Library Coqtail.Reals.Dequa.Dequa_quote

This file provides the user with the tactics needed to quote differential equations as diff_equa terms and use Dequa_facts' main theorem to solve them.
In order to solve an equation E(x):
1. we represent it as couple (env, e) where:
appears only once in env;
E(x) (the only difference being the proofs used to construct sums and nth_derives).
2. we use env in order to normalise the goal using proof-irrelevance theorems (e.g. the fact that sum an r1 is extensionaly equal to sum an r2 so not distinguishing sum an r1 x from sum an r2 x was harmless).

Quoting differential equations

isconst s x yields a boolean value telling you whether s is an expression that does not depends on x or that does. Optimisation: our variable x will always appear as the last argument of the application so we chose a right to left depth-first search algorithm.

Ltac isconst := fun s xmatch constr: s with
  | xconstr: false
  | ?f ?e
    match isconst e x with
      | trueisconst f x
      | falseconstr: false
  | ?yconstr: true

add_var an rho l adds the sequence an and the proof that its radius of convergence is infinite rho to the environment and returns an integer representing it. If an is already in the environment (no matter what the proof looks like), we do not reinsert it. This allows us to create the most general differential equation.

Ltac add_var an rho l :=
  let rec aux an rho l n :=
  match l with
    | List.nilconstr: (n , List.cons (existT _ an rho) List.nil)
    | List.cons (existT _ an _) _constr: (n , l)
    | List.cons ?a ?tl
      match aux an rho tl (S n) with
        | (?m , ?tl')constr: (m , List.cons a tl')
  end in aux an rho l O.

quote_side_equa env s x quotes the side equation s whose variable is x according to the current environment env. If s is a constant with respect to x then we do not look at its structure and represent it as a cst s. If s is a kth derivative then we try to find k and we use the appropriate representation y p k where p is the representation of s in the environment. Otherwise we deconstruct s until we reach either a constant or a function.

Ltac quote_side_equa := fun env s xmatch isconst s x with
  | trueconstr: (env, cst s)
  | false
    match constr: s with

      | Ropp ?s1
        match quote_side_equa env s1 x with
         | (?env1, ?p)constr: (env1, opp p)
      | Rmult ?s1 ?s2
        match isconst s1 x with
          | true
            match quote_side_equa env s2 x with
              | (?env1, ?p)constr: (env1, scal s1 p)
          | false
            match isconst s2 x with
              | true
                match quote_side_equa env s1 x with
                  | (?env1, ?p)constr: (env1, scal s2 p)
              | false
                match quote_side_equa env s1 x with
                  | (?env1, ?p)
                    match quote_side_equa env1 s2 x with
                      | (?env2, ?q)constr: (env2, mult p q)
      | Rminus ?s1 ?s2
        match quote_side_equa env s1 x with
          | (?env1, ?p)
            match quote_side_equa env1 s2 x with
              | (?env2, ?q)constr: (env2, min p q)
      | Rplus ?s1 ?s2
        match quote_side_equa env s1 x with
          | (?env1, ?p)
            match quote_side_equa env1 s2 x with
              | (?env2, ?q)constr: (env2, plus p q)

      | derive (sum ?an ?rho) ?c x
        match add_var an rho env with
          | (?p, ?env')constr: (env', y p 1 1)
      | nth_derive (sum ?an ?rho) ?c x
        match add_var an rho env with
          | (?p, ?env')
            match type of c with
              | D ?k (sum an rho) ⇒ constr: (env', y p k 1)
      | sum ?an ?rho x
        match add_var an rho env with
          | (?p, ?env')constr: (env', y p 0 1)
      | x
        match add_var identity_seq identity_infinite_cv_radius env with
          | (?p, ?env')constr: (env', y p 0 1)
      | derive (sum ?an ?rho) ?c (?a × x) ⇒
        match add_var an rho env with
          | (?p, ?env')constr: (env', y p 1 a)
      | nth_derive (sum ?an ?rho) ?c (?a × x) ⇒
        match add_var an rho env with
          | (?p, ?env')
            match type of c with
              | D ?k (sum an rho) ⇒ constr: (env', y p k a)
      | sum ?an ?rho (?a × x) ⇒
        match add_var an rho env with
          | (?p, ?env')constr: (env', y p 0 a)
If everything fails, we output a 404 constant. Just for testing; should be removed (TODO)
      | _constr: (env, cst 404)

Adhoc lemmas to be moved?

Require Import Rfunction_def Rextensionality.

Lemma nth_derive_sum_PI_O : an (r1 r2 : infinite_cv_radius an),
  nth_derive (sum an r1) (D_infty_Rpser an r1 O) == sum an r2.
intros an r1 r2 ; apply sum_ext ; reflexivity.

Lemma nth_derive_sum_PI_O' : an (r1 r2 : infinite_cv_radius an),
 (fun xnth_derive (sum an r1) (D_infty_Rpser an r1 O) (1 × x)) == sum an r2.
intros an r1 r2 x ; rewrite Rmult_1_l ; apply nth_derive_sum_PI_O.

Lemma nth_derive_sum_PI_1 : an (r1 r2 : infinite_cv_radius an) (pr : derivable (sum an r2)),
  nth_derive (sum an r1) (D_infty_Rpser an r1 1%nat) == derive (sum an r2) pr.
intros an r1 r2 pr ; apply derive_ext, sum_ext ; reflexivity.

Lemma nth_derive_sum_PI_1' : an (r1 r2 : infinite_cv_radius an) (pr : derivable (sum an r2)),
  (fun xnth_derive (sum an r1) (D_infty_Rpser an r1 1%nat) (1 × x)) == derive (sum an r2) pr.
intros an r1 r2 pr x ; rewrite Rmult_1_l ; apply nth_derive_sum_PI_1.

Lemma nth_derive_sum_PI: (n : nat) an (r1 r2 : infinite_cv_radius an) (pr : D n (sum an r2)),
  nth_derive (sum an r1) (D_infty_Rpser an r1 n) == nth_derive (sum an r2) pr.
intros n an r1 r2 pr ; apply nth_derive_ext, sum_ext ; reflexivity.

Lemma nth_derive_sum_PI': (n : nat) an (r1 r2 : infinite_cv_radius an) (pr : D n (sum an r2)),
  (fun xnth_derive (sum an r1) (D_infty_Rpser an r1 n) (1 × x)) == nth_derive (sum an r2) pr.
intros n an r1 r2 pr x ; rewrite Rmult_1_l ; apply nth_derive_sum_PI.

Normalising the goal

Ltac normalize_rec := fun p s x
match p with | (existT _ ?an ?rho) ⇒
match isconst s x with | false
  match constr: s with
    | Ropp ?s1progress (normalize_rec p s1 x)
    | Rplus ?s1 ?s2progress (normalize_rec p s1 x)
    | Rplus ?s1 ?s2progress (normalize_rec p s2 x)
    | Rminus ?s1 ?s2progress (normalize_rec p s1 x)
    | Rminus ?s1 ?s2progress (normalize_rec p s2 x)
    | Rmult ?s1 ?s2
      match isconst s2 x with
        | truereplace (Rmult s1 s2)%R with (Rmult s2 s1)%R by (apply Rmult_comm)
        | falseprogress (normalize_rec p s1 x) ; progress (normalize_rec p s2 x)
        | falseprogress (normalize_rec p s1 x)
        | falseprogress (normalize_rec p s2 x)
    | sum an ?rho2 xreplace (sum an rho2 x)%R with
                        (nth_derive (sum an rho) (D_infty_Rpser an rho O) (1 × x))%R
                        by (apply (nth_derive_sum_PI_O' an rho rho2 x))
    | derive (sum an ?rho2) ?pr xreplace (derive (sum an rho2) pr x)%R with
                        (nth_derive (sum an rho) (D_infty_Rpser an rho 1%nat) (1 × x))%R
                        by (apply (nth_derive_sum_PI_1' an rho rho2 pr x))
    | sum an ?rho2 (?a × x) ⇒ replace (sum an rho2 (a × x))%R with
                        (nth_derive (sum an rho) (D_infty_Rpser an rho O) (a × x))%R
                        by (apply (nth_derive_sum_PI_O an rho rho2 (a × x)))
    | derive (sum an ?rho2) ?pr (?a × x) ⇒ replace (derive (sum an rho2) pr (a × x))%R with
                        (nth_derive (sum an rho) (D_infty_Rpser an rho 1%nat) (a × x))%R
                        by (apply (nth_derive_sum_PI_1 an rho rho2 pr (a × x)))
This case is special: we want to do something iff the nth_derive has not the right shape.
    | nth_derive (sum an rho) (D_infty_Rpser an rho ?n) x
       replace (nth_derive (sum an rho) (D_infty_Rpser an rho n) x)%R with
       (nth_derive (sum an rho) (D_infty_Rpser an rho n) (1 × x))%R
       by (rewrite Rmult_1_l ; reflexivity)
    | nth_derive (sum an ?rho2) ?pr x
      match type of pr with | C ?n (sum an rho2) ⇒
        replace (nth_derive (sum an rho2) pr x)%R with
        (nth_derive (sum an rho) (D_infty_Rpser an rho n) (1 × x))%R
        by (apply nth_derive_sum_PI')
    | nth_derive (sum an rho) (D_infty_Rpser an rho ?n) (?a × x) ⇒ idtac
    | nth_derive (sum an ?rho2) ?pr (?a × x) ⇒
      match type of pr with | C ?n (sum an rho2) ⇒
        replace (nth_derive (sum an rho2) pr (a × x))%R with
        (nth_derive (sum an rho) (D_infty_Rpser an rho n) (a × x))%R
        by (apply nth_derive_sum_PI)

Ltac normalize := fun env s x
match env with
  | List.nilidtac
  | List.cons ?p ?env2repeat (normalize_rec p s x) ; normalize env2 s x

Ltac quote_diff_equa := fun x
match goal with
  | |- ?s1 = ?s2
   match quote_side_equa (@List.nil (sigT infinite_cv_radius)) s1 x with
    | (?env1, ?p)
     match quote_side_equa env1 s2 x with
       | (?env2, ?q)constr: (env2, p :=: q)

Solving an equation

Ltac solve_diff_equa_on := fun x
let H := fresh "H" in
match quote_diff_equa x with
  | (?env, ?p)
    match goal with
      | |- ?s1 = ?s2normalize env s1 x ; normalize env s2 x ;
                        cut ([| p |]N (map (@projT1 _ infinite_cv_radius) env)) ;
                        [intro H ; apply (interp_equa_in_N_R _ _ H x) ; clear H | simpl ;
                        repeat rewrite An_expand_1 ; repeat rewrite An_nth_deriv_0 ;
                        repeat rewrite An_nth_deriv_1 ]

Ltac solve_diff_equa :=
let x := fresh "x" in intro x ; solve_diff_equa_on x.

Test materials

TODO: remove everything in this section as soon as the library is working

Goal an (ra rb : infinite_cv_radius an) x, sum an ra x = sum an rb x.
intros an ra rb ; solve_diff_equa ; reflexivity.

Goal an bn (ra: infinite_cv_radius an) (rb rc: infinite_cv_radius bn)
 (rab: infinite_cv_radius (an + bn + bn)), (u x : R),
  (sum (an + bn + bn)%Rseq rab x = sum bn rb x + sum an ra x + sum bn rc x)%R.
intros an bn ra rb rc rab x.
 solve_diff_equa ; intro n ; unfold Rseq_plus ; ring.