Library Coqtail.Reals.Ranalysis.Rfunction_classes_usual

Classification of common functions


Lemma C_infty_zero : C_infty (fct_cte 0).
 intro n ; induction n.
  constructor; reg.
  apply C_S with (derivable_const 0) ;
  apply C_ext with (fct_cte 0) ; [| assumption].
  intro x ; unfold derive , fct_cte ; symmetry ;
  rewrite derive_pt_eq ; apply derivable_pt_lim_const.

Lemma C_infty_const : (c : R), C_infty (fct_cte c).
 intros c n ; destruct n.
  constructor ; reg.
  apply C_S with (derivable_const c) ;
  apply C_ext with (fct_cte 0).
  intro x ; unfold derive ; symmetry ;
  rewrite derive_pt_eq ; apply derivable_pt_lim_const.
  apply C_infty_zero.

Lemma C_infty_id : C_infty id.
 intros n ; destruct n.
  constructor ; reg.
 apply C_S with derivable_id ;
 apply C_ext with (fct_cte 1).
 intro x ; unfold derive ; symmetry ;
 rewrite derive_pt_eq ; apply derivable_pt_lim_id.
 eapply C_infty_const.

Lemma C_infty_monomial : d a, C_infty (fun xRmult a (pow x d)).
intro d ; induction d ; intros a n.
 apply C_ext with (fct_cte a).
  intro ; ring_simplify ; reflexivity.
  eapply C_infty_const.
 destruct n.
  constructor; intro; reg.
  assert (pr : derivable (fun x : R ⇒ (a × x ^ S d)%R)) by reg ;
  apply C_S with pr ; apply C_ext with (fun x ⇒ (a × INR (S d) × pow x d)%R).
  intro x ; symmetry ; pose (fmod := mult_real_fct a (fun x0 : R ⇒ (x0 ^ S d)%R)) ;
  transitivity (derive_pt _ x (derivable_pt_scal _ a x (derivable_pt_pow (S d) _))).
   apply pr_nu.
   rewrite derive_pt_scal, Rmult_assoc ; apply Rmult_eq_compat_l ;
   apply derive_pt_pow.
   eapply IHd.

Stdlib's trigonometric functions

Lemma C_cos_sin : n, C n sin × C n cos × C n (-sin)%F × C n (-cos)%F.
intro n ; induction n.
  repeat split; constructor; reg.

  destruct IHn as [[[IHs IHc] IHns] IHnc].
  repeat split.

   apply C_S with derivable_sin.
   apply C_ext with cos.
   intro x ; symmetry ; unfold derive ; reg.

   apply C_S with derivable_cos.
   apply C_ext with (-sin)%F.
   intro x ; symmetry ; unfold derive ; reg.

   assert (dns : derivable (-sin)) by reg.
   apply C_S with dns.
   apply C_ext with (-cos)%F.
   intro x ; symmetry ; unfold derive ; reg.

   assert (dnc : derivable (-cos)) by reg.
   apply C_S with dnc.
   apply C_ext with sin.
   intro x ; symmetry ; unfold derive ; reg.

Lemma C_infty_sin : C_infty sin.
 intro ; eapply C_cos_sin.

Lemma C_infty_cos : C_infty cos.
 intro ; eapply C_cos_sin.

Stdlib's exponential

Lemma C_infty_exp : C_infty exp.
 intro n ; induction n.
  constructor ; apply derivable_continuous ; apply derivable_exp.

  apply C_S with (derivable_exp) ; apply C_ext with exp.
   intro x ; rewrite <- (derive_pt_exp x) ; apply pr_nu_var ; reflexivity.

   apply IHn.

Power series

Lemma D_infty_Rpser : (An : Rseq) (Rho : infinite_cv_radius An),
 D_infty (sum An Rho).
intros An rho n ; revert rho ; revert An ; induction n ; intros An Rho.
  apply D_S with (derivable_sum An Rho) ;
  apply D_ext with (sum_derive An Rho).
  intro x ; symmetry ; apply derive_pt_eq_0 ; apply derivable_pt_lim_sum.
  apply IHn.

Lemma D_Rball_infty_Rpser: An r (rho: finite_cv_radius An r),
  D_Rball_infty 0 r (sum_r An r rho).
intros An r rho n ; revert rho ; revert r ; revert An ;
 induction n ; intros An r rho.
 apply Db_S with (derivable_Rball_sum_r An r rho).
 apply D_Rball_ext with (sum_r_derive An r rho).
 intros x x_in ; symmetry ; apply derivable_pt_lim_in_derive_Rball.
  apply derivable_pt_lim_in_sum_r ; assumption.
  apply IHn.

Handy abstractions: a function together with the proof that it is C_infty

Definition Cinfty_zero : Cinfty := existT _ _ C_infty_zero.

Hint Resolve C_infty_const : CD_hint.
Hint Resolve C_infty_id : CD_hint.
Hint Resolve C_infty_monomial : CD_hint.
Hint Resolve C_infty_sin : CD_hint.
Hint Resolve C_infty_cos : CD_hint.
Hint Resolve C_infty_exp : CD_hint.
Hint Resolve D_infty_Rpser : CD_hint.