply g_not_0.
apply derive_pt_comp_Ropp.
apply derive_pt_comp_Ropp.

End InfiniteLimiteHopital_neg_left.

Section Hopital_infinite_pos.

Variables f g : RR.
Variables a b : R.

Hypothesis Hab : a < b.
Hypotheses (Df : x, open_interval a b xderivable_pt f x)
           (Dg : x, open_interval a b xderivable_pt g x).
Hypotheses (Cf : x, a x bcontinuity_pt f x)
           (Cg : x, a x bcontinuity_pt g x).

Hypothesis (Zg : limit_div_pos g (open_interval a b) a).

Hypothesis (g'_not_0 : x (Hopen: open_interval a b x), derive_pt g x (Dg x Hopen) 0).
Hypothesis (Hlimder : m, m > 0 →
    alp > 0
    ( x (Hopen : open_interval a b x), R_dist x a < alp
      (derive_pt f x (Df x Hopen) / derive_pt g x (Dg x Hopen) > m))).

Theorem Hopital_gpinf_Lpinf_right : limit_div_pos (fun xf x / g x) (open_interval a b) a.
  destruct (g_not_zero g a b Hab Zg) as [a' [H1 Ha']]. unfold limit_div_pos. intros eps H. assert (Hacc2' : x y, open_interval a a' xopen_interval a a' yx < y
      c, Hopenc, f x / g x = (1 - (g y / g x)) ×
                     derive_pt f c (Df c Hopenc) / derive_pt g c (Dg c Hopenc) + (f y / g x) x < c < y).
   intros. assert (open_interval a b x).
     now apply H0.

     apply Rlt_trans with a'.
      now apply H0.

      now apply H1.

   assert (open_interval a b y).
     now apply H2.

     apply Rlt_trans with a'.
      now apply H2.

      now apply H1.

   generalize (MVT_unusable f g a b Df Dg Cf Cg a' H1 x y H0 H2 H3). intros Hacc2'. destruct Hacc2' as [c [Hopenc [Hacc2' H7]]].
    c. Hopenc. split; [ | now intuition]. apply (Rplus_eq_reg_l (- (f y / g x))).
   ring_simplify. apply (Rmult_eq_reg_l (g x)).
    apply (Rmult_eq_reg_l (derive_pt g c (Dg c Hopenc))).
     apply (Rmult_eq_reg_l (-1)).
       field_simplify in Hacc2'. replace (derive_pt g c (Dg c Hopenc) × f y - derive_pt g c (Dg c Hopenc) × f x)
           with (f y × derive_pt g c (Dg c Hopenc) - f x × derive_pt g c (Dg c Hopenc)) by ring.
       rewrite Hacc2'. now field.

        apply Ha'. now apply H0.

        now apply (g'_not_0 c Hopenc).

      now apply Ha'; assumption.

      intro. now fourier.

    now apply g'_not_0.

    now apply Ha'; assumption.

   assert (H0: eps, eps > 0 →
          y, open_interval a a' y c (Hopen : open_interval a y c) (Hopenc : open_interval a b c),
           (derive_pt f c (Df c Hopenc) / derive_pt g c (Dg c Hopenc)) > 2 × eps + 2).
   intros eps0 Heps0. assert (Hdeb4: 2 × eps0 + 2 > 0) by fourier. specialize (Hlimder (2 × eps0 + 2) Hdeb4). destruct Hlimder as [alp [Halp Hlimder1]].
    (a + Rmin ((a'-a) / 2) alp). split.
    apply open_lemma.
     now apply H1.

     now apply Halp.

   intros. specialize (Hlimder1 c Hopenc). unfold R_dist in ×. apply Hlimder1. destruct Hopen.
   apply Rlt_le_trans with (Rmin ((a' - a) / 2) alp).
    now rewrite Rabs_right; fourier.

    now apply Rmin_r.

  assert (H15 : A eps, eps > 0 → alp,
           alp > 0 x, open_interval a b xR_dist x a < alpRabs (A / g x) < eps).
   intros. unfold limit_div_pos in Zg. destruct (Req_dec A 0) as [eq_dec1 | eq_dec2].
    subst. 1. intuition. unfold Rdiv. rewrite Rmult_0_l. rewrite Rabs_R0. now assumption.

    specialize (Zg (Rabs A / eps0)). assert (Rabs A /eps0 > 0).
     assert (Rabs A > 0).
      apply Rabs_pos_lt. now assumption.

      unfold Rdiv. assert (/eps0 > 0).
       now apply Rinv_0_lt_compat; assumption.

       now apply Rmult_lt_0_compat; assumption.

   specialize (Zg H3). destruct Zg as [alp [Halp Zg3]]. alp. intuition. unfold Rdiv.
   rewrite Rabs_mult. specialize (Zg3 x H4 H5). assert (g x > 0).
    apply Rlt_trans with (Rabs A / eps0).
     now assumption.

     now assumption.

   rewrite Rabs_Rinv.
    rewrite (Rabs_right (g x)).
     apply (Rmult_lt_reg_l (g x)).
      now assumption.

      apply (Rmult_lt_reg_l (/eps0)).
       apply Rinv_0_lt_compat. now apply H2.

        unfold Rdiv. rewrite Rinv_1. rewrite Rmult_1_r. now apply Zg3.

        intro. now fourier.

         intro. now fourier.

         intro. now fourier.

    now fourier.

    intro. now fourier.

  specialize (H0 (eps) H). destruct H0 as [y [open H0]]. assert (Hdeb3 : 2 × eps + 2> 0) by fourier.
  specialize (Hlimder (2 × eps + 2) Hdeb3).
  destruct Hlimder as [alp1 [Halp1 Hlim2]]. assert (Hdeb : 1 > 0) by fourier. generalize (H15 (f y) (1) Hdeb).
  intros H16. destruct H16 as [alp2 [Halp2 Hlim3]].
  assert (Hdeb2 : 1 / 2 > 0) by fourier.
  generalize (H15 (g y) (1/2) Hdeb2). intros H16. destruct H16 as [alp3 [Halp3 Hlim4]].

  pose (alp_alp := Rmin (Rmin alp1 alp2) alp3). pose (alp := Rmin (Rmin alp_alp (a' - a)) (y - a)).
   alp. split.
   apply Rmin_pos.
    apply Rmin_pos.
     apply Rmin_pos.
     apply Rmin_pos; assumption.

    unfold open_interval in H1. destruct H1. now fourier.

    unfold open_interval in open. destruct open. now fourier.
    destruct open; fourier.

  intros. specialize (Hacc2' x y). assert (open_interval a a' x).
   unfold dist in H2. simpl in H2. unfold R_dist in H2. split.
    now apply H2.

    assert (Rabs (x - a) < Rabs (a' - a)).
     rewrite (Rabs_right (a' - a)).
      unfold alp in H2. apply Rlt_le_trans with (Rmin (Rmin alp_alp (a' - a)) (y - a)).
       now intuition.

       apply Rle_trans with (Rmin alp_alp (a' - a)).
        now apply Rmin_l.

        now apply Rmin_r.

     destruct H1. now fourier.

     do 2 rewrite Rabs_right in H4.
      now fourier.

      now destruct H1; fourier.

      destruct H2. fourier. destruct H2; fourier.

  assert (open_interval a a' y).
   now apply open.

   specialize (Hacc2' H4 H5). assert (x < y).
    unfold alp in H2. unfold dist in H2. simpl in H2. unfold R_dist in H2. assert (Rabs (x - a) < Rabs (y - a)).
     rewrite (Rabs_right (y - a)).
      unfold alp in H2. apply Rlt_le_trans with (Rmin (Rmin alp_alp (a' - a)) (y - a)).
       now intuition.

       now apply Rmin_r.

     destruct H5. now fourier.

     do 2 rewrite Rabs_right in H6.
      now fourier.

      now destruct H5; fourier.

      now destruct H4; fourier.

      now destruct H4; fourier.

  specialize (Hacc2' H6). destruct Hacc2' as [c [Hopenc H10]]. destruct H10 as [H10 H100].
  rewrite H10.

 unfold Rdiv.
 apply Rlt_trans with ((1 - g y × / g x) × derive_pt f c (Df c Hopenc) ×
   / derive_pt g c (Dg c Hopenc) - 1).

 rewrite Rmult_assoc.
 apply Rle_lt_trans with ((1 / 2) × (2 × eps + 2) - 1).
 replace (1 / 2 × (2 × eps + 2) - 1) with eps. intuition.
 unfold Rminus.
 apply Rplus_lt_compat_r.
 apply Rlt_trans with (1 / 2 *(derive_pt f c (Df c Hopenc) × / derive_pt g c (Dg c Hopenc)) ).
 apply Rmult_lt_compat_l. fourier.
 apply H0.
 split. apply Hopenc. apply H100.

 apply Rmult_lt_compat_r. apply Rlt_trans with (2 × eps + 2). fourier.
apply H0.
 split. apply Hopenc. apply H100.

 assert (HH : R_dist x a < alp3).
 apply Rlt_le_trans with (Rmin (Rmin alp1 alp2) alp3).
 apply Rlt_le_trans with (Rmin (Rmin (Rmin alp1 alp2) alp3) (a' - a)).
         apply Rlt_le_trans with (Rmin (Rmin (Rmin (Rmin alp1 alp2) alp3) (a' - a)) (y - a)).
          now apply H3.

          now apply Rmin_l.

        now apply Rmin_l.

        now apply Rmin_r.

 specialize (Hlim4 x H2 HH). apply Rabs_def2 in Hlim4.
 apply Rle_lt_trans with (1 - 1/2). fourier. unfold Rminus.
 apply Rplus_lt_compat_l. destruct Hlim4. intuition.
 apply Rplus_lt_compat_l.
assert (HH : R_dist x a < alp2).
apply Rlt_le_trans with (Rmin alp1 alp2).
 apply Rlt_le_trans with (Rmin (Rmin alp1 alp2) alp3).
 apply Rlt_le_trans with (Rmin (Rmin (Rmin alp1 alp2) alp3) (a' - a)).
         apply Rlt_le_trans with (Rmin (Rmin (Rmin (Rmin alp1 alp2) alp3) (a' - a)) (y - a)).
          now apply H3.

          now apply Rmin_l.

        now apply Rmin_l. now apply Rmin_l.

        now apply Rmin_r. specialize (Hlim3 x H2 HH).
  apply Rabs_def2 in Hlim3. intuition.

End Hopital_infinite_pos.

Section Hopital_infinite_pos_left.

Variables f g : RR.
Variables a b : R.

Hypothesis Hab : a < b.
Hypotheses (Df : x, open_interval a b xderivable_pt f x)
           (Dg : x, open_interval a b xderivable_pt g x).
Hypotheses (Cf : x, a x bcontinuity_pt f x)
           (Cg : x, a x bcontinuity_pt g x).

Hypothesis (Zg : limit_div_pos g (open_interval a b) b).

Hypothesis (g'_not_0 : x (Hopen: open_interval a b x), derive_pt g x (Dg x Hopen) 0).
Hypothesis (Hlimder : m, m > 0 →
    alp > 0
    ( x (Hopen : open_interval a b x), R_dist x b < alp
      (derive_pt f x (Df x Hopen) / derive_pt g x (Dg x Hopen) > m))).

Theorem Hopital_gpinf_Lpinf_left : limit_div_pos (fun xf x / g x) (open_interval a b) b.
apply limit_div_pos_ext with (comp (fun xf (- x) / g (- x)) (fun x-x)).
intros. unfold comp. ring_simplify (--x). reflexivity.
apply limit_div_pos_comp_Ropp.
  assert (Df': x, open_interval (-b) (-a) xderivable_pt (fun xf (- x)) x).
   intros. reg. apply Df. now destruct H; split; fourier.

   assert (Dg': x, open_interval (-b) (-a) xderivable_pt (fun xg (- x)) x).
    intros. reg. apply Dg. now destruct H; split; fourier.
    intros m Hm.
    apply Hopital_gpinf_Lpinf_right with Df' Dg'.
     now intuition.

     intros. reg. apply Cf. now destruct H; split; fourier.

     intros. reg. apply Cg. now destruct H; split; fourier.

     apply limit_div_pos_ext with (comp g (fun x-x)). intros. reflexivity.
     apply limit_div_pos_comp_Ropp_l. do 2 rewrite Ropp_involutive.
     apply Zg.

     intros. assert (Hopen' : open_interval a b (-x)).
     destruct Hopen; split; fourier.
     rewrite <- (derive_pt_comp_Ropp _ _ _ _ Dg _ _ Hopen'). replace 0 with (-0) by ring.
     intro. apply Ropp_eq_compat in H. do 2 rewrite Ropp_involutive in H.
     apply g'_not_0 in H. apply H.

     intros m1 Hm1. specialize (Hlimder m1 Hm1).
     destruct Hlimder as [alp [Halp Hsolve1]].
      alp. split. apply Halp.
assert (Hopenx : open_interval a b (-x)). destruct Hopen; split; fourier.
replace (derive_pt (fun x0 : Rf (- x0)) x (Df' x Hopen)) with
  (- derive_pt f (- x) (Df (- x) Hopenx)).
replace (derive_pt (fun x0 : Rg (- x0)) x (Dg' x Hopen)) with
  (- derive_pt g (- x) (Dg (- x) Hopenx)).
replace ((- derive_pt f (- x) (Df (- x) Hopenx) /
      - derive_pt g (- x) (Dg (- x) Hopenx))) with
((derive_pt f (- x) (Df (- x) Hopenx) /
      derive_pt g (- x) (Dg (- x) Hopenx))).
apply Hsolve1. unfold R_dist in ×.
replace (- x - b) with (- (x + b)) by ring. ring_simplify (x -- b) in H.
rewrite Rabs_Ropp. apply H.
field. apply g'_not_0.
apply derive_pt_comp_Ropp.
apply derive_pt_comp_Ropp.

End Hopital_infinite_pos_left.

Section Hopital_infinite_neg.

Variables f g : RR.
Variables a b : R.

Hypothesis Hab : a < b.
Hypotheses (Df : x, open_interval a b xderivable_pt f x)
           (Dg : x, open_interval a b xderivable_pt g x).
Hypotheses (Cf : x, a x bcontinuity_pt f x)
           (Cg : x, a x bcontinuity_pt g x).

Hypothesis (Zg : limit_div_pos g (open_interval a b) a).

Hypothesis (g'_not_0 : x (Hopen: open_interval a b x), derive_pt g x (Dg x Hopen) 0).
Hypothesis (Hlimder : m, m > 0 →
    alp > 0
    ( x (Hopen : open_interval a b x), R_dist x a < alp
      (derive_pt f x (Df x Hopen) / derive_pt g x (Dg x Hopen) < -m))).

Theorem Hopital_gpinf_Lninf_right : limit_div_neg (fun xf x / g x) (open_interval a b) a.
  destruct (g_not_zero g a b Hab Zg) as [a' [H1 Ha']]. unfold limit_div_neg. intros eps H. assert (Hacc2' : x y, open_interval a a' xopen_interval a a' yx < y
      c, Hopenc, f x / g x = (1 - (g y / g x)) ×
                     derive_pt f c (Df c Hopenc) / derive_pt g c (Dg c Hopenc) + (f y / g x) x < c < y).
   intros. assert (open_interval a b x).
     now apply H0.

     apply Rlt_trans with a'.
      now apply H0.

      now apply H1.

   assert (open_interval a b y).
     now apply H2.

     apply Rlt_trans with a'.
      now apply H2.

      now apply H1.

   generalize (MVT_unusable f g a b Df Dg Cf Cg a' H1 x y H0 H2 H3). intros Hacc2'. destruct Hacc2' as [c [Hopenc [Hacc2' H7]]].
    c. Hopenc. split; [ | now intuition]. apply (Rplus_eq_reg_l (- (f y / g x))).
   ring_simplify. apply (Rmult_eq_reg_l (g x)).
    apply (Rmult_eq_reg_l (derive_pt g c (Dg c Hopenc))).
     apply (Rmult_eq_reg_l (-1)).
       field_simplify in Hacc2'. replace (derive_pt g c (Dg c Hopenc) × f y - derive_pt g c (Dg c Hopenc) × f x)
           with (f y × derive_pt g c (Dg c Hopenc) - f x × derive_pt g c (Dg c Hopenc)) by ring.
       rewrite Hacc2'. now field.

        apply Ha'. now apply H0.

        now apply (g'_not_0 c Hopenc).

      now apply Ha'; assumption.

      intro. now fourier.

    now apply g'_not_0.

    now apply Ha'; assumption.

   assert (H0: eps, eps > 0 →
          y, open_interval a a' y c (Hopen : open_interval a y c) (Hopenc : open_interval a b c),
           (derive_pt f c (Df c Hopenc) / derive_pt g c (Dg c Hopenc)) < - (2 × eps + 2)).
   intros eps0 Heps0. assert (Hdeb4: 2 × eps0 + 2 > 0) by fourier. specialize (Hlimder (2 × eps0 + 2) Hdeb4). destruct Hlimder as [alp [Halp Hlimder1]].
    (a + Rmin ((a'-a) / 2) alp). split.
    apply open_lemma.
     now apply H1.

     now apply Halp.

   intros. specialize (Hlimder1 c Hopenc). unfold R_dist in ×. apply Hlimder1. destruct Hopen.
   apply Rlt_le_trans with (Rmin ((a' - a) / 2) alp).
    now rewrite Rabs_right; fourier.

    now apply Rmin_r.

  assert (H15 : A eps, eps > 0 → alp,
           alp > 0 x, open_interval a b xR_dist x a < alpRabs (A / g x) < eps).
   intros. unfold limit_div_pos in Zg. destruct (Req_dec A 0) as [eq_dec1 | eq_dec2].
    subst. 1. intuition. unfold Rdiv. rewrite Rmult_0_l. rewrite Rabs_R0. now assumption.

    specialize (Zg (Rabs A / eps0)). assert (Rabs A /eps0 > 0).
     assert (Rabs A > 0).
      apply Rabs_pos_lt. now assumption.

      unfold Rdiv. assert (/eps0 > 0).
       now apply Rinv_0_lt_compat; assumption.

       now apply Rmult_lt_0_compat; assumption.

   specialize (Zg H3). destruct Zg as [alp [Halp Zg3]]. alp. intuition. unfold Rdiv.
   rewrite Rabs_mult. specialize (Zg3 x H4 H5). assert (g x > 0).
    apply Rlt_trans with (Rabs A / eps0).
     now assumption.

     now assumption.

   rewrite Rabs_Rinv.
    rewrite (Rabs_right (g x)).
     apply (Rmult_lt_reg_l (g x)).
      now assumption.

      apply (Rmult_lt_reg_l (/eps0)).
       apply Rinv_0_lt_compat. now apply H2.

        unfold Rdiv. rewrite Rinv_1. rewrite Rmult_1_r. now apply Zg3.

        intro. now fourier.

         intro. now fourier.

         intro. now fourier.

    now fourier.

    intro. now fourier.

  specialize (H0 (eps) H). destruct H0 as [y [open H0]]. assert (Hdeb3 : 2 × eps + 2> 0) by fourier.
  specialize (Hlimder (2 × eps + 2) Hdeb3).
  destruct Hlimder as [alp1 [Halp1 Hlim2]]. assert (Hdeb : 1 > 0) by fourier. generalize (H15 (f y) (1) Hdeb).
  intros H16. destruct H16 as [alp2 [Halp2 Hlim3]].
  assert (Hdeb2 : 1 / 2 > 0) by fourier.
  generalize (H15 (g y) (1/2) Hdeb2). intros H16. destruct H16 as [alp3 [Halp3 Hlim4]].

  pose (alp_alp := Rmin (Rmin alp1 alp2) alp3). pose (alp := Rmin (Rmin alp_alp (a' - a)) (y - a)).
   alp. split.
   apply Rmin_pos.
    apply Rmin_pos.
     apply Rmin_pos.
     apply Rmin_pos; assumption.

    unfold open_interval in H1. destruct H1. now fourier.

    unfold open_interval in open. destruct open. now fourier.
    destruct open; fourier.

  intros. specialize (Hacc2' x y). assert (open_interval a a' x).
   unfold dist in H2. simpl in H2. unfold R_dist in H2. split.
    now apply H2.

    assert (Rabs (x - a) < Rabs (a' - a)).
     rewrite (Rabs_right (a' - a)).
      unfold alp in H2. apply Rlt_le_trans with (Rmin (Rmin alp_alp (a' - a)) (y - a)).
       now intuition.

       apply Rle_trans with (Rmin alp_alp (a' - a)).
        now apply Rmin_l.

        now apply Rmin_r.

     destruct H1. now fourier.

     do 2 rewrite Rabs_right in H4.
      now fourier.

      now destruct H1; fourier.

      destruct H2. fourier. destruct H2; fourier.

  assert (open_interval a a' y).
   now apply open.

   specialize (Hacc2' H4 H5). assert (x < y).
    unfold alp in H3. unfold dist in H3. simpl in H3. unfold R_dist in H3. assert (Rabs (x - a) < Rabs (y - a)).
     rewrite (Rabs_right (y - a)).
      unfold alp in H3. apply Rlt_le_trans with (Rmin (Rmin alp_alp (a' - a)) (y - a)).
       now intuition.

       now apply Rmin_r.

     destruct H5. now fourier.

     do 2 rewrite Rabs_right in H6.
      now fourier.

      now destruct H5; fourier.

      now destruct H4; fourier.

      now destruct H4; fourier.

  specialize (Hacc2' H6). destruct Hacc2' as [c [Hopenc H10]]. destruct H10 as [H10 H100].
  rewrite H10.

 unfold Rdiv.
 apply Rlt_trans with ((1 - g y × / g x) × derive_pt f c (Df c Hopenc) ×
   / derive_pt g c (Dg c Hopenc) + 1).

 rewrite Rmult_assoc.
 apply Rplus_lt_compat_l. specialize (Hlim3 x H2).
 assert (R_dist x a < alp2).
apply Rlt_le_trans with (Rmin alp1 alp2).
 apply Rlt_le_trans with (Rmin (Rmin alp1 alp2) alp3).
 apply Rlt_le_trans with (Rmin (Rmin (Rmin alp1 alp2) alp3) (a' - a)).
         apply Rlt_le_trans with (Rmin (Rmin (Rmin (Rmin alp1 alp2) alp3) (a' - a)) (y - a)).
          now apply H3.

          now apply Rmin_l.

        now apply Rmin_l. now apply Rmin_l.

        now apply Rmin_r.
 specialize (Hlim3 H7). apply Rabs_def2 in Hlim3. apply Hlim3.
 apply Rlt_le_trans with (1 / 2 × (- (2 × eps + 2)) + 1).
 apply Rplus_lt_compat_r.
 apply Rlt_trans with ((1 - g y × / g x) × (- (2 × eps + 2))).
 rewrite Rmult_assoc. apply Rmult_lt_compat_l.
 replace 0 with (1 - 1). apply Rplus_lt_compat_l.
 apply Ropp_gt_lt_contravar. apply Rlt_trans with (1 / 2).
 assert (R_dist x a < alp3).
 apply Rlt_le_trans with (Rmin (Rmin alp1 alp2) alp3).
 apply Rlt_le_trans with (Rmin (Rmin (Rmin alp1 alp2) alp3) (a' - a)).
 apply Rlt_le_trans with (Rmin (Rmin (Rmin (Rmin alp1 alp2) alp3) (a' - a)) (y - a)).
 apply H3. apply Rmin_l. apply Rmin_l. apply Rmin_r.
 specialize (Hlim4 x H2 H7). apply Rabs_def2. apply Hlim4.
 fourier. ring.
 apply H0.
 split. apply Hopenc. apply H100.

 do 2 rewrite Ropp_mult_distr_r_reverse.
 apply Ropp_gt_lt_contravar. apply Rmult_lt_compat_r. intuition.
 replace (1 /2) with (1 - 1/ 2) by field.
 apply Rplus_lt_compat_l. apply Ropp_gt_lt_contravar.
 specialize (Hlim4 x H2). assert (R_dist x a < alp3).
 apply Rlt_le_trans with (Rmin (Rmin alp1 alp2) alp3).
 apply Rlt_le_trans with (Rmin (Rmin (Rmin alp1 alp2) alp3) (a' - a)).
 apply Rlt_le_trans with (Rmin (Rmin (Rmin (Rmin alp1 alp2) alp3) (a' - a)) (y - a)).
 apply H3. apply Rmin_l. apply Rmin_l. apply Rmin_r.

 specialize (Hlim4 H7). apply Rabs_def2 in Hlim4. apply Hlim4.

 apply Req_le. field.

End Hopital_infinite_neg.

Section Hopital_infinite_neg_left.

Variables f g : RR.
Variables a b : R.

Hypothesis Hab : a < b.
Hypotheses (Df : x, open_interval a b xderivable_pt f x)
           (Dg : x, open_interval a b xderivable_pt g x).
Hypotheses (Cf : x, a x bcontinuity_pt f x)
           (Cg : x, a x bcontinuity_pt g x).

Hypothesis (Zg : limit_div_pos g (open_interval a b) b).

Hypothesis (g'_not_0 : x (Hopen: open_interval a b x), derive_pt g x (Dg x Hopen) 0).
Hypothesis (Hlimder : m, m > 0 →
    alp > 0
    ( x (Hopen : open_interval a b x), R_dist x b < alp
      (derive_pt f x (Df x Hopen) / derive_pt g x (Dg x Hopen) < -m))).

Theorem Hopital_gpinf_Lninf_left : limit_div_neg (fun xf x / g x) (open_interval a b) b.
apply limit_div_neg_ext with (comp (fun xf (- x) / g (- x)) (fun x-x)).
intros. unfold comp. ring_simplify (--x). reflexivity.
apply limit_div_neg_comp_Ropp.
  assert (Df': x, open_interval (-b) (-a) xderivable_pt (fun xf (- x)) x).
   intros. reg. apply Df. now destruct H; split; fourier.

   assert (Dg': x, open_interval (-b) (-a) xderivable_pt (fun xg (- x)) x).
    intros. reg. apply Dg. now destruct H; split; fourier.
    intros m Hm.
    apply Hopital_gpinf_Lninf_right with Df' Dg'.
     now intuition.

     intros. reg. apply Cf. now destruct H; split; fourier.

     intros. reg. apply Cg. now destruct H; split; fourier.

     apply limit_div_pos_ext with (comp g (fun x-x)). intros. reflexivity.
     apply limit_div_pos_comp_Ropp_l. do 2 rewrite Ropp_involutive.
     apply Zg.

     intros. assert (Hopen' : open_interval a b (-x)).
     destruct Hopen; split; fourier.
     rewrite <- (derive_pt_comp_Ropp _ _ _ _ Dg _ _ Hopen'). replace 0 with (-0) by ring.
     intro. apply Ropp_eq_compat in H. do 2 rewrite Ropp_involutive in H.
     apply g'_not_0 in H. apply H.

     intros m1 Hm1. specialize (Hlimder m1 Hm1).
     destruct Hlimder as [alp [Halp Hsolve1]].
      alp. split. apply Halp.
assert (Hopenx : open_interval a b (-x)). destruct Hopen; split; fourier.
replace (derive_pt (fun x0 : Rf (- x0)) x (Df' x Hopen)) with
  (- derive_pt f (- x) (Df (- x) Hopenx)).
replace (derive_pt (fun x0 : Rg (- x0)) x (Dg' x Hopen)) with
  (- derive_pt g (- x) (Dg (- x) Hopenx)).
replace ((- derive_pt f (- x) (Df (- x) Hopenx) /
      - derive_pt g (- x) (Dg (- x) Hopenx))) with
((derive_pt f (- x) (Df (- x) Hopenx) /
      derive_pt g (- x) (Dg (- x) Hopenx))).
apply Hsolve1. unfold R_dist in ×.
replace (- x - b) with (- (x + b)) by ring. ring_simplify (x -- b) in H.
rewrite Rabs_Ropp. apply H.
field. apply g'_not_0.
apply derive_pt_comp_Ropp.
apply derive_pt_comp_Ropp.

End Hopital_infinite_neg_left.

Section Useless.

Variables f g : RR.
Variables a b : R.

Hypothesis Hab : a < b.
Hypotheses (Df : x, open_interval a b xderivable_pt f x)
           (Dg : x, open_interval a b xderivable_pt g x).
Hypotheses (Cf : x, a x bcontinuity_pt f x)
           (Cg : x, a x bcontinuity_pt g x).

Hypothesis (Zg : limit_div_neg g (open_interval a b) a).

Hypothesis (g'_not_0 : x (Hopen: open_interval a b x), derive_pt g x (Dg x Hopen) 0).
Hypothesis (Hlimder : m, m > 0 →
    alp > 0
    ( x (Hopen : open_interval a b x), R_dist x a < alp
      (derive_pt f x (Df x Hopen) / derive_pt g x (Dg x Hopen) > m))).

Hypothesis (g_not_0 : x (Hopen: open_interval a b x), g x 0).

Theorem Hopital_infinite_inf_neg_lpos_useless : limit_div_pos (fun xf x / g x) (open_interval a b) a.
apply limit_div_pos_inv.
apply limit_div_neg_ext with (fun x(f x) / (- g x)).
intros. field. apply g_not_0. apply H.
assert (Dg' : x, open_interval a b xderivable_pt (- g) x). intros. reg. apply Dg; intuition.
apply Hopital_gpinf_Lninf_right with Df Dg'; try assumption; try reg; try (now intuition). apply limit_div_pos_inv.
apply limit_div_neg_ext with g. intros. unfold opp_fct. ring. apply Zg.
intros. intro. apply g'_not_0 with x Hopen. rewrite (pr_nu _ _ _ (derivable_pt_opp g x (Dg x Hopen))) in H.
rewrite derive_pt_opp in H. apply Ropp_eq_0_compat in H. rewrite <- H. ring.
intros m Hm. destruct (Hlimder m Hm) as [alp [Halp Hsolve]].
alp. split. assumption.
intros. specialize (Hsolve x Hopen H).
replace (derive_pt f x (Df x Hopen) / derive_pt (- g) x (Dg' x Hopen)) with (- (derive_pt f x (Df x Hopen) / derive_pt (g) x (Dg x Hopen))).
apply Ropp_gt_lt_contravar. apply Hsolve.
unfold Rdiv. rewrite (pr_nu _ _ _ (derivable_pt_opp g x (Dg x Hopen))). rewrite derive_pt_opp.
field. apply g'_not_0.

End Useless.

Section Hopital_infinite_neg_pos.

Variables f g : RR.
Variables a b : R.

Hypothesis Hab : a < b.
Hypotheses (Df : x, open_interval a b xderivable_pt f x)
           (Dg : x, open_interval a b xderivable_pt g x).
Hypotheses (Cf : x, a x bcontinuity_pt f x)
           (Cg : x, a x bcontinuity_pt g x).

Hypothesis (Zg : limit_div_neg g (open_interval a b) a).

Hypothesis (g'_not_0 : x (Hopen: open_interval a b x), derive_pt g x (Dg x Hopen) 0).
Hypothesis (Hlimder : m, m > 0 →
    alp > 0
    ( x (Hopen : open_interval a b x), R_dist x a < alp
      (derive_pt f x (Df x Hopen) / derive_pt g x (Dg x Hopen) > m))).

Lemma new_bound : b', ( x, open_interval a b' xg x 0) open_interval a b b'.
unfold limit_div_neg in Zg.
assert (1 > 0) by fourier. destruct (Zg 1 H) as [alp [Halp Hsolve]].
(Rmin (a + alp) ((b + a) / 2)). split. intros. specialize (Hsolve x).
assert (H3 : open_interval a b x).
split. apply H0. destruct H0. apply Rlt_le_trans with (Rmin (a + alp) ((b + a) / 2)).
apply H1. apply Rle_trans with ((b + a)/ 2). apply Rmin_r.
apply Rle_trans with ((b + b) /2). assert (b + a b + b) by fourier. unfold Rdiv. apply Rmult_le_compat_r.
fourier. apply H2. apply Req_le. field.
 specialize (Hsolve H3).
assert (R_dist x a < alp). destruct H0. assert (x < a + alp).
apply Rlt_le_trans with (Rmin (a + alp) ((b + a) /2)). apply H1.
apply Rmin_l. unfold R_dist. rewrite Rabs_right. fourier.
fourier. specialize (Hsolve H1). intro. fourier.
split. apply Rmin_glb_lt. fourier. apply Rle_lt_trans with ((a +a) / 2). apply Req_le. field.
unfold Rdiv. apply Rmult_lt_compat_r. fourier. intuition.
apply Rle_lt_trans with ((b + a) / 2). apply Rmin_r.
apply Rlt_le_trans with ((b + b) / 2). unfold Rdiv. apply Rmult_lt_compat_r. fourier. intuition.
apply Req_le. field.

Theorem Hopital_gninf_Lpinf_right : limit_div_pos (fun xf x / g x) (open_interval a b) a.
destruct new_bound as (b', H0).
apply limit_div_pos_open with b'. intuition.
assert (Df' : x, open_interval a b' xderivable_pt f x). intros. apply Df.
destruct H; split; destruct H0 as [H5 [H2 H4]]; fourier.
assert (Dg' : x, open_interval a b' xderivable_pt g x).
intros. apply Dg.
destruct H; split; destruct H0 as [H5 [H2 H4]]; fourier.
destruct H0. destruct H0.
apply Hopital_infinite_inf_neg_lpos_useless with Df' Dg'.
apply H0.
intros. apply Cf. intuition. fourier.
intros. apply Cg; intuition; fourier.
apply (limit_div_neg_open1 g a b b'). split; assumption. apply Zg.
intros. assert (Hopen2 : open_interval a b x). destruct Hopen; split.
apply H2. fourier. rewrite (pr_nu _ _ _ (Dg x Hopen2)). apply g'_not_0.
intros m Hm. specialize (Hlimder m Hm). destruct Hlimder as [alp [Halp Hsolve]].
alp. split. assumption. intros. assert (Hopen2 : open_interval a b x).
split; destruct Hopen; fourier. specialize (Hsolve x Hopen2 H2).
replace (derive_pt f x (Df' x Hopen)) with (derive_pt f x (Df x Hopen2)) by (apply pr_nu).
replace (derive_pt g x (Dg' x Hopen)) with (derive_pt g x (Dg x Hopen2)) by (apply pr_nu).
apply Hsolve.

End Hopital_infinite_neg_pos.

Section Hopital_infinite_neg_pos_left.

Variables f g : RR.
Variables a b : R.

Hypothesis Hab : a < b.
Hypotheses (Df : x, open_interval a b xderivable_pt f x)
           (Dg : x, open_interval a b xderivable_pt g x).
Hypotheses (Cf : x, a x bcontinuity_pt f x)
           (Cg : x, a x bcontinuity_pt g x).

Hypothesis (Zg : limit_div_neg g (open_interval a b) b).

Hypothesis (g'_not_0 : x (Hopen: open_interval a b x), derive_pt g x (Dg x Hopen) 0).
Hypothesis (Hlimder : m, m > 0 →
    alp > 0
    ( x (Hopen : open_interval a b x), R_dist x b < alp
      (derive_pt f x (Df x Hopen) / derive_pt g x (Dg x Hopen) > m))).

Theorem Hopital_gninf_Lpinf_left : limit_div_pos (fun xf x / g x) (open_interval a b) b.
apply limit_div_pos_ext with (comp (fun xf (- x) / g (- x)) (fun x-x)).
intros. unfold comp. ring_simplify (--x). reflexivity.
apply limit_div_pos_comp_Ropp.
  assert (Df': x, open_interval (-b) (-a) xderivable_pt (fun xf (- x)) x).
   intros. reg. apply Df. now destruct H; split; fourier.

   assert (Dg': x, open_interval (-b) (-a) xderivable_pt (fun xg (- x)) x).
    intros. reg. apply Dg. now destruct H; split; fourier.
    intros m Hm.
    apply Hopital_gninf_Lpinf_right with Df' Dg'.
     now intuition.

     intros. reg. apply Cf. now destruct H; split; fourier.

     intros. reg. apply Cg. now destruct H; split; fourier.

     apply limit_div_neg_ext with (comp g (fun x-x)). intros. reflexivity.
     apply limit_div_neg_comp_Ropp_l. do 2 rewrite Ropp_involutive.
     apply Zg.

     intros. assert (Hopen' : open_interval a b (-x)).
     destruct Hopen; split; fourier.
     rewrite <- (derive_pt_comp_Ropp _ _ _ _ Dg _ _ Hopen'). replace 0 with (-0) by ring.
     intro. apply Ropp_eq_compat in H. do 2 rewrite Ropp_involutive in H.
     apply g'_not_0 in H. apply H.

     intros m1 Hm1. specialize (Hlimder m1 Hm1).
     destruct Hlimder as [alp [Halp Hsolve1]].
      alp. split. apply Halp.
assert (Hopenx : open_interval a b (-x)). destruct Hopen; split; fourier.
replace (derive_pt (fun x0 : Rf (- x0)) x (Df' x Hopen)) with
  (- derive_pt f (- x) (Df (- x) Hopenx)).
replace (derive_pt (fun x0 : Rg (- x0)) x (Dg' x Hopen)) with
  (- derive_pt g (- x) (Dg (- x) Hopenx)).
replace ((- derive_pt f (- x) (Df (- x) Hopenx) /
      - derive_pt g (- x) (Dg (- x) Hopenx))) with
((derive_pt f (- x) (Df (- x) Hopenx) /
      derive_pt g (- x) (Dg (- x) Hopenx))).
apply Hsolve1. unfold R_dist in ×.
replace (- x - b) with (- (x + b)) by ring. ring_simplify (x -- b) in H.
rewrite Rabs_Ropp. apply H.
field. apply g'_not_0.
apply derive_pt_comp_Ropp.
apply derive_pt_comp_Ropp.

End Hopital_infinite_neg_pos_left.

Section Hopital_infinite_pos_g.

Variables f g : RR.
Variables a b : R.

Hypothesis Hab : a < b.
Hypotheses (Df : x, open_interval a b xderivable_pt f x)
           (Dg : x, open_interval a b xderivable_pt g x).
Hypotheses (Cf : x, a x bcontinuity_pt f x)
           (Cg : x, a x bcontinuity_pt g x).

Hypothesis (Zg : limit_div_neg g (open_interval a b) a).

Hypothesis (g'_not_0 : x (Hopen: open_interval a b x), derive_pt g x (Dg x Hopen) 0).
Hypothesis (Hlimder : m, m < 0 →
    alp > 0
    ( x (Hopen : open_interval a b x), R_dist x a < alp
      (derive_pt f x (Df x Hopen) / derive_pt g x (Dg x Hopen) < m))).

Theorem Hopital_gninf_Lninf_right : limit_div_neg (fun xf x / g x) (open_interval a b) a.
apply limit_div_neg_inv.
apply limit_div_pos_ext with (fun x(- f x) / g x).
intros. unfold Rdiv. ring.
assert (Df' : x : R, open_interval a b xderivable_pt (-f) x).
intros. reg. apply Df. apply H.
apply Hopital_gninf_Lpinf_right with Df' Dg; try assumption.
intros. reg. apply Cf. apply H.
intros m Hm. assert (Hm' : - m < 0) by fourier. destruct (Hlimder (-m) Hm') as [alp [Halp Hsolve]].
alp. split. assumption. intros. specialize (Hsolve x Hopen H).
rewrite (pr_nu _ _ _ (derivable_pt_opp f x (Df x Hopen))). rewrite derive_pt_opp.
replace m with (--m) by ring.
unfold Rdiv.
rewrite Ropp_mult_distr_l_reverse. apply Ropp_gt_lt_contravar.
apply Hsolve.

End Hopital_infinite_pos_g.

Section Hopital_infinite_pos_g_left.

Variables f g : RR.
Variables a b : R.

Hypothesis Hab : a < b.
Hypotheses (Df : x, open_interval a b xderivable_pt f x)
           (Dg : x, open_interval a b xderivable_pt g x).
Hypotheses (Cf : x, a x bcontinuity_pt f x)
           (Cg : x, a x bcontinuity_pt g x).

Hypothesis (Zg : limit_div_neg g (open_interval a b) b).

Hypothesis (g'_not_0 : x (Hopen: open_interval a b x), derive_pt g x (Dg x Hopen) 0).
Hypothesis (Hlimder : m, m < 0 →
    alp > 0
    ( x (Hopen : open_interval a b x), R_dist x b < alp
      (derive_pt f x (Df x Hopen) / derive_pt g x (Dg x Hopen) < m))).

Theorem Hopital_gninf_Lninf_left : limit_div_neg (fun xf x / g x) (open_interval a b) b.
apply limit_div_neg_ext with (comp (fun xf (- x) / g (- x)) (fun x-x)).
intros. unfold comp. ring_simplify (--x). reflexivity.
apply limit_div_neg_comp_Ropp.
  assert (Df': x, open_interval (-b) (-a) xderivable_pt (fun xf (- x)) x).
   intros. reg. apply Df. now destruct H; split; fourier.

   assert (Dg': x, open_interval (-b) (-a) xderivable_pt (fun xg (- x)) x).
    intros. reg. apply Dg. now destruct H; split; fourier.
    intros m Hm.
    apply Hopital_gninf_Lninf_right with Df' Dg'.
     now intuition.

     intros. reg. apply Cf. now destruct H; split; fourier.

     intros. reg. apply Cg. now destruct H; split; fourier.

     apply limit_div_neg_ext with (comp g (fun x-x)). intros. reflexivity.
     apply limit_div_neg_comp_Ropp_l. do 2 rewrite Ropp_involutive.
     apply Zg.

     intros. assert (Hopen' : open_interval a b (-x)).
     destruct Hopen; split; fourier.
     rewrite <- (derive_pt_comp_Ropp _ _ _ _ Dg _ _ Hopen'). replace 0 with (-0) by ring.
     intro. apply Ropp_eq_compat in H. do 2 rewrite Ropp_involutive in H.
     apply g'_not_0 in H. apply H.

     intros m1 Hm1. specialize (Hlimder m1 Hm1).
     destruct Hlimder as [alp [Halp Hsolve1]].
      alp. split. apply Halp.
assert (Hopenx : open_interval a b (-x)). destruct Hopen; split; fourier.
replace (derive_pt (fun x0 : Rf (- x0)) x (Df' x Hopen)) with
  (- derive_pt f (- x) (Df (- x) Hopenx)).
replace (derive_pt (fun x0 : Rg (- x0)) x (Dg' x Hopen)) with
  (- derive_pt g (- x) (Dg (- x) Hopenx)).
replace ((- derive_pt f (- x) (Df (- x) Hopenx) /
      - derive_pt g (- x) (Dg (- x) Hopenx))) with
((derive_pt f (- x) (Df (- x) Hopenx) /
      derive_pt g (- x) (Dg (- x) Hopenx))).
apply Hsolve1. unfold R_dist in ×.
replace (- x - b) with (- (x + b)) by ring. ring_simplify (x -- b) in H.
rewrite Rabs_Ropp. apply H.
field. apply g'_not_0.
apply derive_pt_comp_Ropp.
apply derive_pt_comp_Ropp.

End Hopital_infinite_pos_g_left.