Library Coqtail.Topology.TContinuity

Require Import Reals.
Require Import Ensembles.
Require Import Topology.
Require Import Functions.
Require Import Metrics.
Require Import TFunctions.

Definition Topological_Continuity
  (U:Type) (V:Type)
  (A:Ensemble U) (B:Ensemble V)
  (TA:Ensemble (Ensemble U)) (TB:Ensemble (Ensemble V))
  (TopA : Topological_Space U A TA) (TopB : Topological_Space V B TB)
  (f : UV) : Prop := function U V A B f
   OB, In _ TB OBIn _ TA (Intersection _ (Preimage _ _ OB f) A).

Open Scope R_scope.

Definition Metric_Continuity_Pt
  (U:Type) (V:Type)
  (dU : UUR) (dV : VVR)
  (MU : Metric_Space U dU) (MV : Metric_Space V dV)
  (f : UV) (a : U) : Prop :=
     eps:R, 0<eps
     delta:R, 0<delta
      dU a a' < delta
      dV (f a) (f a') < eps.

Definition Metric_Continuity
  (U:Type) (V:Type)
  (dU : UUR) (dV : VVR)
  (MU : Metric_Space U dU) (MV : Metric_Space V dV)
  (f : UV) : Prop :=
     a, Metric_Continuity_Pt U V dU dV MU MV f a.

Lemma metric_continuity_is_topological :
  (U:Type) (V:Type)
  (dU : UUR) (dV : VVR)
  (MU : Metric_Space U dU) (MV : Metric_Space V dV)
  (f : UV),
    Metric_Continuity U V dU dV MU MV f
    Topological_Continuity U V (Full_set U) (Full_set V)
      (metric_open _ dU) (metric_open _ dV)
      (metric_space_topological _ _) (metric_space_topological _ _)
intros U V dU dV MU MV f HMC Hfun O openO x Hx.
assert (Intersection U (Preimage U V O f) (Full_set U) = Preimage U V O f).
 apply Extensionality_Ensembles; split; auto with sets.
 intros t Ht; split; auto; constructor.
rewrite H in Hx; rewrite H; clear H.
destruct openO with (f x) as [e [epos He]]; destruct Hx; subst; auto.
destruct (HMC x e epos) as [d [dpos Hd]].
split; auto.
intros y Hxy.
pose proof He (f y) (Hd y Hxy).
econstructor; auto; auto.