Library Coqtail.Reals.Rpser.Rpser_cv_facts
Require Import Reals.
Require Import Rsequence_def.
Require Import Rpser_def Rpser_def_simpl Rpser_base_facts Rsequence_facts.
Require Import Rsequence_sums_facts Rsequence_rewrite_facts.
Require Import Rpow_facts.
Require Import Fourier.
Require Import Max Min.
Require Import MyRIneq MyNeq.
Require Import Rinterval.
Require Import RFsequence RFsequence_facts.
Require Import Ass_handling.
Open Scope Rseq_scope.
Open Scope R_scope.
Lemma Cauchy_crit_Rseq_pps : ∀ An r, Cv_radius_weak An r →
∀ x, Rabs x < r → Cauchy_crit (Rseq_pps An x).
intros An r rho x x_ub eps eps_pos.
assert (r_pos : 0 < r).
apply Rle_lt_trans with (Rabs x) ; [apply Rabs_pos | assumption].
assert (r_neq : 0 ≠ r) by (apply Rlt_not_eq ; assumption).
assert (Hrew_abs : Rabs (x / r) = Rabs x / r).
unfold Rdiv ; rewrite Rabs_mult ; apply Rmult_eq_compat_l ; apply Rabs_right ;
apply Rgt_ge ; apply Rlt_gt ; apply Rinv_0_lt_compat ; apply Rle_lt_trans with (Rabs x) ;
[apply Rabs_pos | assumption].
assert (Rabsx_r_lt_1 : Rabs x / r < 1).
rewrite <- (Rinv_r r) ; [| symmetry ; assumption] ; unfold Rdiv ;
apply Rmult_lt_compat_r ; [apply Rinv_0_lt_compat |] ; assumption.
destruct (Req_or_neq x) as [x_eq | x_neq].
∃ O ; intros ; subst ; do 2 rewrite Rseq_pps_0_simpl ; rewrite R_dist_eq ;
assert (Temp : ∀ m n, (m < n)%nat → R_dist (Rseq_pps An x n) (Rseq_pps An x m)
= Rabs (Rseq_sum (Rseq_shifts (gt_pser An x) (S (min m n))) ((max m n) - S (min m n)))).
intros m n m_neq_n ; unfold R_dist ; apply Rabs_eq_compat ;
replace (max m n) with n. replace (min m n) with m.
rewrite Rseq_sum_shifts_compat ; unfold Rseq_shifts ;
replace (S m + (n - S m))%nat with n by omega ; reflexivity.
symmetry ; apply min_l ; intuition.
symmetry ; apply max_r ; intuition.
assert (Hrew : ∀ m n, m ≠ n → R_dist (Rseq_pps An x n) (Rseq_pps An x m)
= Rabs (Rseq_sum (Rseq_shifts (gt_pser An x) (S (min m n))) ((max m n) - S (min m n)))).
intros m n m_neq_n ; unfold R_dist ; destruct (le_lt_dec m n) as [mlen | nltm].
assert (mltn : (m < n)%nat) by (clear -m_neq_n mlen ; omega) ;
apply Temp ; assumption.
rewrite Rabs_minus_sym, min_comm, max_comm ; apply Temp ; assumption.
clear Temp.
assert (Hineq : ∃ M, ∀ m n, m ≠ n →
R_dist (Rseq_pps An x n) (Rseq_pps An x m) ≤ M ×
Rseq_sum (Rseq_shifts (pow (Rabs x / r)) (S (min m n))) ((max m n) - S (min m n))).
destruct rho as [B HB] ; ∃ B ; intros m n m_neq_n ;
rewrite Hrew ; [| assumption].
assert (Temp : ∀ k n, Rabs (Rseq_sum (Rseq_shifts (gt_pser An x) k) n) ≤
B × Rseq_sum (Rseq_shifts (pow (Rabs x / r)) k) n).
clear - r_neq r_pos Hrew_abs HB; intros k n ; induction n.
simpl ; do 2 rewrite Rseq_shifts_O ; rewrite <- (Rmult_1_r (gt_pser An x k)),
<- (Rinv_r (r ^ k)), <- Rmult_assoc, Rabs_mult, Rinv_pow ;
[| symmetry ; assumption | apply pow_nonzero ; symmetry ; assumption].
apply Rle_trans with (Rabs (gt_pser An r k) × Rabs (x ^ k) × Rabs ((/ r) ^ k)).
right ; repeat rewrite <- Rabs_mult ; apply Rabs_eq_compat ;
unfold gt_pser, Rseq_mult ; ring.
apply Rle_trans with ((gt_abs_pser An r k) × (Rabs x / r) ^ k).
right ; rewrite Rmult_assoc ; apply Rmult_eq_compat_l ;
rewrite <- Hrew_abs, <- Rabs_mult, <- Rpow_mult_distr, RPow_abs ;
apply Rmult_le_compat_r ; [| apply HB ; ∃ k ; reflexivity].
apply pow_le ; unfold Rdiv ; apply Rle_mult_inv_pos ; [apply Rabs_pos | assumption].
apply Rle_trans with (Rabs (Rseq_sum (Rseq_shifts (gt_pser An x) k) n)
+ Rabs (Rseq_shifts (gt_pser An x) k (S n))).
simpl ; apply Rabs_triang.
apply Rle_trans with (B × Rseq_sum (Rseq_shifts (pow (Rabs x / r)) k) n
+ B × (Rseq_shifts (pow (Rabs x / r)) k) (S n)).
apply Rplus_le_compat ; [apply IHn |].
apply Rle_trans with (gt_abs_pser An r (k + S n) × ((Rabs x / r) ^ (k + S n))).
right ; unfold Rseq_shifts, gt_abs_pser, gt_pser, Rseq_mult, Rseq_abs.
repeat rewrite Rabs_mult ; repeat rewrite Rmult_assoc ; apply Rmult_eq_compat_l ;
rewrite <- Hrew_abs, RPow_abs, <- Rabs_mult ; apply Rabs_eq_compat ; unfold Rdiv ;
rewrite Rpow_mult_distr, <- Rinv_pow ; [field |] ; [apply pow_nonzero |] ;
symmetry ; assumption.
apply Rmult_le_compat_r ; [| apply HB ; ∃ (k + S n)%nat ; reflexivity].
unfold Rseq_shifts, Rdiv ; apply pow_le ; apply Rle_mult_inv_pos ;
[apply Rabs_pos | assumption].
right ; simpl ; symmetry ; apply Rmult_plus_distr_l.
apply Temp.
assert (Main : ∃ M : R, ∀ m n : nat, m ≠ n →
R_dist (Rseq_pps An x n) (Rseq_pps An x m) ≤
M × ((Rabs x / r) ^ (S (min m n)) × (1 - (Rabs x / r)
^ (S (max m n - S (min m n)))) / (1 - (Rabs x / r)))).
destruct Hineq as [B HB] ; ∃ B ; intros m n m_neq_n.
specify3 HB m n m_neq_n ; unfold Rseq_shifts in HB ; rewrite sum_pow in HB ;
[apply HB | apply Rlt_not_eq ; assumption].
clear Hineq Hrew.
assert (Final : ∃ M : R, 0 < M ∧ ∀ m n : nat, m ≠ n →
R_dist (Rseq_pps An x n) (Rseq_pps An x m) ≤
(Rabs x / r) ^ S (min m n) × (M × 2 / (1 - Rabs x / r))).
destruct Main as [B HB] ; ∃ (Rmax B 1) ; split ;
[apply Rlt_le_trans with 1 ; [fourier | apply RmaxLess2] | intros m n m_neq_n].
assert (Temp : (1 - (Rabs x / r) ^ S (max m n - S (min m n))) ≤ 2).
apply Rle_trans with (Rabs (1 - (Rabs x / r) ^ S (max m n - S (min m n)))) ;
[apply RRle_abs |].
apply Rle_trans with (Rabs 1 + Rabs (- (Rabs x / r) ^ S (max m n - S (min m n)))) ;
[apply Rabs_triang | rewrite Rabs_R1 ; apply Rplus_le_compat_l].
rewrite Rabs_Ropp ; rewrite <- RPow_abs ; rewrite <- Hrew_abs ; rewrite Rabs_Rabsolu ;
replace 1 with (1 ^ S (max m n - S (min m n))) ; [apply pow_le_compat | apply pow1].
apply Rabs_pos.
apply Rlt_le ; rewrite Hrew_abs ; assumption.
apply Rle_trans with (B × ((Rabs x / r) ^ S (min m n) ×
(1 - (Rabs x / r) ^ S (max m n - S (min m n))) / (1 - Rabs x / r))) ; [apply HB ; assumption |].
clear HB ; rewrite Rmult_comm ; unfold Rdiv ; repeat (rewrite Rmult_assoc) ;
apply Rmult_le_compat_l ; [ unfold Rdiv in Hrew_abs ; rewrite <- Hrew_abs ;
rewrite RPow_abs ; apply Rabs_pos |].
apply Rle_trans with ((1 - (Rabs x × / r) ^ S (max m n - S (min m n))) × (/ (1 - Rabs x × / r) × (Rmax B 1))).
apply Rmult_le_compat_l.
unfold Rdiv in Hrew_abs ; rewrite <- Hrew_abs, RPow_abs.
apply Rlt_le ; apply Rgt_minus.
rewrite <- RPow_abs.
case (Req_or_neq x) ; intro H.
rewrite H ; rewrite Rmult_0_l ; rewrite Rabs_R0 ; rewrite pow_i ; intuition.
replace 1 with (1 ^ S (max m n - S (min m n))).
apply pow_lt_compat.
apply Rabs_pos.
unfold Rdiv in Rabsx_r_lt_1 ; rewrite Hrew_abs ; assumption.
apply pow1.
apply Rmult_le_compat_l.
apply Rlt_le ; apply Rinv_0_lt_compat.
apply Rgt_minus ; intuition.
apply RmaxLess1.
rewrite <- Rmult_assoc.
rewrite Rmult_comm.
apply Rmult_le_compat_l ; [apply Rle_trans with 1 ; [intuition | apply RmaxLess2] |].
apply Rmult_le_compat_r.
apply Rlt_le ; apply Rinv_0_lt_compat.
apply Rgt_minus ; intuition.
elim Final ; intros M HM ; destruct HM as (M_pos, HM).
rewrite <- Hrew_abs in Rabsx_r_lt_1.
assert (y_pos : 0 < eps / (4 × M) × (1 - Rabs x / r)).
apply Rmult_lt_0_compat.
unfold Rdiv ; apply Rmult_lt_0_compat.
apply Rinv_0_lt_compat ; fourier.
apply Rgt_minus ; rewrite <- Hrew_abs ; assumption.
elim (pow_lt_1_zero (x/r) Rabsx_r_lt_1 (eps / (4 × M) × (1 - (Rabs x / r))) y_pos) ; intros N HN ;
∃ N ; intros n m n_lb m_lb.
case (eq_nat_dec m n); intro s.
rewrite s ; rewrite R_dist_eq ; assumption.
apply Rle_lt_trans with ((Rabs x / r) ^ S (min m n) × (M × 2 / (1 - Rabs x / r))).
apply HM ; intuition.
assert (Temp : (S (min m n) ≥ N)%nat).
destruct N.
apply le_n_S.
case (min_dec m n) ; intro H ; rewrite H ; apply le_trans with (S N) ; intuition.
apply Rlt_trans with ((eps / (4 × M) × (1 - Rabs x / r)) × ((M × 2 / (1 - Rabs x / r)))).
apply Rmult_lt_compat_r.
apply Rmult_lt_0_compat.
apply Rinv_0_lt_compat.
apply Rgt_minus ; rewrite <- Hrew_abs ; assumption.
rewrite <- Hrew_abs ; rewrite RPow_abs ; rewrite Hrew_abs ; apply HN ; assumption.
replace (eps / (4 × M) × (1 - Rabs x / r) × (M × 2 / (1 - Rabs x / r))) with
(eps × (/2 × (/(2×M) × (2×M) × ((1 - Rabs x / r) / (1 - Rabs x / r))))).
replace (/ (2 × M) × (2 × M)) with 1.
rewrite Rmult_1_l ; unfold Rdiv ; rewrite Rinv_r.
apply Rgt_not_eq ; apply Rgt_minus ; unfold Rdiv in Hrew_abs ; rewrite <- Hrew_abs ; assumption.
symmetry ; apply Rinv_l ; apply Rgt_not_eq ; fourier.
field ; split ; [|split].
apply Rgt_not_eq ; apply Rle_lt_trans with (Rabs x) ; [apply Rabs_pos | assumption].
apply Rgt_not_eq ; apply Rgt_minus ; assumption.
apply Rgt_not_eq ; assumption.
Lemma Rpser_abel : ∀ (An : nat → R) (r : R),
Cv_radius_weak An r → ∀ x, Rabs x < r → {l | Rpser An x l}.
intros An r Rho x x_ub.
apply R_complete ; apply Cauchy_crit_Rseq_pps with r ; assumption.
Lemma Rpser_alembert_prelim : ∀ (An : nat → R) (M : R),
0 < M → (∀ n : nat, An n ≠ 0) →
Rseq_bound (fun n ⇒ (An (S n) / An n)) M → ∀ r,
Rabs r < / M → Cv_radius_weak An r.
intros An M M_pos An_neq An_frac_ub r r_bd.
assert (r_lb := Rabs_pos r) ; case r_lb ; clear r_lb ; intro rabs_lb.
assert (my_lam : 0 < /Rabs r - M).
apply Rgt_minus ; rewrite <- Rinv_involutive.
apply Rinv_lt_contravar.
apply Rmult_lt_0_compat ; [| apply Rlt_trans with (Rabs r)] ; assumption.
apply Rgt_not_eq ; assumption.
∃ (Rabs (An 0%nat)) ; intros x Hyp ;
elim Hyp ; intros n Hn ; rewrite Hn ;
unfold gt_abs_pser, gt_pser, Rseq_abs, Rseq_mult ; rewrite Rabs_mult.
clear Hn ; induction n.
simpl ; rewrite Rabs_R1 ; rewrite Rmult_1_r ; right ; reflexivity.
apply Rle_trans with (Rabs (An (S n) / (An n)) × Rabs (An n) × Rabs (r ^ S n)).
right ; repeat rewrite <- Rabs_mult ; apply Rabs_eq_compat ;
field ; apply An_neq.
apply Rle_trans with (M × Rabs (An n) × Rabs (r ^ S n)).
repeat apply Rmult_le_compat_r ; [| | apply An_frac_ub] ; apply Rabs_pos.
simpl ; rewrite Rabs_mult.
apply Rle_trans with (M × Rabs (An n) × (/M × Rabs (r ^ n))).
repeat rewrite <- Rmult_assoc ; apply Rmult_le_compat_r ; [apply Rabs_pos |
repeat rewrite Rmult_assoc ; repeat apply Rmult_le_compat_l].
left ; assumption.
apply Rabs_pos.
left ; assumption.
apply Rle_trans with (Rabs (An n) × Rabs (r ^ n))%R ; [right ; field ;
apply Rgt_not_eq |] ; assumption.
∃ (Rabs (An 0%nat)).
intros x Hx ; destruct Hx as (n,Hn) ; rewrite Hn ; destruct n.
apply gt_abs_pser_0_ub.
destruct (Req_dec r 0) as [Hr | Hf].
rewrite Hr ; apply gt_abs_pser_0_ub.
apply False_ind ; assert (T := Rabs_no_R0 _ Hf) ;
apply T ; symmetry ; assumption.
Lemma Rseq_cv_bounded : ∀ Un l, l ≠ 0 →
Rseq_cv Un l → ∀ k, 1 < k →
Rseq_eventually (fun un ⇒ ∀ n, (Rabs l) / k < Rabs (un n)) Un.
intros Un l l_neq Hl k k_lb.
pose (eps := (k - 1) / k × Rabs l).
assert (eps_pos : 0 < eps).
unfold eps ; apply Rmult_lt_0_compat ;
[unfold Rdiv ; apply Rlt_mult_inv_pos ;
[ | apply Rlt_trans with 1] | apply Rabs_pos_lt] ;
intuition ; fourier.
destruct (Hl _ eps_pos) as [N HN] ; ∃ N ; intros n.
apply Rle_lt_trans with (Rabs l - eps).
unfold eps, Rdiv ; right ; field ; apply Rgt_not_eq ;
apply Rlt_trans with 1 ; fourier.
apply R_dist_gt_r ; apply HN ; intuition.
Lemma Rseq_cv_pos_infty_le_compat : ∀ Un Vn,
(∀ n, Un n ≤ Vn n) → Rseq_cv_pos_infty Un →
Rseq_cv_pos_infty Vn.
intros Un Vn Hle Un_inf M ; destruct (Un_inf M) as [N HN] ; ∃ N ;
intros n n_lb ; apply Rlt_le_trans with (Un n) ;
[apply HN | apply Hle] ; assumption.
Lemma Rpser_alembert_prelim2 : ∀ (An : nat → R) (M : R),
0 < M → (∀ n : nat, An n ≠ 0) →
Rseq_eventually (fun Un ⇒ Rseq_bound Un M) (fun n ⇒ (An (S n) / An n)) →
∀ r, Rabs r < / M → Cv_radius_weak An r.
intros An M M_pos An_neq An_frac_event r r_bd.
destruct An_frac_event as [N HN].
assert (Rho : Cv_radius_weak (Rseq_shifts An N) r).
apply Rpser_alembert_prelim with M.
intro n ; apply An_neq.
intro n ; unfold Rseq_shifts ; replace (N + S n)%nat
with (S (N + n)) by intuition ; apply HN.
rewrite Cv_radius_weak_shifts_compat.
destruct Rho as [T HT] ; ∃ T ; intros u Hu ; destruct Hu as [n Hn] ;
rewrite Hn ; apply HT ; ∃ n ; reflexivity.
Lemma Rpser_alembert_weak : ∀ (An : Rseq) (lambda : R),
lambda ≠ 0 → (∀ n : nat, An n ≠ 0) →
Rseq_cv (fun n : nat ⇒ Rabs (An (S n) / An n)) lambda → ∀ r,
Rabs r < / lambda → Cv_radius_weak An r.
intros An lam lam_neq An_neq An_frac_cv r r_bd.
assert (lam_pos : 0 < lam).
apply Rle_neq_lt ; [| symmetry ; exact lam_neq].
eapply Rseq_positive_limit ; [| eassumption] ; intro n ; compute ;
apply Rabs_pos.
assert (middle_lb := proj1 (middle_is_in_the_middle _ _ r_bd)).
assert (middle_ub := proj2 (middle_is_in_the_middle _ _ r_bd)).
assert (middle_pos : 0 < middle (Rabs r) (/ lam)).
apply Rle_lt_trans with (Rabs r) ; [apply Rabs_pos | assumption].
pose (eps := (/ (middle (Rabs r) (/ lam)) - lam)%R).
assert (eps_pos : 0 < eps).
apply Rgt_minus ; rewrite <- Rinv_involutive.
apply Rinv_lt_contravar.
apply Rmult_lt_0_compat ; [| apply Rinv_0_lt_compat] ; assumption.
apply Rgt_not_eq ; assumption.
apply Rpser_alembert_prelim2 with (lam + eps)%R.
apply An_neq.
destruct (An_frac_cv (/ (middle (Rabs r) (/ lam)) - lam))%R as [N HN].
∃ N ; intro n ; unfold Rseq_shifts.
transitivity (lam + (Rabs (An (S (N + n)) / An (N + n)%nat) - lam))%R.
right ; ring.
apply Rplus_le_compat_l ; apply Rle_trans with
(R_dist (Rabs (An (S (N + n)) / An (N + n)%nat)) lam)%R.
apply RRle_abs.
left ; apply HN ; intuition.
replace (lam + eps)%R with (/ (middle (Rabs r) (/ lam)))%R.
rewrite Rinv_involutive ; [| apply Rgt_not_eq] ; assumption.
unfold eps ; ring.
Lemma Rpser_alembert_weak_reciprocal : ∀ (An : nat → R) (lambda : R),
lambda ≠ 0 → (∀ n : nat, An n ≠ 0) →
Rseq_cv (fun n ⇒ Rabs (An (S n) / An n)) lambda → ∀ r,
/ lambda < Rabs r → ¬ Cv_radius_weak An r.
intros An lam lam_neq An_neq An_frac_ub r r_ld Hf ;
pose (l' := middle 1 (Rabs r × lam)).
assert (lam_pos : 0 < lam).
apply Rle_neq_lt ; [| symmetry ; exact lam_neq].
eapply Rseq_positive_limit ; [| eassumption] ; intro n ; compute ;
apply Rabs_pos.
assert (rlam_lb : 1 < Rabs r × lam).
apply Rle_lt_trans with (/ lam × lam).
right ; field ; apply Rgt_not_eq ; assumption.
apply Rmult_lt_compat_r ; assumption.
assert (lam_l'_pos : 0 ≤ lam / l').
apply Rle_mult_inv_pos ; [| apply Rlt_trans with 1;
[| apply middle_is_in_the_middle]] ; fourier.
destruct (Rseq_cv_bounded _ _ lam_neq An_frac_ub l') as [N H].
apply middle_is_in_the_middle ; assumption.
assert (HN : ∀ n, Rabs (An N) × (lam / l') ^ n ≤ Rabs (An (N + n)%nat)).
clear -H lam_pos lam_l'_pos An_neq ; intro n ; induction n.
simpl ; rewrite plus_0_r, Rmult_1_r ; reflexivity.
apply Rle_trans with (Rabs (An N) × (lam / l') ^ n × (lam / l')).
right ; simpl ; ring.
apply Rle_trans with (Rabs (An (N + n)%nat) × (lam / l')).
apply Rmult_le_compat_r ; assumption.
apply Rle_trans with (Rabs (An (N + n)%nat) ×
Rabs (An (N + S n)%nat) × / Rabs (An (N + n)%nat)).
rewrite Rmult_assoc ; apply Rmult_le_compat_l ; [apply Rabs_pos |].
rewrite <- Rabs_Rinv, <- Rabs_mult ; [| apply An_neq].
rewrite <- (Rabs_pos_eq lam), <- (Rabs_Rabsolu ((An (N + S n)%nat)
× / An (N + n)%nat)), <-plus_n_Sm ; left ; [apply H | assumption].
right ; field ; apply Rabs_no_R0 ; apply An_neq.
clear H.
assert (r_gt_1: 1 < (lam / l') × Rabs r).
apply Rlt_le_trans with (Rabs r × lam × / l') ; [| right ; unfold Rdiv ; ring].
apply Rlt_1_mult_inv ; [apply Rlt_trans with 1 ; [fourier |]|] ;
apply middle_is_in_the_middle ; assumption.
assert (Hinfty : Rseq_cv_pos_infty (gt_abs_pser An r)).
apply Rseq_cv_pos_infty_shifts_compat with N.
apply Rseq_cv_pos_infty_le_compat with (Rseq_mult (Rseq_constant (Rabs (An N) × Rabs r ^ N))
(Rseq_pow (lam / l' × Rabs r))).
intro n ; unfold Rseq_pow, Rseq_shifts, Rseq_mult, Rseq_constant,
gt_abs_pser, gt_pser, Rseq_abs, Rseq_mult.
apply Rle_trans with ((Rabs (An N) × (lam / l') ^ n) × Rabs r ^ (n + N)).
right; repeat rewrite Rmult_assoc ; apply Rmult_eq_compat_l.
rewrite Rpow_mult_distr, pow_add ; ring.
rewrite Rabs_mult, RPow_abs ; rewrite plus_comm ; apply Rmult_le_compat_r ;
[apply Rabs_pos |] ; apply HN.
apply Rseq_cv_finite_pos_mult_pos_infty_r with (Rabs (An N) × Rabs r ^ N).
rewrite RPow_abs, <- Rabs_mult ; apply Rabs_pos_lt ;
apply Rmult_integral_contrapositive_currified ; [apply An_neq | apply pow_nonzero].
intro r_eq ; rewrite r_eq, Rabs_R0, Rmult_0_l in rlam_lb ; clear -rlam_lb ; fourier.
apply Rseq_constant_cv.
apply Rseq_pow_gt_1_cv ; assumption.
destruct Hf as [B HB].
destruct (Hinfty B) as [M HM].
apply (Rlt_irrefl (gt_abs_pser An r M)).
apply Rle_lt_trans with B ; [apply HB ; ∃ M | apply HM] ; auto.
Theorem Rpser_alembert_weak_eventually : ∀ (An : Rseq) (lambda : R),
lambda ≠ 0 → Rseq_eventually (fun un ⇒ ∀ n : nat, un n ≠ 0) An →
Rseq_cv (fun n : nat ⇒ Rabs (An (S n) / An n)) lambda → ∀ r,
Rabs r < / lambda → Cv_radius_weak An r.
intros An lam lam_neq [N An_neq] An_frac_cv r r_bd.
rewrite Cv_radius_weak_shifts_compat ;
apply Rpser_alembert_weak with lam ; try (assumption || apply An_neq).
apply Rseq_cv_eq_compat with (Rseq_shifts (fun n ⇒ Rabs (An (S n) / An n)) N).
intro n ; unfold Rseq_shifts ; rewrite plus_n_Sm ; reflexivity.
apply Rseq_cv_shifts_compat_reciprocal ; assumption.
Theorem Rpser_alembert_weak_reciprocal_eventually : ∀ (An : Rseq) (lambda : R),
lambda ≠ 0 → Rseq_eventually (fun un ⇒ ∀ n : nat, un n ≠ 0) An →
Rseq_cv (fun n : nat ⇒ Rabs (An (S n) / An n)) lambda → ∀ r,
/ lambda < Rabs r → ¬ Cv_radius_weak An r.
intros An lam lam_neq [N An_neq] An_frac_cv r r_bd Hf.
assert (H := proj1 (Cv_radius_weak_shifts_compat _ _ N) Hf).
revert H.
apply Rpser_alembert_weak_reciprocal with lam ; try assumption.
apply Rseq_cv_eq_compat with (Rseq_shifts (fun n ⇒ Rabs (An (S n) / An n)) N).
intro n ; unfold Rseq_shifts ; rewrite plus_n_Sm ; reflexivity.
apply Rseq_cv_shifts_compat_reciprocal ; assumption.
Lemma Rpser_alembert_finite : ∀ (An : Rseq) (lambda : R),
lambda ≠ 0 → (∀ n, An n ≠ 0) →
Rseq_cv (| (Rseq_shift An / An) |) lambda →
finite_cv_radius An (/ lambda).
intros An lam lam_neq An_neq An_l.
assert (lam_pos : 0 < / lam).
apply Rinv_0_lt_compat ; apply Rle_neq_lt ; [| symmetry ; exact lam_neq].
eapply Rseq_positive_limit ; [| eassumption] ; intro n ; compute ;
apply Rabs_pos.
intros r' [r'_pos r'_bd] ; apply Rpser_alembert_weak with lam ;
[| | | rewrite Rabs_pos_eq] ; assumption.
intros r' r'_lb ; apply Rpser_alembert_weak_reciprocal with lam ;
[| | | rewrite Rabs_pos_eq ; [| left ; apply Rlt_trans with (/ lam)] ] ; assumption.
Lemma Rpser_alembert_finite_eventually : ∀ (An : Rseq) (lambda : R),
lambda ≠ 0 → Rseq_eventually (fun un ⇒ ∀ n, un n ≠ 0) An →
Rseq_cv (fun n ⇒ Rabs (An (S n) / An n)) lambda →
finite_cv_radius An (/ lambda).
intros An lam lam_neq An_neq An_l.
assert (lam_pos : 0 < / lam).
apply Rinv_0_lt_compat ; apply Rle_neq_lt ; [| symmetry ; exact lam_neq].
eapply Rseq_positive_limit ; [| eassumption] ; intro n ; compute ;
apply Rabs_pos.
intros r' [r'_pos r'_bd] ; apply Rpser_alembert_weak_eventually with lam ;
[| | | rewrite Rabs_pos_eq] ; assumption.
intros r' r'_lb ; apply Rpser_alembert_weak_reciprocal_eventually with lam ;
[| | | rewrite Rabs_pos_eq ; [| left ; apply Rlt_trans with (/ lam)] ] ; assumption.
Lemma max_explicit : ∀ m n, { p | max m n = (m + p)%nat}.
intros m n ; destruct (lt_dec m n) ;
[∃ (n - m)%nat | ∃ 0%nat] ;
destruct (max_spec m n) ; omega.
Lemma Rpser_alembert_infinite : ∀ (An : Rseq),
Rseq_eventually (fun un ⇒ ∀ n, un n ≠ 0) An →
Rseq_cv (fun n : nat ⇒ Rabs (An (S n) / An n)) R0 →
infinite_cv_radius An.
intros An [N1 HN1] An_frac_0 r.
assert (eps_pos : 0 < /(Rabs r + 1)).
apply Rinv_0_lt_compat ; apply Rplus_le_lt_0_compat ; [apply Rabs_pos |
apply Rlt_0_1].
destruct (An_frac_0 (/ (Rabs r + 1))%R eps_pos) as [N2 HN2].
rewrite (Cv_radius_weak_shifts_compat _ _ (max N1 N2)).
apply Rpser_alembert_prelim with (/ (Rabs r + 1)).
intro n ; unfold Rseq_shifts.
destruct (max_explicit N1 N2) as [p Hp] ; rewrite Hp, <- plus_assoc ; apply HN1.
intro n ; unfold Rseq_shifts ; rewrite max_comm ;
destruct (max_explicit N2 N1) as [p Hp] ; rewrite Hp, <- Rabs_Rabsolu ;
replace (N2 + p + S n)%nat with (S (N2 + p + n)) by ring ;
assert (Hyp := HN2 (N2 + p + n)%nat) ; unfold R_dist, Rminus in Hyp ;
rewrite Ropp_0, Rplus_0_r in Hyp ; left ; apply Hyp.
rewrite Rinv_involutive ; [intuition |].
apply Rgt_not_eq ; apply Rlt_le_trans with (0 + 1) ;
[| apply Rplus_le_compat_r ; apply Rabs_pos] ; intuition.
A kind of reciprocal for the Abel's lemma
Lemma Rpser_bound_criteria : ∀ (An : nat → R) (x l : R),
Rpser An x l → Cv_radius_weak An x.
intros An x l Hxl.
destruct (Hxl 1) as [N HN] ; [fourier |] ; unfold R_dist in HN.
assert (H1: ∀ n, (S N ≤ n)%nat → gt_abs_pser An x n ≤ Rmax 2 (Rabs (An O))).
intros n n_lb ; destruct n ; unfold gt_abs_pser, Rseq_abs.
unfold gt_pser, Rseq_mult ; simpl ; rewrite Rmult_1_r ; apply RmaxLess2.
transitivity (Rabs ((Rseq_pps An x (S n) - l) - (Rseq_pps An x n - l))).
right ; rewrite Rseq_pps_simpl ; apply Rabs_eq_compat ;
unfold gt_pser, Rseq_mult ; ring.
transitivity (Rabs (Rseq_pps An x (S n) - l) + Rabs (- (Rseq_pps An x n - l))).
apply Rabs_triang.
transitivity 2 ; [| apply RmaxLess1] ; rewrite Rabs_Ropp.
apply Rplus_le_compat ; left ; apply HN ; omega.
destruct (Rseq_partial_bound (gt_pser An x) (S N)) as (B,HB).
∃ (Rmax B (Rmax 2 (Rabs (An O)))).
intros y [i Hi] ; subst ; destruct (le_lt_dec i (S N)) as [Hi_b | Hi_b].
apply Rle_trans with B ; [apply HB | apply RmaxLess1] ; intuition.
apply Rle_trans with (Rmax 2 (Rabs (An O))) ; [apply H1 | apply RmaxLess2] ; intuition.
Rpser An x l → Cv_radius_weak An x.
intros An x l Hxl.
destruct (Hxl 1) as [N HN] ; [fourier |] ; unfold R_dist in HN.
assert (H1: ∀ n, (S N ≤ n)%nat → gt_abs_pser An x n ≤ Rmax 2 (Rabs (An O))).
intros n n_lb ; destruct n ; unfold gt_abs_pser, Rseq_abs.
unfold gt_pser, Rseq_mult ; simpl ; rewrite Rmult_1_r ; apply RmaxLess2.
transitivity (Rabs ((Rseq_pps An x (S n) - l) - (Rseq_pps An x n - l))).
right ; rewrite Rseq_pps_simpl ; apply Rabs_eq_compat ;
unfold gt_pser, Rseq_mult ; ring.
transitivity (Rabs (Rseq_pps An x (S n) - l) + Rabs (- (Rseq_pps An x n - l))).
apply Rabs_triang.
transitivity 2 ; [| apply RmaxLess1] ; rewrite Rabs_Ropp.
apply Rplus_le_compat ; left ; apply HN ; omega.
destruct (Rseq_partial_bound (gt_pser An x) (S N)) as (B,HB).
∃ (Rmax B (Rmax 2 (Rabs (An O)))).
intros y [i Hi] ; subst ; destruct (le_lt_dec i (S N)) as [Hi_b | Hi_b].
apply Rle_trans with B ; [apply HB | apply RmaxLess1] ; intuition.
apply Rle_trans with (Rmax 2 (Rabs (An O))) ; [apply H1 | apply RmaxLess2] ; intuition.