Library Coqtail.Reals.RTaylor
Require Export Reals.
Require Export MyReals.
Require Export Rsequence_def Rsequence_facts Rsequence_sums_facts.
Require Export Rseries_def.
Require Import Rpser_def Rpser_sums Rpser_sums_facts Rpser_derivative.
Require Import Rpser_radius_facts Rpser_taylor.
Require Import Fourier.
Require Import Rintegral.
Require Import Rseries_facts.
Require Import Rseries_RiemannInt.
Require Import Rsequence_subsequence.
Require Import Rtactic.
Section ln_minus.
Let Un n :=
match n with
| 0 ⇒ 0
| _ ⇒ - / (INR n)
Lemma ln_minus_cv_radius : Cv_radius_weak Un 1.
∃ 1; intros m [n Hn]; subst m.
unfold gt_abs_pser, gt_pser, Rseq_abs, Rseq_mult.
rewrite pow1; rewrite Rmult_1_r.
unfold Un; destruct n.
rewrite Rabs_R0; apply Rle_0_1.
assert (Hle : 1 ≤ INR (S n)).
rewrite S_INR.
pattern 1 at 1; rewrite <- Rplus_0_l.
apply Rplus_le_compat_r.
apply pos_INR.
rewrite Rabs_Ropp.
rewrite Rabs_Rinv; [|intros Hc; fourier].
rewrite Rabs_right; [|fourier].
apply (Rmult_le_reg_l (INR (S n))); [fourier|].
rewrite Rinv_r; [fourier|intros Hc; fourier].
Lemma ln_minus_finite_cv_radius : finite_cv_radius Un 1.
assert (Un_decr : Un_decreasing (- (fun n ⇒ Un (S n)))%Rseq).
assert (Hrew : ∀ n, Un (S n) = -/ INR (S n)).
intro ; reflexivity.
intro n ; unfold Rseq_opp ; repeat rewrite Hrew, Ropp_involutive.
apply Rle_Rinv ; intuition.
assert (Un_cv_0 : Un_cv (fun n : nat ⇒ - Un (S n)) 0).
replace (fun n : nat ⇒ Un (S n)) with (fun n ⇒ - / INR (S n)).
rewrite <- Ropp_involutive ; do 2 apply Rseq_cv_opp_compat.
apply Rseq_cv_pos_infty_inv_compat.
intro M.
assert (lt_0_1 : (0 < 1)%nat) by auto ;
destruct (Rseq_poly_cv 1 lt_0_1 M) as [N HN] ;
∃ N ; intros n n_gt_N ; apply Rlt_trans with (INR n).
rewrite <- pow_1 ; apply HN ; assumption.
destruct (alternated_series (fun n ⇒ - Un (S n)) Un_decr Un_cv_0) as [l Hl].
rewrite <- Rabs_R1.
rewrite <- Rabs_Ropp.
apply Rpser_finite_cv_radius_caracterization with l.
unfold Pser, infinite_sum.
intros eps eps_pos ; destruct (Hl eps eps_pos) as [N HN] ; ∃ (S N) ;
intros n n_lb ; unfold R_dist.
rewrite <- Rabs_Ropp.
rewrite Ropp_minus_distr.
assert (Hrew := (Rseq_pps_opp_compat Un (-1) n)) ; unfold Rseq_opp in Hrew ;
unfold Rminus ; rewrite <- Hrew.
apply Rle_lt_trans with (R_dist (sum_f_R0 (tg_alt (fun n0 : nat ⇒ - Un (S n0))) (pred n)) l).
right ; rewrite <- Rabs_Ropp ; unfold R_dist ; apply Rabs_eq_compat.
clear - n_lb; induction n ; unfold tg_alt.
inversion n_lb.
simpl pred.
clear ; induction n.
compute ; field.
unfold Rseq_pps, Rseq_sum in ×.
rewrite tech5.
repeat rewrite Ropp_plus_distr in ×.
rewrite <- Rplus_assoc.
rewrite IHn.
unfold Rminus ; rewrite tech5.
repeat rewrite Rplus_assoc ; apply Rplus_eq_compat_l.
rewrite Rplus_comm ; apply Rplus_eq_compat_r.
unfold gt_pser. unfold Rseq_mult. simpl pow. ring.
apply HN ; intuition.
intros M Hconv.
unfold Rpser_abs in ×.
pose (fun n ⇒ match n with O ⇒ 0 | S _ ⇒ / INR n end) as An.
apply Rseq_cv_not_infty with (sum_f_R0 An); split.
∃ M.
refine (proj1 (Rser_cv_ext _ An M _) Hconv).
intros [|n].
simpl. unfold gt_abs_pser. unfold Rseq_abs. unfold gt_pser.
unfold Rseq_mult. simpl. rewrite Rmult_0_l. rewrite Rabs_R0. reflexivity.
unfold Un, An.
unfold gt_abs_pser. unfold Rseq_abs. unfold gt_pser.
unfold Rseq_mult. rewrite Rabs_mult.
rewrite pow_1_abs.
rewrite Rabs_Ropp.
rewrite Rabs_pos_eq; [ | apply Rlt_le; apply Rinv_0_lt_compat; INR_solve].
apply Rseq_cv_pos_infty_shift_compat.
eapply Rseq_cv_pos_infty_eq_compat.
2:eapply Rseq_equiv_cv_pos_infty_compat.
2:apply Rseq_equiv_sym.
2:apply harmonic_series_equiv.
intro n; unfold Rseq_shift.
induction n.
simpl; ring.
rewrite tech5.
rewrite IHn.
apply Rseq_subseq_cv_pos_infty_compat with (fun n ⇒ ln (INR n)).
∃ (exist _ _ (extractor_Rseq_iter_S 2)).
unfold extracted, is_extractor.
apply Rseq_ln_cv.
Let sum x := weaksum_r Un 1 ln_minus_cv_radius x.
Lemma ln_minus_taylor_sum :
∀ x, Rabs x < 1 → sum x = (ln (1 - x)).
intros x Hx.
pose (f := comp ln (fct_cte 1 - id)).
pose (df := fun u ⇒ / (1 - u) × (0 - 1)).
assert (Hb : ∀ u, Rmin 0 x ≤ u ≤ Rmax 0 x → -1 < u < 1).
destruct (Rabs_def2 x 1 Hx) as [Hmax Hmin].
intros u [Hul Hur].
unfold Rmin, Rmax in Hul, Hur.
destruct Rle_dec; split; fourier.
pose (Hcv := ln_minus_cv_radius).
pose (g := weaksum_r Un 1 Hcv).
pose (dg := weaksum_r_derive Un 1 Hcv).
destruct Rint_derive2
with (f := f) (a := 0) (b := x) (d := df) as [pr HI].
intros u Hu.
apply derivable_pt_lim_comp.
apply derivable_pt_lim_minus.
apply derivable_pt_lim_const.
apply derivable_pt_lim_id.
apply derivable_pt_lim_ln.
apply Rgt_minus; apply (Hb u Hu).
intros u Hu.
apply continuity_pt_mult.
apply continuity_pt_inv.
apply continuity_pt_minus.
apply continuity_pt_const; unfold constant; auto.
apply derivable_continuous_pt; apply derivable_pt_id.
apply Rgt_not_eq; apply Rgt_minus; apply (Hb u Hu).
apply continuity_pt_minus.
apply continuity_pt_const; unfold constant; auto.
apply continuity_pt_const; unfold constant; auto.
assert (Heq : ∀ u, -1 < u < 1 → dg u = df u).
intros u [Hul Hur]; unfold df, dg.
replace (/ (1 - u) × (0 - 1))
with (- / (1 - u)) by (field; intros Hc; fourier).
assert (Habs : Rabs u < 1).
unfold Rabs; destruct Rcase_abs; fourier.
assert (Hser1 := weaksum_r_derive_sums Un 1 Hcv u Habs).
assert (Hser2 := GP_infinite u Habs).
eapply Rseq_cv_unique.
apply Hser1.
assert (Hrw : - sum_f_R0 (fun n ⇒ 1 × u ^ n) ==
sum_f_R0 (fun n ⇒ An_deriv Un n × u ^ n)).
unfold An_deriv.
unfold Rseq_opp; intros n; induction n.
simpl; unfold Rseq_shift, Rseq_mult; simpl; field.
simpl sum_f_R0 at 1; rewrite Ropp_plus_distr.
rewrite IHn.
simpl; apply Rplus_eq_compat_l; destruct n.
simpl. unfold Rseq_shift, Rseq_mult; simpl; field.
unfold Rseq_shift. unfold Rseq_mult. unfold Un.
field; assert (H := pos_INR (S n)); intros Hc. do 2 rewrite S_INR in Hc.
eapply Rseq_cv_eq_compat; unfold Rseq_pps, Rseq_sum, gt_pser.
erewrite <- Hrw. reflexivity. apply Rseq_cv_opp_compat; apply Hser2.
edestruct Rint_eq_compat
with (f := df) (g := dg) (a := 0) (b := x) as [pr2 HI2].
intros u Hu.
apply Heq; apply Hb; assumption.
∃ pr; apply HI.
destruct Rint_derive2
with (f := g) (a := 0) (b := x) (d := dg) as [pr3 HI3].
intros u Hu.
apply derivable_pt_lim_weaksum_r.
apply Hb in Hu.
destruct Hu as [Hul Hur].
unfold Rabs; destruct Rcase_abs; fourier.
intros u Hu.
assert (Hu2 := Hb u Hu).
destruct Hu2 as [Hul Hur].
assert (Hct : continuity_pt df u).
unfold df.
apply continuity_pt_mult.
apply continuity_pt_inv; [|intros Hc; fourier].
apply continuity_pt_minus.
apply continuity_pt_const; unfold constant; auto.
apply derivable_continuous_pt; apply derivable_pt_id.
apply continuity_pt_const; unfold constant; auto.
eapply continuity_pt_eq_compat; [|apply Hct].
pose (alp1 := u / 2 + / 2).
pose (alp2 := /2 - u / 2).
∃ (Rmin alp1 alp2); split.
apply Rmin_pos_lt.
unfold alp1; fourier.
unfold alp2; fourier.
intros y Hy; symmetry.
apply Heq.
unfold alp1, alp2, R_dist, Rabs, Rmin in ×.
destruct Rcase_abs as [Hc|Hc] in Hy;
destruct Rle_dec as [Hl|Hl] in Hy;
split; try fourier.
apply Rnot_le_lt in Hl; fourier.
assert (Hint : Rint dg 0 x (f x - f 0)).
apply Rint_eq_compat with (f := df).
intros u Hu.
apply Heq; apply Hb; assumption.
∃ pr; assumption.
assert (Heq_fun : g x - g 0 = f x - f 0).
eapply Rint_uniqueness.
∃ pr3; assumption.
replace (ln (1 - x)) with (weaksum_r Un 1 Hcv x).
unfold sum, Hcv; reflexivity.
unfold f, g, comp, fct_cte, id, minus_fct in Heq_fun; hnf in Heq_fun.
replace (1 - 0) with 1 in Heq_fun by ring; rewrite ln_1 in Heq_fun.
rewrite Rminus_0_r in Heq_fun.
replace (weaksum_r Un 1 Hcv 0) with 0 in Heq_fun.
rewrite Rminus_0_r in Heq_fun; assumption.
eapply Rseq_cv_unique.
apply weaksum_r_sums; rewrite Rabs_R0; fourier.
intros eps Heps; ∃ 0%nat; intros n _.
unfold Rseq_pps, gt_pser.
rewrite sum_eq_R0.
rewrite R_dist_eq; assumption.
intros m _; unfold Un; destruct m.
unfold Rseq_mult.
unfold Rseq_mult.
rewrite pow_ne_zero; [field|].
apply not_0_INR; auto.
Lemma ln_minus_taylor :
∀ x, Rabs x < 1 → Pser Un x (ln (1 - x)).
intros x Hx.
rewrite <- ln_minus_taylor_sum; [|assumption].
apply weaksum_r_sums; assumption.
End ln_minus.
Section ln_plus.
Let Un n :=
match n with
| 0 ⇒ 0
| _ ⇒ (- 1) ^ (S n) / (INR n)
Lemma ln_plus_cv_radius : Cv_radius_weak Un 1.
∃ 1; intros m [n Hn]; subst m.
unfold gt_abs_pser, gt_pser, Rseq_abs, Rseq_mult.
rewrite pow1; rewrite Rmult_1_r.
unfold Un; destruct n.
rewrite Rabs_R0; apply Rle_0_1.
assert (Hle : 1 ≤ INR (S n)).
rewrite S_INR.
pattern 1 at 1; rewrite <- Rplus_0_l.
apply Rplus_le_compat_r.
apply pos_INR.
unfold Rdiv; rewrite Rabs_mult.
rewrite pow_1_abs; rewrite Rmult_1_l.
rewrite Rabs_Rinv; [|intros Hc; fourier].
rewrite Rabs_right; [|fourier].
apply (Rmult_le_reg_l (INR (S n))); [fourier|].
rewrite Rinv_r; [fourier|intros Hc; fourier].
Let sum x := weaksum_r Un 1 ln_plus_cv_radius x.
Lemma ln_plus_taylor_sum :
∀ x, Rabs x < 1 → sum x = (ln (1 + x)).
intros x Hx.
assert (Hmx : Rabs (- x) < 1).
rewrite Rabs_Ropp; assumption.
replace (1 + x) with (1 - (- x)) by ring.
eapply trans_eq; [|apply ln_minus_taylor_sum; assumption].
eapply Rseq_cv_unique.
apply weaksum_r_sums; assumption.
eapply Rseq_cv_eq_compat; [|apply weaksum_r_sums; assumption].
intros n; apply sum_eq; intros i Hi; unfold Un.
unfold gt_pser. unfold Rseq_mult.
destruct i; [field|].
replace (- x) with (- 1 × x) by ring.
rewrite Rpow_mult_distr.
repeat rewrite <- tech_pow_Rmult; field.
auto with real.
Lemma ln_plus_taylor :
∀ x, Rabs x < 1 → Pser Un x (ln (1 + x)).
intros x Hx.
rewrite <- ln_plus_taylor_sum; [|assumption].
apply weaksum_r_sums; assumption.
End ln_plus.