Library Coqtail.Reals.Rpser.Rpser_sums
Require Import Reals.
Require Import Rinterval.
Require Import Fourier.
Require Import Rpser_def Rpser_base_facts Rpser_cv_facts.
Require Import Rinterval.
Require Import Fourier.
Require Import Rpser_def Rpser_base_facts Rpser_cv_facts.
In this library, we define the sum of a power serie with respect to the
3 notions of convergence radius that we used until now.
- weaksum_r sums a power serie on a disk that is smaller than the maximal
- sum_r sums a power serie on its (finite) convergence disk
- sum sums a power serie on its (infinite) convergence disk
Definition of weaksum_r
Open Local Scope R_scope.
Definition weaksum_r : ∀ (An : nat → R) (r : R) (Pr : Cv_radius_weak An r), R → R.
intros An r Rho x.
case (Rlt_le_dec (Rabs x) r) ; intro x_bd.
elim (Rpser_abel _ _ Rho _ x_bd) ; intros y Hy ; exact y.
exact 0.
Proof that it is really the sum
Lemma weaksum_r_sums : ∀ (An : nat → R) (r : R) (Pr : Cv_radius_weak An r) (x : R),
Rabs x < r → Rpser An x (weaksum_r An r Pr x).
intros An r Pr x x_bd.
unfold weaksum_r ; case (Rlt_le_dec (Rabs x) r) ; intro s.
destruct (Rpser_abel An r Pr x s) as (l,Hl) ; simpl ; assumption.
apply False_ind ; fourier.
Proof that the sum is unique
Lemma weaksum_r_unique : ∀ (An : nat → R) (r : R) (Pr1 Pr2 : Cv_radius_weak An r) (x : R),
Rabs x < r → weaksum_r An r Pr1 x = weaksum_r An r Pr2 x.
intros An r Pr1 Pr2 x x_bd ;
assert (T1 := weaksum_r_sums _ _ Pr1 _ x_bd) ;
assert (T2 := weaksum_r_sums _ _ Pr2 _ x_bd) ;
eapply Rpser_unique ; eassumption.
Lemma weaksum_r_unique_strong : ∀ (An : nat → R) (r1 r2 : R) (Pr1 : Cv_radius_weak An r1)
(Pr2 : Cv_radius_weak An r2) (x : R), Rabs x < r1 → Rabs x < r2 →
weaksum_r An r1 Pr1 x = weaksum_r An r2 Pr2 x.
intros An r1 r2 Pr1 Pr2 x x_bd1 x_bd2.
assert (T1 := weaksum_r_sums _ _ Pr1 _ x_bd1) ;
assert (T2 := weaksum_r_sums _ _ Pr2 _ x_bd2) ;
eapply Rpser_unique ; eassumption.
Definition sum_r : ∀ (An : nat → R) (r : R) (Pr : finite_cv_radius An r), R → R.
intros An r Pr x.
case (Rlt_le_dec (Rabs x) r) ; intro x_bd.
assert (rho : Cv_radius_weak An (middle (Rabs x) r)).
apply Pr; split.
apply Rle_trans with (Rabs x).
apply Rabs_pos.
left ; apply (proj1 (middle_is_in_the_middle _ _ x_bd)).
apply (proj2 (middle_is_in_the_middle _ _ x_bd)).
apply (weaksum_r An (middle (Rabs x) r) rho x).
exact 0.
Proof that it is really the sum
Lemma sum_r_sums : ∀ (An : nat → R) (r : R) (Pr : finite_cv_radius An r),
∀ x, Rabs x < r → Rpser An x (sum_r An r Pr x).
intros An r Pr x x_ub.
unfold sum_r ; destruct (Rlt_le_dec (Rabs x) r) as [x_bd | x_nbd].
apply weaksum_r_sums.
apply (proj1 (middle_is_in_the_middle _ _ x_bd)).
apply False_ind ; fourier.
Proof that the sum is unique
Lemma sum_r_unique : ∀ (An : nat → R) (r : R) (Pr1 Pr2 : finite_cv_radius An r) (x : R),
Rabs x < r → sum_r An r Pr1 x = sum_r An r Pr2 x.
intros An r Pr1 Pr2 x x_bd ;
assert (T1 := sum_r_sums _ _ Pr1 _ x_bd) ;
assert (T2 := sum_r_sums _ _ Pr2 _ x_bd) ;
eapply Rpser_unique ; eassumption.
Lemma sum_r_unique_strong : ∀ (An : nat → R) (r1 r2 : R) (Pr1 : finite_cv_radius An r1)
(Pr2 : finite_cv_radius An r2) (x : R), Rabs x < r1 → Rabs x < r2 →
sum_r An r1 Pr1 x = sum_r An r2 Pr2 x.
intros An r1 r2 Pr1 Pr2 x x_bd1 x_bd2 ;
assert (T1 := sum_r_sums _ _ Pr1 _ x_bd1) ;
assert (T2 := sum_r_sums _ _ Pr2 _ x_bd2) ;
eapply Rpser_unique ; eassumption.
Definition sum : ∀ (An : nat → R) (Pr : infinite_cv_radius An), R → R.
intros An Pr r.
apply (weaksum_r An (Rabs r +1) (Pr (Rabs r + 1)) r).
Proof that it is really the sum
Lemma sum_sums : ∀ (An : nat → R) (Pr : infinite_cv_radius An),
∀ x, Rpser An x (sum An Pr x).
intros An Pr x.
apply weaksum_r_sums ; intuition.
Proof that the sum is unique